...Diario de un boricua que se mudó al norte 12 de agosto- Hoy me mudé a mi nueva casa en el estado de Pensilvania. ¡Qué paz! Todo es tan bonito aquí. Las montañas son majestuosas. Casi no puedo esperar a verlas cubiertas de nieve. ¡Qué bueno haber dejado atrás el calor, la humedad, el tráfico, el ruido y el vacilón de Puerto Rico. ¡Esto si es vida! 14 de octubre- Pensilvania es el lugar más bonito que he visto en mi vida. Las hojas han pasado por todos los tonos de color entre amarillo y rojo. Que bueno es poder disfrutar de las cuatro estaciones del año. Salí a pasear por los bosques y por primera vez vi un ciervo. ¡Qué animal tan estilizado! Es sin lugar a dudas, uno de los animales más vistosos que he visto en mi vida. Con ese porte real, luce sus cuernos como una corona ceñida en una frente siempre erguida, dejando saber que él es el indiscutible rey del bosque. Esto tiene que ser el paraíso. ¡Esto si es vida! 11 de noviembre- Pronto comenzará la temporada de caza de ciervos. No puedo imaginarme que alguien le quiera hacer daño a esas criaturas de Dios. Ya llega el invierno y nevará pronto. ¡Esto si es vida! 2 de diciembre- Anoche nevó. ¡Qué alegría! Me desperté y me encontré que todo estaba cubierto de una capa blanca. Parecía una postal, una película. Salí a quitar la nieve de los escalones, a palear la entrada. Me restregué en la nieve y después tuve una pelea de bolas de nieve con los vecinos (yo gané). La niveladora me volvió a ensuciar la entrada. Pero bueno, que...
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...Encyclopedia Britannica described that, “Nuclear energy, also called atomic energy, energy that is released in significant amounts in processes that affect atomic nuclei, the dense cores of atoms” (“Nuclear Energy”, 2013). The term nuclear energy includes nuclear fusion, nuclear fission and nuclear decay (radioactivity). Nuclear fission is the main method used in providing the nuclear energy as is provides the most energy compare to nuclear fusion and nuclear decay. In order to provide a large amount of energy, nuclear power plant is built. By using the heat energy gained from nuclear reaction, it drives the steam turbines which in turns generate the electricity. Nuclear power plant could be environment friendly as it emits low amount of carbon dioxide. The nuclear waste should not be overlook as it has a very long term impact to the environment. PHYSICS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear energy can be formed either by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion or nuclear decay. Nuclear fission is the splitting apart of a heavy atom such as uranium into smaller atoms like xenon and caesium. Fission is triggered when an atom hit the stable uranium, causing it to become unstable and split into smaller stable atoms with heat and neutrons (European Fusion Development Agreement, n.d.). This heat is what being used in nuclear...
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...CH4 82 TJ/ kg235U/0.00005 TJ/kg CH4= 1.64 x 106TJ/1 3.What is the ratio of the energy released by the fusion of 1.0 kg of hydrogen to that released by fission of 1.0 kg of Uranium-235? Energy released by U-235 = 3.2 x 10-11J/atom x 2.56 x 1024atoms = 8.2 x 1014J/kg U-235 or 82 TJ/ kg U-235 Energy released by 1000 g of hydrogen = 1000 g H – 993 g He= 7 g of matter converted into energy using Einstein’s energy equation E = mc2. Convert the grams to kilograms= 7 g/1000g = .007 kg = 7.0 x 10-3kg E = (7.0 x 10-3kg) x (9.0 x 1016m2/s2) = 6.3 x 1014kg *m2/s2 The ratio of energy of U-235/H = (8.2 x 1014J/kg)/ (6.3 x 1014kg*m2/s2) The unit kg*m2/s2= one joule so convert the ratio to this: 1 kg*m2/s2x (8.2 x 1014J) / (6.3 x 1014J) = 1.3016 J/1 Given the obvious advantage in energy production, briefly describe some of the difficulties in designing and operating a fusion power plant to explain why there are no commercial fusion power plants in operation today. Nuclear fusion has often been hailed as the silver bullet solution to the problems that plague other sources of energy. Proponents claim it's clean, has a virtually limitless supply of hydrogen fuel that can be extracted from water, does not have the same radioactive waste issues that plague nuclear fission energy and is available on-demand, no matter the weather. That, however, does not mean that nuclear fusion is not without problems of its own. Time...
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...nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the splitting of a heavy atom into two or more parts, releasing huge amounts of energy. The release of energy can be controlled and captured for generating electricity. Nuclear fusion involves bombarding hydrogen atoms together to form helium. In the long run, nuclear fusion has greater potential than fission. Cost and availability of fuel is a considerable factor when dealing with nuclear power. Fission requires an element that can be easily split in a particle accelerator, such as uranium or plutonium. Fusion, on the other hand, uses isotopes of hydrogen atoms, specifically deuterium and tritium, that can be obtained from ordinary water. Uranium ores occur naturally in many parts of the world but must go through a costly purification process before used as fuel. The unprocessed ore contains approximately 99.3% uranium-238, a non-fissionable isotope of uranium, and only about 0.7% of U-235 required for fission. One hydrogen atom out of 6700 appears as deuterium, a naturally occurring isotope of hydrogen with an extra neutron, and can easily be separated from the rest. Uranium-235 is a non-renewable resource that will eventually run out, much like the fossil fuels. The abundance of deuterium and lithium provide a virtually unlimited supply of fuel for nuclear fusion. Therefore, nuclear fusion seems to be the better choice. Second, the potential amount of energy produced by fusion can greatly outweigh the fission...
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...were created inside stars. 10. Nuclear fusion only releases energy when elements are higher than what nuclear fusion produce certain isotopes of lighter elements. 11. 2,8,20,28, 50, 82, 126, 114 and 184 12. It lasts 3.7 minutes 13. Because the sequence of spherical magical numbers cannot be extended this way 14. Binding energy. 15. In the shell model for the nucleus, magic numbers are numbers of nucleons at which a shell is filled Task...
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...Klavdia Alekseyevna Vikhireva, with whom he raised two daughters and a son before she died in 1969. He returned to Moscow in 1945 to study at the Theoretical Department of FIAN.He received his Ph.D. in 1947. After the end of World War II, he researched cosmic rays. In mid-1948 he participated in the Soviet atomic bomb project under Igor Kurchatov and Igor Tamm. The first Soviet atomic device was tested on August 29, 1949. After moving to Sarov in 1950, Sakharov played a key role in the development of the first megaton-range Soviet hydrogen bomb using a design known as Sakharov's Third Idea in Russia and the Teller-Ulam design in the United States. Before his Third Idea, Sakharov tried a "layer cake" of alternating layers of fission and fusion fuel. The...
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...__________________________________________________________________________________ Step 1: Review this video: https://wgu.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=7889fdcd-231a-45c9-b0ce-fe839aa5ec8b and read the excerpt from chapter 10 below (you don’t need to read all of chapter 10. The excerpt below is all that is needed). Step 2: Answer the following questions, in writing, in your words. 1. What is a nucleon? Protons and neutrons 2. What is fusion? Is two smaller atoms come together 3. How does mass per nucleon in a hydrogen atom compare to the mass per nucleon in a helium atom? 4. What happened to cause the mass per nucleon to change? When to two atoms comes together a pieces of mass is lost and converted into energy. 5. What is fission? Fission is when the nuclease of an atom splits into smaller pieces. 6. How does mass per nucleon change in a fission reaction? 7. How does the equation E=mc2 relate to mass per nucleon? It can find how much energy different amounts of mass can create. 8. Where does the energy released in a fusion or fission reaction come from? Is comes from the missing mass that was lost. Step 3: Submit your answers to a course mentor (naturalscience@wgu.edu) or come to a homework help session for feedback. Reading excerpt: 10.8 The Mass–Energy Relationship— Clearly, a lot of energy comes from every gram of nuclear fuel that is fissioned. What is the source of this energy? As we will see, it comes from nucleons losing mass as they...
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...affect the running safety in aspects of railway track, traction power supply, communication, signal and surrounding environment. It’s a EMU with positioning synchronization, high-capacity data transmission and analytical processing functions. The basic duty of the comprehensive detection train is tour moving fault detection on tracks. Combination positioning methods of train is an important way to improve the reliability of train positioning and accuracy of the point of failure. The multi-sensor information synchronization is an important reason affecting the positioning accuracy. In order to ensure its correction and effectiveness of combination-location information fusion algorithm,as well as to compare and evaluate different fusion algorithms, research on the pretreatment method of the multi-sensor information is necessary. This paper takes the example of resonant voltage measurement with high reliability as the test program of compensation capacitor. To improve the extent of the precise location in point of failure as well as to improve the continuity and real-time of data feedback, finally this paper selects the GPS / DR / MM combination- orientation program to provide positioning information for the dynamic detection system, by comparing a variety of positioning systems. In order to get the most accurate output data, the paper use the adaptive federated Kalman filter algorithm to do the multi-sensor data fusion. Then the paper exchanges the positioning subsystem data and...
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...Inertia Definition of Inertia: Inertia is the reluctance of a body to have its speed change. Newton’s Definition: The vis insita, or innate force of matter, is a power of resisting by which every body, as much as in it lies, endeavours to preserve its present state, whether it be of rest or of moving uniformly forward in a straight line. The term inertia derives from the Latin work “iner” which translates to “idle”. It was Isaac Newton who was the first person to define inertia. This was then presented as his first law of motion. Although Galileo formally introduced the concept of inertia. And as everyone knows Newton’s inspiration came from an apple that had fallen. He asked questions like why did it fall? What determined the speed at which it fell? The reason why the apple fell was because it had a force acted upon it. This force was gravity. This force is absent in space so a body will continue its path unless it hits into something. When an object is stopped abruptly the higher the speed the body was moving at the bigger the force impacted on the body that it hit. This is why it would hurt when you catch a sliothar and your hand is completely stagnant. Some day to day examples of inertia are: • Being pushed back into your seat when an airplane takes off • Being jerked forward when your car suddenly stops • The “tablecloth trick” yanking a table cloth while the dishes remain in place. Electromagnetic spectrum The electromagnetic spectrum...
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...In hydrogen bombs, both fission and fusion takes place. Nuclear fission can happen in any large nucleus after it captures a neutron. When this happens, it becomes unstable and splits into two different atoms at around half the mass and releases more neutrons, which starts a chain reaction. Low-energy neutrons can only cause fission in uranium and plutonium atoms of an odd atomic mass, like uranium-235 or plutonium-239, which releases two or three neutrons after undergoing fission. Even numbered isotopes need the incident neutron to be over one million electron volts. Besides neutrons, atoms undergoing fission release lots of heat and energy. The immense heat and pressure from this first reaction is what causes the fusion of deuterium...
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...reserch report Solar Energy Solar energy is a perfect source of energy. Energy with no pollution what so ever. No poisonous gasses or destruction of rainforests. This never ending source of energy comes from the sun. Solar energy is the visible energy produced in the sun as a result of a constant nuclear fusion reaction. The amount of energy at the solar constant, which is at outer edge of the earth's atmosphere, is two calories per minute per cm squared. A calorieis the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius.If we could efficiently harness the energy bombarding the earth for twenty-four hours we could power New York for a year. Unfortunately the photovoltaic cells that change the energy into electricity are so inefficient that it would take twenty-five years to pay for it's self in output. There many uses of solar energy. Some homes rely fully on the power of the sun to heat their water. Other houses have flat plate collectors which aid in the heating of the house and water. Solar Energy plays a vital role in the absorption cooling cycle in a process called solar cooling. Since wind is caused by the up and down movement of hot and cold air, wind energy can be a branch of solar energy. The same thing with tidal energy. And since the sun plays a vital role in the water cycle hydroelectric energy can be attributed to solar energy. Solar Energy has great potential in becoming a main source of energy in the...
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...differentcharacteristic of the members.Richie was a happy person they like happy people to interact,Cindy is approachable to the customer, Divine Grace is the one who givean idea. And Leah Rose Burata who give us a moral support day by day.This will cater authentic Asian Fusion Cuisine and exceptionalservice that will continue the tradition of a quality family dining. At the heartof Reptica Resto Bar (fine dining) is a deep regard for our valued guests who will patronize our ideals and aspirations in putting up this business. An ideas restaurant thatwill evoke life’s simple joys, command satisfaction and inspiretoetherness Product / Service Reptica Restobar located in the middle of the Famous MetrowalkCommercial Complex in Ortigas Center. Reptica Restobar attracted many regular customer be it young or old. We have a live cooking show to the customer, to seewhat happen to htier food preparation. At the 1st floor we have a good ambianceand set- up to the customer, 2nd floor we have a lived band and acoustic bandthat really enjoy of them.At Reptica Retobar (fine dinning) we believe in a making our guest feellike they are in a real family owned Restaurant. A place with a warm, invitingatmosphere and authentic Asian Fusion Cuisine fare that are certain to give thema single unique and exceptional Dining...
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...Management Summary Most important conclusions of each chapter if the manager of the particular company reads this summary, he or she will have gathered enough essential information to make reading the rest of the report unnecessary (max.1 page) Opportunities to choose the United States as an export country are the growth of the population, the high GDP per capita and the location of our target group. But the biggest opportunity is the increasing popularity of Asian food and the growth of the amount of Asian restaurant that comes with it. On the other hand there are some threats when exporting to the U.S. The exchange rate of the U.S. dollar, cultural differences and the required visa you need for visiting the U.S. Table of contents List of figures (if used) List of tables (if used) List of abbreviations (if used) Chapter 1 Introduction We have chosen to import Asian Gastronomy Interior from China and Thailand, and export these Interior to the United States and Australia. We selected China, Thailand and India as importing countries, because of the low production costs in these countries, and there are no better countries to produce Asian Gastronomy Interior than Asian countries themselves. We want to export to the United States and Australia, because both of them are countries within many different cultures can be found, no language barriers will occur, and finally, Asian style is very/ becomes more and more popular in the catering industry. We have...
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...of the Year Award in 2010. The NIF is the first to use laser expected to use fusion ignition in a laboratory. The NIF is in a big facility, in a ten story building located in California. There is enough space for all there workers and research materials to achieve there goal. They received this award because they were recognized for there project team, for there performance, and for the execution of there project management. This company has a goal has a purpose, which is to obtain nuclear fusion in a laboratory setting. Fusion is a renewable energy source. The NIF will be used to assure the safety and security of weapons that are nuclear. They will provide a way to carbon free and a limitless source of energy. They will make astrophysics larger, material science, and basic science. “The team at NIF had a deadline for the construction so all the equipment could be in and completed” said Dr. Edward Moses, Principal Associate Director for the NIF and Photon Science Directorate. They made sure they had everything in place so they could be organize and everybody that help fit right in. The project had resources which was from people who was working like the scientist, the engineers, the vendors, suppliers, technicians, and support personnel. Other resources they had was the machinery. That consisted of 192 lasers which can give of 50 more times the energy than any other laser. They wanted to develop fusion which is clean energy and is unlimited energy. They have more than 3,000 pieces...
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...Jackson played in bands with Carlos Santana and Jerry Garcia. In the early 1980s he played on three albums for Jean-Luc Ponty and with the rock band Taxxi. From 1986 to 1987 he was a session musician for the rock group Journey. Jackson played on Journey's 1986 album Raised on Radio. He moved to Italy in the late 1980s and played on a record by Italian pop star Zucchero. The record, Zucchero and the Randy Jackson Band, was produced by Corrado Rustici who played guitar with Jackson on many albums in the early 1980s. He also played with Billy Cobham. In 1985, Keith Richards was asked to provide music for the Whoopi Goldberg comedy vehicle Jumpin' Jack Flash. Richards assembled an all-star band which included Aretha Franklin on piano and lead vocals and Jackson on bass guitar. This song was the fourth track on Aretha's 1986 album titled Aretha. Jackson can be seen in the song's video. In the late 1980s, Jackson was still doing sessions. He was notably on the first solo album by famed session guitarist Steve Lukather. Jackson was a featured bass guitarist on five songs on Maze's 1989 "Silky Soul" album. He also performed on several of Kenny G's albums. Jackson was the bass guitarist on the 1991 self-titled Divinyls album (which features the song "I Touch Myself") as well as featured bassist on several tracks of Tracy Chapman's 1992 release, Matters of the Heart. He performed on the singles "Bang Bang Bang", "Open Arms", and "Dreaming on a World". That same year, Jackson also played...
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