Premium Essay

Fredrick William and the Frankfurt Parliament


Submitted By jojocambridge
Words 1024
Pages 5
German Unification- Essay

How accurate is it to say that King Fredrick William IV of Prussia was responsible for the failure of the Frankfurt Parliament?

After the 1848 revolutions in Germany, the Frankfurt Parliament was established as a result of Fredrick William IV and other princes conceding constitutions and the Vorparlament taking the first step. The reason why the Parliament failed can be debated from different viewpoints, but there were some main points that ended it. Fredrick William did have a part in the failure of the Parliament, but not as much as the lack of taking action and some other crucial problems.
The Frankfurt parliaments aim was to establish a much stronger central government with greater control of individual states. By the end of May 1848, the Parliament had declared its authority over the states, their parliament and the princes. They now had to draw up a constitution and organise a government to reach their goal. It was hard however, to agree on the type of constitution and pursue as planned. The discussions were ill organised and even the decisions they did make were difficult to carry out because of the lack of an army. The Frankfurt Parliament was unable to collect taxation and therefor had little financial power, so steps were taken to build up a provisional government with little success. They did not give up however, and finally the parliament approved of the Fifty Articles (including freedom of worship and freedom of press) and they were made law.
The lack of popular support was another great issue that lead to the failure of the Parliament. Since the majority of the parliament was middle-class, the working class was often forgotten in their discussions. Could they draw up a national constitution that would be accepted by all Germans? Although many of the participants were middle-class, there were still different aims that

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