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My Oppression Journal Analysis

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During the past few months I have gathered together an oppression journal which contains oppressive behavior I have witnessed and challenged and a list of questions I have interest in regarding oppression in which I collected others opinions. I also have done quite a bit of self-reflection as to how these two things have changed my view on the world around me and helped me gain a better understanding of oppression. Oppression can be defined in four categories, unequal power, inequitable distribution of resources, inflexible policies and practices and ethnocentric culture. During my interviews, I talked with Zariah who is a 20 year Mexican American female, Jordyn who is a 27 year old White American female and Justin who is a 24 year old White American male. My questions touched on their belief of whether White Privilege exists, what language a child should be able to take standardized tests in, marriage equality, their opinion on the government and an issue of racism and examples of their own oppressive behavior as well as if they have challenged oppressive behavior they witnessed. With the question of whether or not white privilege exists, Justin said he does believe it exists because a police officer …show more content…
I am excited to see where the path of being fully accepting towards everyone will bring me. I am not placed on this Earth to be judgemental of those whom I cross paths with, I am placed here to be helpful to all those I meet and to be loving and caring, all reasons as to why I want to be an educator. I place a huge emphasis on loving each and everyone, and treating others how you want to be treated. I do not wish for anyone to feel alone because of mistreatment they have received. Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone deserves to feel loved. Everyone deserves to be

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