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Woodside Environmental Factors

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Stanhope and Lancaster (2013) stated that environmental factors are the leading cause of chronic disease issues including asthma. Several factors are exist to assess each child and family such as the actual health status, health conditions if stable or life threatening, degree of impairment to the child’s ability to develop, types of treatment and therapy and frequency, number of hospital visits and hospitalization and how disruption of family routine. The common issue that nurses need to concern is that all children need routine health care, the use of medical home such as nebulizer or inhaler, ongoing medical care aspects, coordinating scheduling with each visit of each doctor, communication and collaboration with other health care provider …show more content…
Asian population consists of Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Bangladesh, Thai, Vietnamese, Pakistani, Japanese, Indonesian, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. Hispanic population consists of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central American and South American. According Queens community board 2, there are 18 Churches, Armenian center, 1 Islamic Center of New York, Malid Al-Fatima and Woodside Jewish Center in Woodside neighborhood. There is no information of the education level of the community members in Woodside. According to Queens community district 2, there are five public elementary and secondary schools. According to selected economic characteristics from NYC planning, about 20% of population in Woodside neighborhood has income less than $24,999 per households, 46.7% has income between 25,000 to 74,999 per households, and 33.3% has income more than 75,000 per households. There some income support such as cash public assistance income 3.4%, supplement security income 3%, Food stamp about 10% per households. According to selected economic characteristics from NYC planning, unemployment rate is about 8% of civilian labor force in Woodside. According to NYC Census Fact Finder, in family households, 43.4% there are married-couple family, 11.7 % female householder (no husband present) and 7% male householder (no wife …show more content…
There a middle risk indicators for asthma to compare with other NYC neighborhoods. Asthma emergency department visited in children aged 0 to 4 years in 2012 was the most significant about 236,300 visits which is middle risks , compared with other NYC neighborhood. Asthma emergency department visits in children aged 5 to 14 years in was thes second most significant factor for West Queens as well as asthma hospitalizations in children aged 0 to 4 years old in 2012, and aged 5 to 14 years in 2012. In youth and adult asthma in West Queens have better significant of asthma than other neighborhoods in NYC. Potential sources of allergen and pollutants that make symptom worse are 27% of homes with cockroaches, 16.3% reporting of mice in the home, 4.7% reporting second hand smoker at home, 19.2% smoking at home, 10.8% reporting mold in the home. Housing conditions can also affect asthma, 11.8% homes with cracks or holes, 18.7% home with leaks, and 12.5% home with 3 or more maintenance deficiencies in 2011. Outdoor air quality can affects symptoms of asthma. They are 10.6% fine particulate matter and 27.3% of ozone. Population characteristics make Woodside neighborhood more vulnerable to asthma. They are 40.7% people with low income and only 61.7% adults with health

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