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Historical Perspective Essay


Submitted By websterhome
Words 1825
Pages 8
Europe contains a vast amount of history amongst its landscape and structures. Countless wars have been fought. Revolutions have been made. However, within Europe’s history there are several religious reformations that shaped a majority of modern Europe. These reformations include the Protestant Reformation, the English Reformation, and the Catholic Reformation. The events that lead to these reformations during the 16th century are quite lengthy. During the 14th century, salvation outside of the church was not possible. Thus, religion played a prominent role in the daily lives of people. However, many issues began to rise amongst all things religion. In 1309, internal conflict within the Catholic Church caused for its capital to be moved from Rome to Avignon. This shift of power started a war between France and England that lasted for nearly a century. To add to the turmoil, in 1347 the Black Death took the lives of more than 25 million Europeans within four years. Due to the plague, the church saw that a second pope was needed and established one in Rome. Then again in 1409, a third pope was elected. As three popes were battling for power, ordinary Christians became confused on who to believe. By the time the church resolved its problems, simple teachings of Christ were abandoned, and people saw the need to reform (HistoryTubeTV). Also known as The Reformation, the Protestant Reformation’s main goal was to reform the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. During the 15th century, the Christian church was the most powerful institute in medieval Europe, but the debauchery within the church eventually lead to its declining power and influence. Between 1450 and 1520, a series of popes – called the Renaissance popes – failed to meet the church’s spiritual needs (Duiker and Spielvogel). As popes, to lead spiritually was a given; however, they

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