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Free-Roaming Dogs In Bogalusa

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A major problem in America is the free-roaming animals. Free-roaming animals can be strays or dogs with owners that are allowed to roam off leash. It is not an uncommon occurrence to see a dog to see a dog trotting into oncoming traffic. This can not only jeapordise the animal’s safety, but a driver’s safety as well. The numerous amount of dogs is getting increasingly worse especially in rural cities like Bogalusa that are without an animal shelter in their parish. Imagine a new and improved city where the streets are safe from an animal suddenly dashing in front of your moving car. Is the right choice to keep going, slam breaks at the expense of a car behind you, or to dangerously swerve? It would be wonderful if this occurrence in Bogalusa …show more content…
Taking steps to improve the problem of free-roaming dogs in Bogalusa will be time consuming, as well as costly, but well worth Bogalusa’s safety. An issue with free-roaming dogs in Bogalusa, is that a fair amount are seen wearing collars. It’s safe to assume that it is likely that these dogs have an owner, but are not being safely contained. Instead, they are allowed to wander wherever they choose. Authors of animal rights,Emily Weiss, Margaret Slater, and Linda Lord wrote an article stating, “According to a 2010 survey of 1,015 pet-owning households in the United States of America(USA),approximately 15% of dog and cat owners lost their pet at least once” (Weiss,Slater,Lord,2012). With that being said, its very possible that some of the free-roaming dogs in Bogalusa simply become lost when they are allowed to wander too far from their homes which add to the number off dogs on …show more content…
This would make a huge impact on the amount of dogs roaming on the streets by giving them a place to go. A shelter could also provide an annual spay and neuter drive to people of Bogalusa that need help affording the surgery for their animals. A way to get this started is first, awareness. The Washing Parish Sherriff Office website makes in known that a shelter is already something that is wanted for the parish (Washington Parish Sherriff Office). If Bogalusa worked together, a shelter is a very possible feat. To help bring awareness, creating a small ad campaign through the making of fliers and posters, would help spread the desire for a shelter. It would also help spread the need for volunteers and funding. According to author Audrey Fox, “Did you know that donors, on average, give twice as much as they would normally give when they donate online”(Fox,2016). In light of that, I think raising money for a Bogalusa shelter would benefit a lot from a Go Fund Me page for people to donate to the cause and help the

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