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Surprise Attack Research Paper

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Did the Military Situation Justify the Surprise Attack?
This question has long been a topic of debate. One side believes this was the only way to end the war. After the bloody battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the United States needed the one last thing to push Japan to the point of surrender. Dropping the atomic bomb did cause mass chaos, casualties, and destruction to the Japanese Empire but it was necessary for the United States’ victory. In 1945, United States policymakers set a primary goal. The goal was to end the war with Japan as quickly as possible with minimum number of casualties. Even though the atom bombs caused over 140,000 deaths it saved many American lives by avoiding an invasion of Japan. The other side of the debate suggests that Japan’s navy was …show more content…
Many people involved with the Manhattan Project questioned their morals and ethics when building a weapon that would be used in a surprise attack on a city. Historians believe that a showcase and threat of a bomb would be enough to get Japan to surrender. Even if that did not work, they believe that the bomb could be dropped in a location where casualties would be low but the power of the bomb could be verified. Even with all of these thoughts from highly educated scientists, General Groves and the military never gave these ideas much thought. He did not even mention it to President Truman. Although, there was one demonstration it did not help much. A few days before the bombings the United States dropped leaflets warning cities to evacuate and urge the government to surrender. According to historical documents, the leaflets stated “We are (United States) in possession of the most destructive explosive ever devised by man.” With that warning, not many Japanese evacuated. So instead of chancing anymore loss of American life, the United States decided to drop the atom

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