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The Reformation Movement


Submitted By tttina1234
Words 2230
Pages 9
The Reformation Movement

Research Paper

History 117

1. During the 1830s to the 1850s indicated a period when people were beginning to get a sense of reformation regarding American idealism of a democratic and free society. The core goal to end slavery became the central focus to a group known as abolitionists. Formed by a limited amount of men and women both white and black, the abolitionists came most from the North with hardly any from the South. The beliefs of the abolitionists to end slavery in the mid eighteen hundreds, came from not only their understanding of freedom and citizenship which meant equal rights for all persons regardless of their skin color or racial background, but the fact African Americans had not received any rights, and had used slaves as a source of income. Abolitionists indicated “African Americans should be recognized as American citizens and incorporated into the nation”[1], since American society intended for everyone living in the United States to be citizens. Black and white abolitionists who tried to end slavery were William Lloyd Garrison, Theodore Weld, and Frederick Douglas.
2. The movement of the abolition of slavery started to intensify as both northern and southern individuals gathered to voice their hostility towards slavery by using the public sphere. Abolitionists focused mainly on changing the views of the public on slavery by publishing pamphlets, gathering signatures on petitions, speaking out against slavery, and getting involved in other crusades. The other crusades included “restraining the consumption of liquor, alleviating the plight of the blind and insane, women’s rights, labor unionism, and educational reform”[2], all these significant issues needed changing. Antislavery leaders spread their thoughts against slavery through advanced technology and

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