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Davy Crockett Research Paper

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Several people know David Crockett, better known as Davy Crockett, as an American hero, politician, and soldier that died in the battle of the Alamo in March of 1836. He was born on April 17,1786 and grew up in East Tennessee. Before the battle of the Alamo, Davy was just an average individual. He was the 5th child out of 9 and his parents were Rebecca and John Crockett. Growing up, he attended school like every other child. When he was 12, he got into a fight with the school bully and to avoid being punished for his actions, he started to skip school. Then ran away when his father, John, found out. After running away, Davy traveled from town to town and taught himself how to hunt. At the age of 15, he decided to return home where he was welcomed …show more content…
He eventually got tired of Politics and moved to Texas where he became an American hero. During this time, Texas was owned by Mexico. In Texas, he signed an oath that allowed him to vote as well as run for political office there. He began hearing rumors of revolution. He knew he needed to help so he had other men, mostly from Tennessee, join him in the fight. Davy was the commander and they were known as the “Tennessee Mounted Volunteers.” The group went to the Alamo which was defended by over 100 men who were fighting for the independence of Texas from Mexico. One day, the Alamo was attacked by thousands of Mexican soldiers. When the battle of the Alamo was over, there were only Davy Crockett and 5 other men still standing and they were taken as prisoners. These men were attached by the enemy soldiers and Davy was killed in 1836. Davy tried to defend the Alamo but unfortunately failed to fulfill his duties however, he influenced many people to join the militia and fight. Although he had failed, he used everything he had to the best of his ability and with the best of intentions. His story is inspirational and did not end at his death at the Alamo. Legends were told about him while he was still alive, but grew even bigger after he had died. His heroic legend will always be

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