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Submitted By zizouessa
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Who Really are the Freemasons?
Throughout modern history, an organization known as the Freemasons has created controversy and raised many questions about the true purpose or purposes behind their activities.
It is said to be the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. It proclaims itself to be a group
“comprised of adult men (18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion, who believe in a supreme being.”(What is Freemasonry?). Furthermore, the Freemasons claim to promote the idea that “each man has responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity.”(What is Freemasonry?). This sounds innocent enough, but does it provide a full picture of Freemasonry? While always a secretive organization, several events in modern times have led to an increased interest in the Freemasonry and suspicions about the actual reasons for their existence.
How did the Freemasonry begin? One theory is that the Freemasons were originally a group of tradesmen who worked as masons. ( A mason is, by dictionary definition, “a person whose trade is building with units of various natural or artificial mineral products, as stones, bricks, cinder blocks, or tiles, usually with the use of mortar or cement as a bonding agent”. ( And according to historical records, the Freemasons began as illegal trade unions of stonemasons in England during the late Middle Ages.
(Ridley,p.6). However, from the 1500’s to the 1700’s, Freemasonry was transformed from an illegal union of stonemasons into an organization of gentlemen that claimed to promote the tolerance of different religions while maintaining a belief in “god”. (Ibid, p. 17). June 24, 1717, was the official date when “organized” Freemasonry began when four London “lodges” – or groups of masons – came together to form a “Grand Lodge” and elected a “Grand Master”.
( By 1730, the Freemasons had over 100 lodges, primarily in England but also one in Spain and one in India. (Ibid).

Another theory is that the Freemasons were created by the Knights Templar, who were “a group formed by the Pope to protect pilgrims going to the holy land. The Templars developed into a military group and young men took great pride in becoming a Knight. Many people in Europe gave huge sums of money in order that their son might be accepted as a Knight. The group became wealthy and King Philip of France desired this wealth in order to carry on his war. In cooperation with the Pope he accused the Templars of heresy and on October 13, 1307 many Templars were arrested, tortured for confessions of heresy, and many died. The King confiscated their property as he had done with the Jews in 1306.” ( Today, there are millions of Freemasons around the world, with lodges in all 50 States of the U.S. and with lodges operating worldwide on 6 of the 7 continents. (www.masonic-lodge-of- How did the Freemasons become such a large global organization? A typical
Freemasonry Website claims that, to become a member of the Masons, one should be an adult male, and as noted, above believe in a supreme being, and be making the choice to join freely.
( Also, one should be sponsored by a current Freemason and a vote of the lodge should be taken to admit the candidate. (Ibid).
Masonic Symbolism and Imagery
The symbol most commonly associated with the Freemasons is the picture of a try square and a compass surrounding the capital letter “G”. While the try square and the compass can be explained as being the tools used by the stonemasons who originally formed the
Freemasons, there are different explanations for the meaning of the “G”. As writes “In many countries the Letter 'G' is taken to mean God, the
Supreme Being, and whilst it is an interpretation held by many Freemasons, it is not a universal view. There are some faiths which have an aversion to depicting the Supreme Being in any physical form whatsoever. For such individuals the Letter 'G' simply cannot stand for the God of their faith.” The website continues that “some take the Letter 'G' to represent Goodness, the essential goodness of Freemasonry and of humankind. Others argue that the letter 'G' stands for
Geometry the basis of the operative craft that gave birth to modern Freemasonry.” (Ibid). Another common symbol used in Masonic imagery is a single eye inside a triangle. A
Masonic website,, notes that “the 'Eye of Providence', sometimes referred to in Masonic ritual as the "All-Seeing Eye" (of Deity) is found in the ritual of most jurisdictions, reminding a Mason that his words and deeds are being judged by the Supreme Architect of the Universe. The pyramid appears in the ritual of some (not all) jurisdictions and represents the great builders of the past.” Both the image of the square/compass/letter ‘G’ and of the “All-Seeing Eye” inside a triangle/pyramid have created controversy. One source of controversy is that there are many who believe that the United States’ One-
Dollar bill is covered with Masonic imagery and symbolism. As you can see on the back of the bill on the left-hand side, there is single eye inside a triangle forming the top of a pyramid. As
Martin Masse writes on, “The Pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye on the
American dollar bill are the ultimate “conspiracy theory” symbol. And there’s a good reason for that. They reveal at the same time who the conspirators are, where they’re from and where they want to go. The fact that the Great Seal is an occult and Masonic is a fact, proven by the writings of the Founding Fathers themselves and masonic documentation.” Also, on the front of the bill to the right of the image of George Washington is the Great Seal of the America. Peter
Bull of writes that “every minute aspect of the Seal is shown to have a direct and cogent Masonic explanation. It is particularly interesting for stressing the great significance attached to gematria and sacred geometry by the Freemasons.” Bull cites Manly
Palmer Hall (The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, The Philosophical Research Society Inc., Los
Angeles, 1988, p. xci.), a 33rd degree Mason (which is the highest degree of Mason), Bull includes the following:
"Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body - unseen and for the most part unknown - and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestleboard setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception." So, direct from a Mason of the highest degree is evidence that the U.S. government’s currency is loaded with Masonic images and symbols. This is, according to James Davis Carter (Masonry in
US History – Background, History and Influence to 1846, The Committee on Masonic Education and Service for the Grand Lodge of Texas A.F.and A. M., Waco, 1955, Ch. 4), in 1955 the
Grand Lodge of Texas gave the following report : "Among those who helped design the Great
Seal of the United States the following are known to have been Masons: Benjamin Franklin,
Thomas Jefferson, William Churchill Houston, and William Barton. Whether they drew heavily upon Freemasonry in this work it is impossible to assert but when an informed Mason examines the Great Seal here is what he sees:” The Grand Lodge of Texas went on to state that the
Masonic symbolism on the One-Dollar bill also includes the representation of the eagle’s wings, with on wing having thirty-two feathers (meant to represent the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and one wing has 33 (meant to represent the 33rd Degree which is attained for outstanding service as a Mason) (Ibid). The Grand Lodge went on to explain even more symbolism, such as the meaning of the number of stars above the eagle’s head in Freemasonry, the meaning of the number of stripes on the shield, the number of the eagle’s tail feathers, and the number of leaves and arrows held in the eagle’s claws. (Ibid).
Freemasonry and a New World Order Aditionally, surrounding the pyramid with the eye on the dollar bill appear the Latin words “annuit coeptis” over the top and “Novus Ordo Ceslorum” underneath. According to
Miriam-Webster’s Dictionary, annuit coeptis translates as “He (god) has approved our beginnings” and novus ordo seclorum as “a new cycle for the ages”. This “new cycle has also been interpreted to mean a “New World Order”. On September 11, 1990 President George H.W.
Bush, the 41st U.S. President and father of the 43rd U.S. President, said in a speech “"[The war in
Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times...a New World Order can emerge." He later, in a January 16, 1991 speech, further explained his idea of this New World Order “where the rule of law… governs the conduct of nations,” and “in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders.” Political scientist and Harvard University professor Joseph Nye wrote in a 1992 article on foreign relations that the 1991 Persian Gulf War was, according to President
Bush, about ‘‘more than one small country; it is a big idea; a New World Order…” (Master &
Commander: From the Shadows (Pt. 1) The phrase “New World Order” has since been used countless times by politicians and the media alike. Christopher Petherick in his December 1, 2008 article “Bush Announces New
World Financial Order” notes that after Bush the Elder’s 1990 speech , “Two decades later, President George W. Bush, speaking before the neo-conservative Manhattan Institute in New
York City on Nov. 13, said: ‘We must strengthen cooperation among the world’s financial authorities. For example, leading nations should better coordinate national laws and regulations.’” Another source, (a website opposed to globalization) lists quotes from many leading businessmen and world leaders openly promoting a system of world government. One quote, by famous American Businessman and Financier
David Rockeller, follows:
“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405.
Freemasonry and the Illuminati
Another secretive group which is commonly believed to be connected to the Freemasons are the Illuminati. usOn May 1, 1776, a Bavarian professor, Adam Weishaupt, established a secret society called the “Order of the Illuminati”. This group is said to have been formed with the goals of abolishing all ordered governments, private property, inheritance, patriotism, the family, and religion and to support the creation of a world government, and inJuly, 1782 the Illuminati become tied to and agree to work together with the
Freemasons at a meeting known as the Congress of Wilhemsbad. (Ibid). But who are the
Illuminati, and do this group exist today? Or have it been intregrated into the larger society of
Freemasonry? While there is no apparently no public information available of a group known today as Illuminati, a scholar on the topic has said that the Illuminati (because of the lack of evidence of their existence) is “just about anything you want it to be” He writes: Some communist commentators viewed the Illuminati as a capitalist plot. Capitalistic, free enterprise writers viewed them as socialists. Those on the Christian right view anyone not of their own specific faith to be satanic and probably Illuminati inspired; the
Roman Catholic Church is definitely Illuminati. Although possibly the Illuminati are actually a front for the Jesuits. Many in the self-styled American milita movement view the US government as being Illuminati controlled. The United Nations must be Illuminati. Islamic fundamentalists view the Illuminati as behind the freemasons, the
New World Order and Western culture...and they're Zionists. Others will contend that the illuminati are extraterrestrials. Currently the label Illuminati is applied indiscriminately to any wealthy, powerful individual or group who is perceived as a threat to the user of the term. The term "Illuminati" is also frequently used by antisemitics and anti-zionists as a code word for Jew.
While the existence of a group today known as the Illuminati is a mystery (at least to the general public), the Freemasons do exist. They advertise in the media, claiming to have goals promoting the common good and benefitting humanity while seeking new members. Masonic websites do not claim to have a goal of a one-world government or a “New World
Order”. The Freemason are, however, a secretive society with levels of membership, or
“degrees”, and so what may be known to higher-level Freemasons may not be known by lower- level members. What we do know is that we live in a world that is becoming increasingly globalized. Multi-national corporations have more power than ever before, and economic and political unions between nations are being formed, such as in the European Union, and there are many who suspect that there may someday be a North American Union formed by the governments of
Canada, the United States and Mexico (searching “North American Union” on the internet brings up many sites devoted to this topic). There are also increasingly close political and economic connections between groups of countries, such as the Union of South American Nations and
ISEAN (the Islands of South East Asia Network). In the process of globalization, there are
“winners” and “losers” and many people fear they or their countries will be the “losers”. There are people who fear a world run by unelected officials who will take away the freedoms of the common people and will make all of the decisions for them. At the same time, there are those who support further integration between countries and see globalization as a path to greater peace and prosperity for the world. As this process continues, time will tell who is right.

1"What is freemasonry?" The Grand Lodge of Masons In Massachusetts. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013. <>
1"What is freemasonry?" The Grand Lodge of Masons In Massachusetts. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013. <>
3 "Questions About Freemasonry" The Grand Lodge of Tennessee Free and Accepted Masons. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013. <>
4 "Mason.", n.d. Web. 7 May 2013. <>
5 Ridley, Jasper. The Freemasons. New York. Arcade publishing. 1999.
6 Ridley, Jasper. The Freemasons. New York. Arcade publishing. 1999.
7"History of Freemasonry." mastermason. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May 2013.<>
8"History of Freemasonry." mastermason. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May 2013.<>
9 "Questions About Freemasonry" The Grand Lodge of Tennessee Free and Accepted Masons. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013. <>
10"Masonic Lodge Locations." Masonic lodge of education. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013.<>
11"What are the requirements to become a Mason?." Ask a free mason. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013.<>
12"What are the requirements to become a Mason?." Ask a free mason. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013.<>
13"The Masonic Letter G." DaRythymDivine. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2013.<>
14"The Masonic Letter G." DaRythymDivine. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2013.<>
15"eye in the pyramid." Masonicinf. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2013.<>
16 Masse, Martin "Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye – Their Occult Meaning and Use in Corporate Logos." lewrockwell. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2013. <>
17 Bull, Peter " Masonic Symbolism: The Great Seal of America." masoncode. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2013. <>
18 Carter, James " Masonic Symbolism: The Great Seal of America." masoncode. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2013. <>
19 Grand Lodge of Texas" Masonic Symbolism: The Great Seal of America." masoncode. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2013. <>
20 " annuit coeptis: The Great Seal of America." merriam-webste. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. <>
21 " New World Order." theforbiddenknowledge. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. <>
22 " Bush’s new World Order." bibliotecapleyades. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. <>
23 " Master & Commander: From the Shadows (Pt. 1) ." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013. <> 5:50
24 Petherick, Christopher" Bush Announces New World Financial Order americanfreepress. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013. <>
25 "The New World Order: Paranoia Or Reality? " alt-market. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2013. <>

26 "A history of the New World Order — Part I" michaeljournal. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2013. <>
27 "What is the Illuminati? " N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2013. <>


Who Really are the Freemasons?

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A Lesson on Life

...A Teacher's Life Lessons Using A Jar And Some Golf Balls This is a very important life lesson that a philosophy teacher taught his students. The teacher cleared off his desk and placed on top of it a few items. One of the items was an empty mason jar. He proceeded to fill up the jar with golf balls until he could fit no more. He looked at the classroom and asked his students if they agree that the jar is full. Every student agreed that the jar was indeed full. The teacher then picked up a box of small pebbles and poured them into the jar with the golf balls. The pebbles filled all of the openings in between the golf balls. He asked the students if the jar was full. Once again, they agreed. Now the teacher picked up a bag of sand and poured it into the mason jar. The sand filled in all of the empty space left between the golf balls and pebbles. He asked the class again if the jar was full. The students agreed it was technically full. Finally, the teacher pulled out two beers from under his desk and poured both of them into the jar filling the empty space between the sand. Now the students began to laugh wondering how far this was going. The teacher waited until the laughter stopped. "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life," he started. "The golf balls represent the important things. Your family, children, health, friends, and passions. If everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles represent the other...

Words: 451 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Free Mason Research Paper

...use that knowledge for the embetterment of mankind. This paper will go to show that these secret societies have a great impact in the societies and nations that they are a part of, the Free Masons are no exception. The Free Masons have had and most likely still have the power to influence America. Americans love a good mystery and secret societies provide that. What greater secret society mystery can Americans drool over than Free Masons? Freemasonry has long been rumored to have a fondness for occult cyphers and symbols while its once-secretive membership includes presidents from George Washington to Franklin Roosevelt. The Freemasons are the longest-lasting secret society (that the general population is aware of) still in existence in America. Freemasonry’s principles of liberty and religious toleration was the first fraternity that helped spread such ideals through the American colonies. How or when the Masonic Fraternity was formed is not spoken of with certainty. Although it is widely accepted among Masonic scholars that Freemasonry has origins in stonemasons' guilds all through the Middle Ages based on the fact that this time period’s language and symbols are used in the rituals of the fraternity. 1390 was the first documented reference to Masons. This document was the Regius Poem, as a copy of an earlier work. The official formation of the society is said to be the union of several smaller societies, and the first "lodge" was founded in London in 1717, but at that time...

Words: 611 - Pages: 3