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Dr. Seuss Book Report

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Im going to talk about Dr Seuss. His real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel and he writes children books. Dr Seuss is an influence to little children to become an author. A lot of children learn rhyming, numbers and many other things from reading his books . His movies have a lot of impact on people too.

Dr Seuss was born in Springfield, Massachusetts on March 2 1904. He graduated from school in 1921 and that was when he was thinking about being an author. So he started his career. Then he graduated college in 1925 and in 1927 he started his career. His first book was created in 1950 and that book was “If I Ran The Zoo”.

Geisel left the city of Oxford without earning a degree of an author .Then he moved back to the united states to countinue his passion.He went to the colloge of where he started his first book and his first skit was published in 6 months at the collage …show more content…
This single sale encouraged Geisel to move from Springfield to New York City.
Later that year, Geisel accepted a job as writer and illustrator at the humor magazine Judge. He felt financially stable enough to marry Helen. His first cartoon for Judge Appeared on October 22, 1927. The Geisels were married on November 29. Geisel's first work signed "Dr. Seuss" was published about six months after he started working there.
These are the different times of when the books came out, If I Ran the Zoo (1950), Horton Hears a Who! (1955), If I Ran the Circus (1956), The Cat in the Hat (1957), How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1957), and Green Eggs and Ham (1960).
The cat in the hat book is his most popular book and that made the biggest inpacts on his life.Thats what made him write all of his other famous books like Horton Hears a Who.That book also inspired his fans to make dr seuss

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