...character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion, who believe in a supreme being.”(What is Freemasonry?). Furthermore, the Freemasons claim to promote the idea that “each man has responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity.”(What is Freemasonry?). This sounds innocent enough, but does it provide a full picture of Freemasonry? While always a secretive organization, several events in modern times have led to an increased interest in the Freemasonry and suspicions about the actual reasons for their existence. How did the Freemasonry begin? One theory is that the Freemasons were originally a group of tradesmen who worked as masons. (www.grandlodge-tn.org) A mason is, by dictionary definition, “a person whose trade is building with units of various natural or artificial mineral products, as stones, bricks, cinder blocks, or tiles, usually with the use of mortar or cement as a bonding agent”. (www.dictionary.com). And according to historical records, the Freemasons began as illegal trade unions of stonemasons in England during the late Middle Ages. (Ridley,p.6). However, from the 1500’s to the 1700’s, Freemasonry was transformed from an illegal union of stonemasons into an organization of gentlemen that claimed to promote the tolerance of different religions while maintaining a belief in “god”. (Ibid, p. 17). June 24, 1717, was the official date when “organized”...
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...Experimenting the effect of different price promotion approaches Contact: kampusmoney at g mail dot com for quality custom papers delivered on time Institutional affiliation There are several ways in which product promotion can be carried out. An experiment will be carried out with the aim of ascertaining whether there is a difference in the extent to which different product promotion approaches influence sales. To this end, therefore, the independent variables will be price promotion using a 50 cents-off coupon, and price promotion using a buy one, get one free coupon. The price promotions will be carried out at different periods in time. The 50 cents-off coupon will be offered in the month of November, during the last two weeks. In the first two weeks, no price promotion will be offered. The lack of price promotion will act as a control condition. Control conditions facilitate the drawing of inferences regarding the effect of the experimental treatment (Zikmund, Babin, Carr & Griffin, 2013). The other price promotion; the buy one, get one free coupon, will be conducted in the month of December. The promotion will be preceded by 2 weeks of sales without promotions being carried out. The two weeks will be the weeks at the start of the month. Production and price promotion activities have an influence on consumer purchase decisions. They affect the consumer purchase decisions by reducing the real price of the commodities in question. Thus...
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...Health insurance is a luxury. This is something that has become apparent listening to the ongoing debate about healthcare reform. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2013 there were 44.3 million uninsured people under age 65 in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how these 44.3 million are able to access healthcare and how there lack of access is detrimental to everyone. The Uninsured Two-thirds of people who are uninsured are between the ages of 18-65, have a job and more than half of these older adults have an increased risk of serious health problems. Being uninsured breaks all gender and ethnicity barriers and affects mainly the poor or near poor (Mason, Leavitt & Chaffee, 2014). Uninsured people have less access to preventative services and have more trouble finding a doctor or finding one that will take them as a new patient than those with public or private insurance (Gindi, Kirzinger & Cohen, 2012). When they do seek out medical attention many times it is in an emergency room and there illness may be in more advanced stages which means that there treatment will be more expensive. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) the average ER visit can cost around $1500, the subsequent bill for these visits can be difficult to pay when that is more than you make in a month. These unpaid costs are absorbed by hospitals and then portions are passed on to insured patients increasing costs for the 270...
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...Patient Safety Policy Paper Metropolitan State University NURS-605-50 Spring 2012 Introduction Patient safety is a primary goal for all health care workers, especially Registered Nurses who are the primary care givers for many patients. To promote safety and well-being it is important to provide the best possible care to all patients without spreading hospital acquired infections to patients that were previously free from certain diseases. Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) are a common occurrence within health care settings and can cause many complications, increasing length of stay, and could even cause death. The goal of this paper is to provide a policy to make changes to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. The ICU has struggled with preventing and eliminating the spread of CDI from patient to patient. The unit has implemented many changes to increase hand hygiene, improve cleaning techniques of equipment, and increase staff knowledge and awareness without improvement of the CDI rates. By reviewing policies provided by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) there can be changes made to improve the CDI rates at Mercy Hospital. Policy changes can be implemented and staff can be educated on proper hygiene techniques and other policies that the AHRQ will provide. The ultimate goal is to eliminate hospital acquired CDI’s and with the policy changes this can be a possibility. Policy Implementation ...
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...Performance Measurement and Reward Systems Spring 2012 Final Examination (Take Home) due by noon EST 05/09/12 This is your final examination. Where appropriate, cite source(s) used to support your opinions and/or arguments. Papers will be evaluated on the quality of work. The entire exam should be completed on approximately 7-13 pages. The final paper is to be an individual effort -- absolutely no collaboration with anyone in or outside our class. Any breach of this requirement will result in a zero grade for this exam and a recommendation that the affected student(s) be dropped from the program. Also citations, where appropriate, are encouraged. Good luck! ********************************************************************************* Part One.Thirty Points. Use the scenario below to answer the following. 1. 3 points. Identify the problem? Provide a brief summary to justify your conclusion. This goes beyond just a late package but has implicit impacts on the lives of the families involved as well as future generations whose parents may have benefited from receiving the prestigious Fulbright scholarship award. The problem rest on the fact the system has been in existence for years and no one within the organization has thought of any reasons to change the current system. 2. 2 points. What is the desired performance? Organizations with motivated employees offering great services to customers are likely to be functioning ahead of the competition, even if the...
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...Following APA 6th Edition Formatting Style Johanna P. Bishop Wilmington University The Basics of Formatting a Paper in APA 6th ed. Style Introduction In order for a paper to be perfectly formatted in accordance to APA style requirements, the paper must follow certain conventions. The basic conventions include making sure that specific rules are followed regarding margins, spacing, in-text citations and formatting the cover and reference pages. Understanding what these conventions are and how to follow them will help students to properly format their papers in APA style. This paper has been formatted in APA style so that it serves as an example of what properly formatted APA style papers look like. Basic APA Conventions The most basic convention in following APA formatting is to use a one inch margin all around for the paper. Students should pay attention to what version of Microsoft office they use as the older version has set the left and right default margins to 1.25 inches while the top and bottom margins are set to one inch. That means students will have to manually adjust the margins to one inch all around. Newer versions of Microsoft Word have set the default margins to one inch all around. Preferred Font Another basic element of APA style papers is the font used. The preferred font style is Times Roman 12 point font. Since the default font for MS Word 2007 is Calibri, students will need to reset the default font on MS Word 2007. Students using older versions...
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...Source Investigator Worksheet An important part of being an historian is acting as a detective and investigating your sources before using them in a paper. In this activity, you are the detective! To use a source effectively, you will need to understand everything you can about it, including author, the relation of the author to the subject he or she is writing about, what the source says, and so on. Answering these questions below is an important first step in writing your final paper! Part I: Primary Source Investigation! Instructions: Choose one of your primary sources and answer the questions below in your own words. With the exception of Question 1, all answers should be at least 100 words. 1. What is the name of your source and when was it produced? The Nashville Daily Union published : 2/17/1863 2. Who was the author/creator of this document and how is the author related to the event he/she is writing about? There is no specific person listed as the writer in this article only that is was publish by an Association of Printers, at the date of the piece being publish they writers seemed to cover everything from court proceedings to what was delivered to the local general store for purchase. They even went so far as to publish the names of police officers who working what hours, writing about military resolutions also publishing about sales on flour for cooking or baking and about new laws being passed. So for me it seems they are a well- rounded...
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...OVERDRAFT G. Michael Flores, Bretton Woods, Inc. Todd J. Zywicki, George Mason University School of Law George Mason University Law and Economics Research Paper Series 14-45 This paper is available on the Social Science Research Network at http://ssrn.com/abstract=2499716 Commentary: CFPB Report Data Point: Checking Account Overdraft September 2014 G. Michael Flores and Todd J. Zywicki About the Authors G. Michael Flores is CEO of Bretton Woods, Inc. (www.bretton-woods.com) and is a researcher and business adviser who has studied financial services companies and consumer credit in general for over 30 years, with a particular focus on “alternative” credit programs for the last 10 years. Since 1995 he has been actively involved in advising banks seeking to establish their overdraft programs. He has written and published research papers on consumer credit in the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as papers on payments, including general-purpose reloadable and payroll prepaid cards. Based on these studies, he has testified before several House and Senate subcommittees and spoken to industry groups. He has also authored articles for industry publications. He is a faculty member with Pacific Coast Banking School at the University of Washington in Seattle. Todd J. Zywicki is George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law and a senior scholar with the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He is the author of over 70 articles in law reviews and...
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...“Integrated marketing: advertising and politics” Massey University Masters of Business Administration Marketing Unit Presented July 2013 Mike Richards Student ID 13154066 CONTENTS CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ 2 1. OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS AND THE APPLICATION OF ADVERTISING THEORY TO POLITICS .............................................................................................................................. 5 A. B. C. D. E. 3. 4. Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications (Shrimp & Andrews) 2013 .............................................................. 5 Advertising Theory (edited by Shelly Rodgers & Esther Thorson) 2012 .................. 6 Advertising and Society – Controversies and Consequences (edited by Carol J. Pardun) 2009............................................................................................................... 7 Advertising and the Market Orientation of Political Parties Contesting the 1999 and 2002 New Zealand Election Campaigns. ..................................................................... 7 Political Campaign Communication Principles & Practises (Trent and Friedenberg 2008) ..................................................................
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...Global business drivers: Aligning information technology to global business strategy by B. Ives S. L. Jarvenpaa R. O. Mason The alignment of worldwide computer-based information systems and integrated business strategies is critical to the success of multinational firms in a highly competitive global market. In this paper, information technology (lIT) solutions are explored that drive firms toward making economic decisions based on worldwide distributed knowledge. These solutions focus on a number of entities (or global business drivers) that identify where a firm can benefit most from the management and application of the technology. A variety of approaches for overcoming the barriers and risks of applying this technology are also discussed. n the forefront of the transition of a firm to a globally coordinated and managed organization is information technology. Information technology can drive the change, be harnessed to it, or rise up as a severe impediment. The chief executive of a major corporation has suggested that "globalization is no longer an objective but an imperative, as markets and geographical barriers become increasingly blurred and even irrelevant." 1 This paper explores how the application of information technology to the transition process can result in successful firms in a global market. Information technology (1fT) can drive a firm toward globalization in a number of ways. Using computer and communications technologies, IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 32...
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...(Groupon, 2013) 9 3.5.2 Groupon Merchant Tools (Groupon, 2013) 9 3.5.3 Groupon Resources (Groupon, 2013) 10 3.5.4 Groupon Socials Innovation (Groupon, 2013) 10 3.6 Groupon’s Direct Competitors 11 4. Suggestion for Groupon’s Competitive Advantage 12 5. Conclusion 13 Works Cited 14 List of Figure Figure 1 Atonomy of Groupon Deal 5 Figure 2 Comparision of Service Offered 6 Figure 3 Groupon Customer Satisfaction Rank 7 Figure 4 Comparison of Revenue 10 Abstract In this paper I am going to briefly explain on an exploding new and fast growing retail model called Groupon. Groupon is a type of Electronic Commerce; it is believed that e-commerce or E-Retailing will surpass brick and mortars format as the method of choice for consumer near future and it’s already proven in some country. Most of my finding is from electronic source which I have cited it accordingly. It is difficult to obtain reports and details about Malaysian Groupon so most of the reference in this paper are summarised from global reports, trends and researched on Groupon worldwide. 1. Introduction Electronic commerce or commonly known as E-Commerce; Is where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. E-Commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of business transactions. E-Commerce...
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...Communication, University of Pennsylvania, 1992-1993 Bourbon, Thomas. (1994) Discipline at Home and at School: New York: Brandt William Glasser’s Choice Theory is the theory that we all choose how to behave at any time, and cannot control anyone’s behavior but our own. Glasser also believed in the importance of classroom meetings that are held for communication and solving problems. Thomas Bourbon was one of the few scientists in the world who conducted experimental studies, wrote working computer models to test perceptual control theory (PCT), and published the results in scientific journals. After receiving a grant, he joined William Brandt in 1995 to research Responsible Thinking Process (RTP) and to help build more integrity into the process. Covey, S. (1989). The 7 habits of highly effective people. New York, NY: Free Press. Covey argues against what he calls "The Personality Ethic", something he sees as customary in many modern self-help books. He promotes what he labels "The Character Ethic": aligning one’s values with so-called "universal and timeless" principles. Covey adamantly refuses to conflate principles and values; he sees principles as external natural laws, while values remain internal and subjective. Covey proclaims that values govern people's behavior, but principles ultimately determine the consequences. Stephen...
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...this assignment and how continues speaking and where place still talk in their daily life. And another article research “Socio-demographic, behavioral, functional and anthropometric data for groups of elderly Quechua Indians of Peru were used to investigate the effects of gender and lifestyle patterns on nutritional status” (Fortunato & Drusini, 2005, P. 141). Fortunato...
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...Marketing Research Information Resources: Behavior Scan Jocelyn Garcia Keiser University MBA 531 Dr. Seay 3/14/12 Introduction Once a marketing plan has been created and instituted, marketing research must obtain information that helps in the decision making. It may be best to observe the five purposes of the research process. This paper will explore J.D. Power and Associates a company that provides a quantitative research on several syndicated data providers. J.D. Power and Associates has many links on its website that makes it easy to use and view ratings and reviews about the automobile industries. The marketing research process at J.D. Power and Associate follows a specific process that clarifies the meaning of its existence. These steps are as follows: purpose of the research, plan of research, performance of the research, processing of research data, and preparation of research report (Peter & Donnelly, 2010. p. 31). Purpose of Research The first step in the marketing research process involves deciding why research is needed. At J.D. Power and Associates the research informs automotive consumers. Many people in the United States have a car and it is crucial before buying a car to find out if it is worth buying. It is not easy to shop for cars especially for consumers who do not know much about cars. The use of a car and knowing the mechanics of the vehicles is not knowledgeable for many. J.D. Power and Associates will attract people’s attention...
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...(Director). (2008). Consuming kids [Documentary]. United States of America: Media Education Foundation. Calvert, S. L. (2008). Children as Consumers: Advertising and Marketing. The Future of Children, 18(1), 205-225. Retrieved July 24, 2014, from the ProQuest Sociology database. Mason, P. (2012). Marketing to children: implications for obesity. Nutrition Bulletin, 37(1), 86- 91. Retrieved July 25, 2014, from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.uproxy.library.dc- uoit.ca/doi/10.1111/j.1467-3010.2011.01951.x/full Seiders, K., & Petty, R. D. (2007). Taming the Obesity Beast: Children, Marketing, and Public Policy Considerations. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 236-242. Retrieved July 24, 2014, from http://www.jstor.org.uproxy.library.dcuoit.ca/stable/30000798?seq=4 Tepperman, L., Albanese, P., & Curtis, J. E. (2013). Principles of sociology: Canadian perspectives (3rd ed.). Don Mills: Oxford University...
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