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Salient Signals Lab Report

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The brain happens to be the uttermost important section of your body it controls every little movement, heartbeat, and the blood flow in your body. There are two components of the brain and that goes for both humans and animals too, they are separated into left and right sides and or halves. The left and right side of the brain has two different tasks and characteristics.

The left side of the brain is the logical side of the brain it works with the verbal, digital, symbolic, and mathematical parts of your thinking process and reactions. This side of the brain is the side people benefit in school or at work or even being a teacher, going shopping and many other daily tasks. This is the non creative and musical side. You typically use this side of the brain in more serious moments. Unlike the right side of the brain.

“ The right side of the …show more content…
Salient signals are just important signals that allow an animal to react. Animals reaction time can be measured by the quickness an organism responds to the salient signals received by the brain. Humans are also able to measure their reaction time. But humans tend to have a faster reaction time because we are more aware of everything that is going on.

With humans having such a wide spread of connections to figuring out our surroundings, there are going to be an enormous difference in the identity of human vs. animals. Because that one small thing changes so much about a human and animals brain. It's believed to be one of the reason humans are on top of the food chain, because we are more aware of many things that other animals aren't able to either process as fast or even process correctly. But with that being said, it shows that we have access more access to the experience of prey animals.

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