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GAD-7 Essay

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The GAD-7, designed by Spitzer et al., is a brief scale that measure anxiety. It is consisted of 7-item self-report questionnaires to identify and rate symptoms. Correspondingly from zero to three, the response options were “not at all”, “several days”, “more than half the days”, and “nearly every day”. To test the reliability of the measure the researchers used test-retest. The test-retest reliability came out to be 0.83, which is reliable, because it was greater than 0.70. The construct validity was accurate as well, because there was a strong association that as the score increases the more severe the anxiety level is. In addition, there was a strong convergent validity. The GAD-7 had strong correlations to the Beck Anxiety Inventory, Symptom Checklist-90, and the PHQ-8. A case study by Moon Hye Jin et al., Perceived stress in patients with migraine, used the GAD-7 scale to measure the anxiety level of …show more content…
There are 6 subscales that measure reactivity and it includes reactivity to failure, work overload, social conflict, social evaluation, anticipatory reactivity, and prolonged reactivity. Each 23-item describes a stressful stimulus with three responses, correspondingly from zero to two. The original PSS was designed by Sheldon Cohen to measure the general feelings and thoughts of stress within the month. To test the consistency and reliability of the subscales, test-retest was used. The stability coefficient was 0.71, which can be concluded that the subscales were consistent. The PSRS had convergent validity to ACQ, CESD, Ryff scales, MPED, and the Work Characteristics scale. A study, The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale for adolescent athletes, used the PSRS to assess the stress levels among adolescent athletes. The PSRS was adapted to athletes by rewording the 23-items in order to relate it to

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