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Friar Lawrence Killed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The prince says that they are all punished because Romeo and Juliet have died. Their death and the death of others like Mercutio and Tybalt will be grasped by the houses of Capulet, Montague, and Paris, as well as Prince Escalus, others such as the Nurse and Friar Laurence have been closely involved. While the Nurse will probably be acquitted for not telling the Capulets that Juliet has married Romeo, she is guilty of not talking to them in order to avoid Juliet's problem over the anticipation of being forced to marry Paris. However, Friar Laurence has broken the law as he has been in the catacombs past the curfew; in addition, he gave Juliet a potion which could have killed her. At the least, it has put her into the tomb, and it has deceived

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