Functional Requirement
1. Physician Users Authorized
* The system will allow authorized login input * The system will allow physician order medicine
* System will allow physician search for medicine
2. Search
* The system navigates to correct patient. * The system will allow search the medicine in ABC’s order * The system will allow verification of doses based on age & weight * The system check for allergies & contra-indications * The system check medicine in stock * The system send over to pharmacy
3. Pharmacist
* The system alert the pharmacy with medicine order * The system will allows approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy guideline
* The system allows approval from Pharmacist to send order to tech for processing * The system allow approval from Pharmacist for correct process
Of the tech * System send the order to the nurse for administer the drugs.
4. Nurse
* The system allow nurse to verifies the order * The system allow nurse locate patient’s ID * The system allow nurse to document the medicine * The system allow nurse to add witness if necessary * The system allow nurse to document the waste * The system allow nurse to document patient’s reaction
Nonfunctional Requirement
1. Operational
* The system should integrate with the pharmacy system * The system should work any web browser * The system should allow the verification for incorrect doses * The system should check incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugs * The system enable for alternative options if medicine is out of stock * The system enables the automatically order for medicine out of stock * The system should allow disapproval or approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and not meet allergy guideline to be send back to physician
2. Performance
* The system should not exceed 2 seconds * The system should be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year * Download speeds will be monitor and kept at an acceptable level.
3. Security
* Only authorized users are allow to use the system * Patients information should be secure * Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc should protect the system. * The system should automatically exit when there is inactivity *
4. Cultural and Political
* Personal information is protected in compliance with HIPPA