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Hybrid Threat Adaptation Process

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efine the Hybrid Threat Adaptation Process.

In order to understand the Hybrid threat Adaptation process, we must define a Hybrid threat. TC 7-100 states, a hybrid threat is the diverse and dynamic combination of regular forces, irregular forces, and/or criminal elements all unified to achieve mutually benefitting effects. Simply stated, Hybrid threats are one or more potently dangerous likeminded entities coexisting. They have existed throughout time and are not exclusive to any one particular location. Our adversaries are constantly evolving and adapting in the operational environment and so must we. The term Hybrid threat is a relatively new term used in US doctrine. The term was coined and entered into doctrine back in response to the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war. It is important to understand that the action of being a hybrid threat is not a new concept. Examples date back as far as ancient Rome when a hybrid force of criminal bandits, regular soldiers, and unregulated fighters employed tactics ranging from that of fixed battle, roadside ambush, and the employ­ment of stolen siege engines against Vespasian’s Roman Legions in the Jewish Rebellion of 66 AD. (JSOU 13-4, 2013) …show more content…
The last 30 years has proven very difficult for the United States to combat Hybrid warfare because of this. Our adversary’s increase of ease in access to technology has exploded worldwide. We as a country, must adapt to the constantly evolving world where we are not always the most technologically advanced. Our adversaries are constantly changing, evolving, and shift into whatever’s necessary to counter, discredit, and defeat the US forces. TC 7-100 states, the Hybrid Adaptation is the process of one’s ability to learn and adjust behaviors based on learning. This will generally occur in two ways, Natural or Direct

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