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David Crockett: The Legend Of Davy

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The Legend of Davy

David Crockett was born in Tennessee, North Carolina on August 17, 1786. His mother was Rebecca Crockett and his father was John Crockett. He was the fifth of nine children.

Somewhere around the beginning of the 1800s, Crockett ran away from home. Some of the reasons include being beaten by his dad and getting into fights at school. While running away he learned survival skills such as camping, building, hunting, and trapping. At around the age of 17, Crockett returned home, went back to school and learned to read!

In 1813, Crockett volunteered as a rifleman in the Creek war. After defeating the indians in the Creek war in 1814, he was served under president Andrew Jackson and elected Lieutenant Colonel in

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