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Submitted By shatika
Words 2408
Pages 10
Shatika M. Gaines
American Literature
February 25, 2012

Abstract: The aim of this text is to analyze two completely different poets (Phillis
Wheatley and Langston Hughes) who lived in several times, however who shared constant theme in the analyzed works. Our intention is to indicate how society has not developed when it concerns the position of negroes: either as voters or persons.
Through two selected poems and their analyses, it's supposed to indicate how the tones may change, however the theme remains the same.
1. Introduction
Many things may inspire somebody to write down – be it poetry or prose. it has been like this since communication established itself, through generations and throughout time the writings have had a very important role. for some folks writing is also solely how to establish communication, as newspapers and magazines. For some others, it's an inner pleasure to share feelings and concepts, like in journals and theories.
However, for others it is an instrument for additional definite purposes, like awareness regarding movements or a personal catharsis – Sylvia Plath’s poetry, for example.
Therefore, the power of words helped mankind to change the globe.
Bearing in mind this concept that literature may renew and reinforce a belief or an idea, the theme of the analysis supposed in this work comparing Phillis Wheatley’s poem “On Being Brought From Africa To America” to Langston Hughes’ “I, Too, Sing
America” is somewhat known and reassure aspects that are still a part of society nowadays: be it prejudice, racism or oppression.
In order to grasp how their poems differ it's necessary to understand some details about their lives, that has strong

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