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Martin Luther King Jr: The Definition Of Heroism

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A heroic act is one taken in spite of fear while a fool’s is taken in ignorance of it. Why would a person take a step towards uncertainty instead of away from it, knowing full well the danger involved. Heroes are not special, they are completely normal and human. Yet they still pull off incredible feats because of their inner resolve. That resolve is known as heroism. Heroism is acting in dire situations, no matter the consequences, being passionate of your goals, but not always going around possessing huge muscles and super powers. Heroes are capable of acting in the most dangerous of situations. An example of this would be Welles Crowther who was a New Yorker, who saved an estimated 13 people during the events of 9/11. He didn’t just run …show more content…
For example, Martin Luther King jr. showed his passion in ridding the south of segregation, these feelings are shown in his speech “I have a dream” when he says “I have a dream that even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression will be transformed into an `1 oasis of freedom, and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. These strong words were key to what put segregation to an end. Abraham Lincoln also showed passion towards his goal of saving Union, Dr. Phineas Gurley, who was the pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian church, which Lincoln attended during his presidency said this about him in his Sermon (White House Funeral Sermon for Abraham Lincoln SB pg. 68) “ He is dead but the cause he so ardently loved, so ably, patiently, faithfully represented, and defended--not for himself only, not for us only, but for all people in all coming generations, till time shall be no more.” This quote has so much strong emotion it fits in so well with the idea that heroes show passion to their

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