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Future Statement


Submitted By tyrelcain
Words 315
Pages 2
Tyrel Cain
Future Statement

The technology that I chose to write about is the computer on the go technology like tablets, computers on the wrist and also the best computer of them all the cellphone. This technology will be the corner stone of the future there will be no need to have one at home and even a physical one at all because everything will be implanted into your body with a chip at the back of your head and the keyboard implanted into your hand. I know this sounds a little weird getting implants but in the future they will be installed once you are born and changed out as you grow up so it will become a normal part of society. With this I think that peoples personal information would definitely be more secure because there would be no way that you would leave your cell phone because its implanted in you and no one can just pick it up and walk away or pick your pockets for your credit cards because everything is in an online system. It would greatly help education because all you have to do is set the subject that you want to study on a link to your brain and you would study as you sleep so when you wake up you know everything that you put to play while you were sleep it is more convenient and you won’t have to take away hours from regular daily tasks to study because you do that as you sleep. The best part of this technology is the security system it wouldn’t be a tradition password or code the locks to programs and bank accounts and anything personal would be unlocked bye memories the one thing no one else can steal from you because it is a part of you and no one can change

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