Premium Essay

History of Public Relations


Submitted By buddhafrog
Words 2142
Pages 9
Evolution of PR from its Inception to Today
To discuss the origins of public relations, one must consider what is meant by “public relations.” What is generally termed as public relations today, with greater emphasis on managing communication between publics and the client, began to take shape over the past century. However early methods used by public relation practitioners and the goals for which these methods were utilized are millennia old.
Kings and religious leaders throughout time have used persuasion to reinforce their image of power or to spread a truth deemed critical to the populace. Monuments and statues declaring the insurmountable power of leaders and decrees or writings of early religious leaders were used to persuade people to act in accordance with the creators’ goals or desires. The Renaissance brought increased public relation efforts in politics with the forced creation of the Magna Carta and the practices of political philosophers such as Machiavelli. The 1400’s saw the new world discovered, mercantile trade expand even further, and Gutenberg invent the movable type printing press. These factors stimulated new ways of thinking of oneself in relationship to others and increased the uses and means by which one could capitalize on persuasion.
The usage and study of public relations has generally been led by the United States and can be seen through five stages: The Beginning of PR (1600-1799), Communicating/Initiating (1800-1899), Reacting/Responding (1900-1939), Planning/Preventing (1940-1979), and Professionalism (1980-Present).
(1600-1799, The Beginning of PR) As the colonies of the New World expanded and grew, so did the usage of early forms of public relations. Public relations were used to publicize and sell real estate in the new land. The American Revolution saw press agentry events that were media successes (Boston Tea Party),

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