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Frederick Douglas Independence Day Speech


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Running Head: Frederick Douglas Independence Day Speech

Frederick Douglas Independence Day Speech

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Frederick Douglas Independence Day Speech


In the nineteenth century, many communities and cities in America celebrates Independence Day with a solemn reading of the Declaration of Independence, followed by a general direction, either oral or a speech marking the celebration of independence and heritage of the American Revolution founding fathers. On July 5, 1852 "Ladies Society of slavery in Rochester, New York, suggested that Douglas will be the keynote speaker during the celebration of Independence Day. Mr. Douglas denounced the journalists and advocates of the abolition of slavery of African origin as the evil of slavery, which still prevails in South America at the time. He received a sheer support from the Declaration of Independence and established the general principles of American institutions that will work inevitably to depose slavery.

Analytical Summary

In the darkest moments of World War II, on July 4 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt reminded the nation that the democratic freedom which was claimed by the citizens has been established for them. According to him, July 4 is a tonic of hope and inspiration for all the nation. So the people should stand stronga and fight for freedom in this dark hour. People received this message as a breath of security, right to liberty for all people, races, and sects to worship God. Frederick Douglass (1818 - 1895) was born with the condition of slavery in the town of Easton, Maryland. He suffered corporal punishment and humiliation for a very long time. He faced sad moments like separation from his mother and his brothers and finally, the horrors of slavery, common to all victims of that system. I will just comment, therefore,

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