...to voice genuine concerns about unprofessional conduct in breach of this Code. This policy should be read in conjunction with Bharti'sCode of Conduct. This policy aims to: * Provide an independent forum by means of the Office of the Ombudsperson, for employees and external stakeholders of the company to raise concerns and complaints about improper practices which are in breach of the Bharti Code of Conduct. * Put in place a fair and equitable inquiry process and redressal mechanism * Reassure employees and other stakeholders raising the concerns, that each one will be fully protected against possible reprisals, intimidation, coercive action, dismissal, demotion or victimization when a serious and genuine concern of apparent unprofessional conduct has been made in good faith Scope of policy * This policy is applicable to all employees of the Bharti Group, and to all other stakeholders interacting with the Bharti Group. It allows those individual employees and other stakeholders to raise concerns, issues or information of acts or conduct that are in breach of the company's Code of Conduct. This policy provides advice and guidance on the procedures to be followed. who can raise concerns? * Any employee - be it full-time, part-time or associate employee - or external stakeholder (e.g. strategic partners, vendors, suppliers, contractors) who observes unprofessional behaviour can approach the Ombudsperson to voice his or her concerns. The complainant...
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...------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Jones’s House of Care ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Jones’s House of Care 21st Mortgage Corp 620 Market Street Knoxville, Tn. 37902 [Cite your source here.] 21st Mortgage Corp 620 Market Street Knoxville, Tn. 37902 [Cite your source here.] 02/18/2015 Jones’s House of Care 2662 NW 6th Drive Jennings, Fla 32053 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to verify that Artie Johnson has worked for our company since June 2014. She is presently a care taker in our elder department. Her current salary is $1,835.20 a month. She also earned vacation, holidays, overtime, and bonus pay with generous health and life insurance benefits. The outlook for her continued employment with us is very good and we hope to have her with our company for many years to come. If you have any questions regarding her employment situation, please feel free to contact us at the number listed below. 386-938-2032 sincerely Assistance Manager Racheal Strickland Racheal Stickland Sincerely She is presently a care taker in our elder department. Her current salary is $1,835.20 a month. She also earned vacation, holidays, overtime, and bonus pay with generous health and life insurance benefits. The outlook for her continued employment with us is very good and we hope to have her with our company for many years to come. If you have...
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...It is an innovative program that provides respite and recreational services in a community based environment for the academic school year and prepares high school students with disabilities to live and work in the community, as independently as possible. Schenectady ARC also has a transportation service that is provided to over 500 individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. They provide full service transportation to and from the destinations needed. The transportation consists of cars, vans and buses. Their transit company provides quality service, safety, and is compliance with the existing ADA regulations to individuals with disabilities in a most convenient and comfortable...
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... Zappos corporation is so knowledge and confident in their product line that their motto state the policy of easy return without any hassles. In the event that your merchandise that you order on-line does not exceeds your exceptional Zappos is willing to return the item(s) at no additional charge to the customer. Zappos continues the quest for exemplarily customer service. Mr. Nick Swinmurn founded Zappos after a frustrating day at the mall looking for shoes that he never found. The shoes he found were either too big, too small, or the wrong color and material. The frustrations lead Mr. Swinmurn to start a shoe website that offered the best selection and best service. Tony Hsieh was an early investor whom soon accepted the role of the CEO of Zappos whom sold to Microsoft in 1998. Suggest two (2) actions that other...
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...procedures, because the accounting department recorded revenue for these earlier in order to meet the target revenue, due to pressure from Campbell the director of sales division. In this paper I am going to discusses the legal activities, criteria of SOX act, ethical activities, and decide on the best nest step decision. Legal Activities The two shipments made up about 150,000 in revenue and were the main concern for the internal auditor. In the first shipment United ship the product on the 31st of December even though the company, Allen did not want it delivered before the 1st of February due to not needing it until the 1st of March. In the second shipment, the company shipped a partial shipment to Bilco Corporation on the 30th of December even though they stated partial shipments would not be accepted and the schedule full shipment should of not been shipped till the 1st of February. According to State and Federal law none of the activities actually seemed to violate or break any laws. In both cases, the company did not ship to another place or offered a full return but just sent the product to the customer early. Even though the...
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...of the person with whom you correspond. The rules for the mechanical execution of a letter are few; understanding and observing the rules already considered for composition, the writer has only to study perfect naturalness of expression, to write a letter well. [pic][pic] Variously missing from their letters are headings, dates, inside addresses, salutations and complimentary closings. And the forms are disheveled. Frankly, in terms of form, often I am unable to distinguish any discernible differences between letters written by students, their teachers and by many other professionals. Apparently, for many, the art of writing a standard business letter has been lost. What are considered essential elements for a standard business letter. Know the format. Whatever the content of your letter, visually it should resemble the picture below. Note that business letters are composed in common fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman, and that they are justified to the left. Most employ block paragraphing - i.e., to start a new paragraph, hit "return" twice and don't use an indent. [pic] [pic] Letterhead. Include the sender's company and the company address; if you're self-employed or an independent contractor, add your name either in place of the company name or on top of it. If your company has pre-designed letterhead, use this; otherwise, simply typing the information at the top of a blank sheet will suffice. Date. Writing out the full date is the more professional...
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...01/20/13 Department of Homeland Security/USCIS 2901 Metro Drive Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55425 To Whom It May Concern: I am a student requesting reinstatement to F-1 student status. I plan to enroll at Penn Valley Community College, Kansas City Missouri for full-time study during the Spring 2013 semester. I realize that I have failed to maintain my full-time F-1 student status and would like to explain the circumstances, beyond my control, which prevented me from enrolling in full 12 credit hours of undergraduate program at Park University last semester. Due to extreme sickness resulted from not being used to the weather changing, I had been absent from class longer than 2 weeks and wasn’t able to contact the teacher which I deeply regret. This had conflicted with school policy so I was administrative withdrew from classes. I wasn’t aware of the seriousness of this situation after I returned from school and being told that I was no longer in my registered classes. I had contacted the international office at my school then to get this problem resolved but it was too late so I couldn’t sig n up for new classes to replace the classes which were missing. I tried to apply for admission at Penn Valley Community College and got accepted and this letter was required to complete the admission process. I’d like to state that I was not being out of status for more than 5 months and I file this reinstatement letter as soon as possible under these circumstances and failure...
Words: 435 - Pages: 2
...To whom it may concern: Please accept this letter as appeal to insurance decisions to deny coverage for the DOC Band Treatment. It is my understanding that coverage For DOC Band treatment has been denied, based on your decision that the care was not correctly documented by provider. was born at 36 weeks Vaginal delivery with vacuum assistant to 17 year old mother with that noted it was noticed within the very early months of his life, there was a noticeable flattening of the of his head. We as his Pediatrician recommended a rigorous campaign of repositioning her frequently during the day and night. This was diligently done until was six months of age. At this time, we as his pediatrician recognized that acceptable and appropriate treatment was cranial orthosis since repositioning was not having any effect. Another by product of the developmental abnormality is the development of torticollis as he turns his head from side to side; He cannot get a full range of motion without using and turning his shoulder along with his head. Due to the insurance issues that the patient was having during the time, he was referred out but was unable to pay for therapy out of pocket. Accordingly, a variety of neck stretch exercises were asked to be done with him up to five time a day in the attempt to help him develop an appropriate range of motion. When doing tummy time he was to be called by name. He can now turn his head to the side without having to turn his body or shoulders...
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...with Christian morality. He questioned himself many time “who am I” and “who are men?” he was a sinner and lived a very disorderly life. For example, as a child he was not baptized, he was not initiated in the Christian formation and he became afraid to sin after receiving the sacrament. This kept enriching his Manichean beliefs, he was “seduced and he seduced others, deceived and deceiving by various desires” and his doubts about encountering the truth kept increasing. He was too proud, too full of vanities, he had affairs with many women, and even had a son, but he realizes that his vision that happiness cannot be found in worldly pleasures but in the search for truth beyond the material world. “My heart was made dark by sorrow, and whatever I looked upon was death” he refers to the death of his closes friend whom he had perverted, and whose death he felt and wept bitterly. He became very desperate, confused and mad because he...
Words: 451 - Pages: 2
...strategic objectives of organisations – 3 marks X 4 points - 12 marks (The answers should reflect originality and not extracts from the text book. If the student has reproduced what is in the text book full marks should not be awarded for theoretical areas. They must reflect critical thinking and practical application of theory) Human Resource Management (HRM) could be defined as the process of managing human talent to achieve an organization’s objectives. HRM has to help blend many aspects of management in order to overcome “competitive challenges” and address “employee concerns”. By balancing these competing demands HRM plays an important role in getting the most from employees and providing a work environment that meets their short-term and long-term needs. Traditionally the term Personnel Management (PM) was used to refer to the set of activities concerning the workforce which included staffing, payroll, contractual obligations and other administrative tasks. In this respect, personnel management encompasses the range of activities that are to do with managing the workforce rather than resources. Personnel Management is more administrative in nature and the Personnel Manager’s main job is to ensure that the needs of the workforce as they pertain to their immediate concerns are taken care of. Further, personnel managers typically played the role of mediators between the management and the employees...
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...He’s also saying that a leader who is virtuous will not succeed and will not be appreciated by his people. In my opinion, I feel that a leader must possess some degree of honesty and generosity. I feel that one important quality a leader must possess is honesty. Without honesty a government will eventually fail. People will eventually find the truth out about certain things and when they do it will be not good for the government. I feel that even though governments should always be honest that this isn’t the case most times. Governments lie to their subjects all the time so they feel safe or to get them to believe whatever the government wants to get things accomplished. Machiavelli felt that a leader did not need to be honest but just appear to be. He felt that a leader should lie when it’s and tell the truth when it’s suitable. I disagree with this idea but I do feel that it works. The problem with this idea is that once a leader lies too many times all trust is lost and he will most likely be ousted. Another a quality that is important in leadership is generosity. Machiavelli felt...
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...Royal Dutch Shell INTRODUCTION Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies. According to the manager, “With around 101,000 employees in more than 140 countries and territories, Shell helps to meet the world's growing demand for energy in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways”. The Shell brand is one of the most familiar commercial symbols in the world. Royal Dutch Shell is the world's largest private sector oil company by revenue, Europe's largest energy group and a major player in the petrochemical industry. One of North America's leading producers of oil, gas, and petrochemicals, Shell Oil Company has distinguished itself through its commitment to industry innovation. Its marketing expertise has enabled the company to compensate for its relatively low volume of crude oil production, as compared to its strongest competitors, by selling an equivalent amount of gasoline nationwide. MISSION 1. It is the duty of management continuously to assess the priorities and discharge these inseparable responsibilities on the basis of that assessment. To shareholders 2. To protect shareholders' investment, and provide a long-term return competitive with those of other leading companies in the industry. To customers 3. To win and maintain customers by developing and providing products and services which offer value in terms of price, quality, safety and environmental impact, which are supported by the requisite technological, environmental...
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...relatives in East Egg, not only for their less-than-subtle relationship status and constant banter, but also for the amount of wealth they possess and how he is exposed to such a rich place within one night. The Buchanans are a family full of deceit and obvious blind-eyes, but they are still Nick's family nonetheless, and Fitzgerald expresses his pride of Nick dealing with his discomfort around them clearly through Nick's capturing of detail throughout the night. Nick depicts, amongst the table where he is currently seated with the Buchanans and Jordan Baker, that, "Among the...
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...Overpopulation and Longevity Historically, the topic of population and its contents have been feared and unknown to many. With the increasing human population on Earth accompanied by an array of factors such as disease, lack of resources, and increasing life spans, it becomes dramatically harder to look into the future and predict that the world is not being overpopulated by humans. However, despite the myriad of overwhelming issues regarding the concern of overpopulation, I posit through several key examples that we are not in danger of overpopulation and further, that we as a species are actually benefited by increased longevity. It has been determined numerous times throughout the last several hundred years that overpopulation of the human race is looming and is an unavoidable fate of the human race which will ultimately lead to its self-destruction. One such theory, perhaps the most famous, belongs to Thomas Malthus whom lived during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution laid the foundation for manufacturing on a massive scale which was accompanied by advancements in technology that also brought about an era of farming that was vastly more efficient. In 1798, Thomas Malthus predicted in An Essay on the Principle of Population, (which was revised to accommodate for criticisms,) that the human race could not account for its growth in terms of resources and sustenance as he believed the population increased exponentially compared to food supply (Malthus). Even...
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...Genetically Modified Organisms Group E- Chrystalyn Northcutt-Warden LAS 432- Technology, Society & Culture Kira Leavens DeVry University December 7, 2013 Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Political Influences Economic Questions and Considerations Psychological Affects Moral and Ethical Implication Conclusion Works Cited Appendix Abstract Introduction The Hunger Games trilogy dwells upon genetic modification. With genetically engineered animals such as the jabberjay, mockingjay, tracker jacker and wolf mutts, monkey mutts and even genetically engineered roses, the trilogy explores the ethics and consequences of toying with Nature. This paper will discuss the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms. Also the economic, psychological effect on society as well as the moral and ethical implications that this technology can have on today’s society. History Genetically modified organisms have continually been around but have recently evolved and came to light in the past 10 years. Genetically modified organisms are described as “An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism using the techniques of genetic engineering (www.medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com, 2013).” genetically modified organism (GMO) is used to refer to any microorganism, plant, or animal in which genetic engineering techniques have been used to introduce, remove, or modify specific parts...
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