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Assessing Ethical Decision-Making Skills

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Words 1371
Pages 6
John Flores
MGMT 3560-03
8 February 2018
Write-Up #3: Assessing Your Ethical Decision-Making Skills
Describe the trolley case and Dudley and Stephens case.
The trolley case is an ethical dilemma that has stumbled many people, including myself, between choosing what is right or wrong. The scenario starts with you being a conductor of the trolley car. You noticed that the brakes in the trolley has completely failed and there is no way to stop the car. You are going 60 miles per hour and the only thing that is functioning properly in the vehicle is its steering wheel. In the distance you see five men working on the tracks. You feel extremely helpless but then you noticed that there is another track to the right and since you still have a functioning steering wheel, you can change track. But at the end of the track on the right, there is one person. What would you do?
Another version of the trolley case is having you be a bystander while everything is happening. You noticed that a trolley car was about to hit five men working on the train tracks. You are not alone in this situation. You are standing next to an extremely fat man that can hypothetically stop the trolley. You are now in an ethical dilemma of whether to intentionally push the fat man to …show more content…
We all already concluded that he was going to die anyways and he was the only thing that would sustain everyone. Ending his life would also mean that we won’t have to worry about taking care of him and he also wouldn’t have to go through the pain and suffering much longer. An opposing person would argue that if he was able to be kept alive when the rescuers came then he would’ve lived. The problem with this argument is the low probability of rescuers appearing. What if the rescuers never came even after we all ate him? The chances are, if we didn’t kill and sustain ourselves then we would have all

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