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Aging In Peru

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Andeans Quechua language and Nutrition education to aging in Peru
Historically, from the time when Spain citizens arrived in Peru and change the Inca Empire, the Quechua speaking, suffering marginalization in Peruvian society (Sarali, 2005, p.47). This article explain clearly about this language and all happened since five centuries. Quechua is the theme in this assignment and how continues speaking and where place still talk in their daily life. And another article research “Socio-demographic, behavioral, functional and anthropometric data for groups of elderly Quechua Indians of Peru were used to investigate the effects of gender and lifestyle patterns on nutritional status” (Fortunato & Drusini, 2005, P. 141). Fortunato …show more content…
106). Andean Peruvian village the life continue in adulthood, they don’t know about retirement because for them the quiet time is when they cannot do anything. One of the article, how will be to aging population on 2050 approximately, “the aged 60 and over is expected to rise combination of these factors will lead to an increase of the median age of the population from 22.7 years in 2000 to 39.9 in 2050 (United Nations Population Division, 2003), revealing the rapidity and magnitude of aging in the Peruvian population” (Saroli, 2005, p. 141). At this time, no exist any information if the older Peruvians people have a guide for nutritional status, even so, exist organization among elderly people, health and nutrition (Fortunato & Drusine, 2005, p. …show more content…
Specially en Peru, the government in Peru has to involve to all country to save the traditions because especially respect the elderly people who are free teacher for new generation, in multiple task, such a tradition, food, customs, beliefs and values. Mason said “Both positive mood and long-term happiness have been related to many positive outcomes, such as sociability, likeability and cooperation, physical well-being and coping, problem solving, creativity and general overall success” (2011, p.

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