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Miami Heat Research Paper

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Miami Heat
It’s still strange to look at the Miami Heat roster and not see Dwyane Wade’s name on it, but nonetheless, Wade has moved on from the Heat and vice-versa.
Despite the loss of the face of the franchise, the Heat is unarguably a better team. Wade’s departure will allow Goran Dragic to play a game that will resemble much more of his days in Phoenix rather than his time in Miami. Dragic thrives with the ball in his hand, something that will happen on a much more frequent basis without the ball-dominant Wade on the court.
Hassan Whiteside is arguably one of the most talented centers in the league. His per 36 numbers are among the best in terms of pure production. He’s a prolific shot blockers and tremendous finisher at the rim. He chose Miami as his preferred …show more content…
Charlotte Hornets
The Hornets had a disappointing offseason losing Jeremy Lin and Al Jefferson, while failing to replace them with any forms of competent NBA players. Sure, they re-signed Nicolas Batum, but other than that, they didn’t acquire any player of significance. The Hornets are a worse team now than when the season ended.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m a huge fan of Kemba Walker’s game, but a ball-dominate, untraditional point guard can only take a team so far. Walker is an inconsistent shooter, and as the team’s best player, the Hornets have a limited ceiling.
Batum has a unique skill set, one in which he is above-average at almost every aspect of the game, but isn’t exceptionally talented at any one aspect.
Roy Hibbert, the team’s new center, is a shell of his old self, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
The team’s failure to find a replacement for Jeremy Lin, who often carried them at times during the playoffs, will be detrimental to the team’s chances at returning to the

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