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Unions In The Workplace: A Case Study

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In today’s society, many of us have formed our own opinions about working in jobs governed by unions. Many changes have occurred in the economy over the years, including the implementation of the labor-relations aspect of today’s workforce. The rationale behind maintaining the union is that no middle-class families will exist if wages are not raised. Since the 1970s, no change in salaries has taken place among Americans. To change this, according to (Budd, 2013), “The text gives three objectives of the labor relationships and they are, ‘efficiency, equity, and voice’” (p. 5).
Unions has been used as a means of giving to employees, ensuring fairness in workplace policies, and promoting flexibility. My aim is to prove that, for the union to …show more content…
Most of the key points that unions used in the past are antiquated and thus no longer a part of labor relations laws in today’s society. Unions have a history of supposedly having a negative impact on the economy, especially in the area of manufacturing, where jobs are typically unionized. Due to the changes that have occurred over the years, many business owners would prefer not to be a part of unions for several reasons. Normally, if a company is governed by a union, it does not have the flexibility needed to reduce salaries, quit hiring, increase work hours, and fire workers because employees are protected by the …show more content…
As mentioned earlier, the primary reason for workers’ joining union was to be treated fairly in the workplace and to have a voice when it came to bargaining for wages, working hours, benefits, and workplace health and safety. If unions did not exist, many Americans would not have the privileges we enjoy today regardless of whether we work in unionized or non-unionized jobs. Here are a few benefits that are still available today as a result of unions: the minimum wage, overtime pay, the eight-hour work day, and Social Security benefits, just to name a

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