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Playing Video Games Rhetorical Analysis

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Introduction – 45 to 60 seconds
Kevin has an assignment coming up that he feels will be very easy for him. He is supposed to write an academic essay on video games.
Kevin is an avid gamer. He logs about 4-6 hours playing video games each day. He plays with other online gamers around the world.
He intends to assert that playing video games can be good for brain development.
He also wants to recommend a certain amount of game playing time per day in order to aid that development.
His claim will be: “Playing video games is beneficial to brain development.” He already anticipates that some parents will be against his claim.
In order to validate it, he will be backing it up with reliable sources. He will be including a list of these sources at the end …show more content…
Just remember to properly support them.

Build on Introduction – 25 to 35 seconds
Kevin really wants to have his paper about video gaming taken seriously. He feels that his topic is controversial.
Because of the controversy, he wants to support his claims with sources that are so reliable, they cannot be disputed.
One of Kevin’s buddies offered to be a reliable source for him. He wanted to share how video gaming has improved his math skills.
Kevin respected his friend’s input, but the opinion of another teenager did not sound very credible.
Kevin knew that the best way to support his claims is by including scientifically backed evidence from credible sources.

Build on Clip B – 25 to 35 seconds
Today Kevin is on the hunt to find sources that validate his claim that video games aid brain development.
He feels that his claim would be best supported by scientific research.
Before he begins his search he wants to exclude less reliable resources like the opinions of his friends or unverifiable websites.
For reliable, credible sources, Kevin is going to access printed books in the library, scientific journals, and educational

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