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Freedom In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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You jump with your empress. Every jump you get higher of the ground. You kiss the 30 ft ceiling above you. But then, the Handicapper General rushes in and ruins your fun by shooting and killing you and your empress. This is what happens to Harrison Bergeron. He wanted freedom, but he had to pay the price of death. In this story, “Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.” Harrison’s parents are watching television and they see Harrison trying to overturn the government. The Handicapper General rushes in and kills him because he wanted to let everyone free. This story shows that freedom is what people want but sometimes it takes risks to get freedom.
One of the biggest themes in Harrison Bergeron is the idea of freedom. On page 3, Hanzel is trying to convince George to take some of the lead balls out of his handicap bag because how tired he always is. “If you could just take a few out when you came home from work…” This shows us that George makes it seem that he is already free, even though he has all the handicaps. He makes it seem like we are …show more content…
All you have to do is ask the enforcer and you will get the freedom you wanted. However, the original claim is correct because people with power want to keep their power. When the Handicapper General saw Harrison wanting to be free and have power, she shot him to stay in power. This shows that she will do anything to keep her power over everyone.
In “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. demonstrates the idea that freedom is what people want but sometimes it takes risks to get freedom. This is important because we all want freedom. Even if we think we don’t have freedom, we do. We have more freedom than anyone else in the world. Some kids in countries have to work for little pay each day. They cannot get an education because of their work. So next time you think you have no freedom because someone said no to something, think of children who have to work hard in fields or

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