...Irenaeus Frederic Baraga was baptized and born June 29, 1797, in a castle at Malavas in a parish of Dobernice in Austrian Dukedom of Carniola. Frederic, as he preferred to be called to that of his first name, was the fourth child out of five to be born of Johann Nepomucene Baraga and Maria Katharine Josefa. Frederic's mother was heir to a vast fortune while Johann was not rich at all, but both of Frederic's parents were pious people, giving him a good foundation of faith. Both of Frederic's parents died while he was only sixteen years old when his mother died. When his father died in 1812, Frederic spent the rest of his childhood with the Catholic family of Dr George Dolinar , a layman and a professor who taught at a local diocesan clerical...
Words: 1841 - Pages: 8