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Electric Pants Research Paper

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Electric Pants Research Paper
Hannah Bradley
Finger Lakes Health College of Nursing

Electric Pants Research Paper Bedsores are a common injury among the elderly and individuals who have disabilities that make them mobility challenged. Bedsores also known as, “pressure ulcers” are most commonly found along the buttocks, heels, shoulder blades or the back of the head. This occurs when blood flow is cut off to the surrounding cells, causing the muscles to be starved of proper nutrients and oxygen. This forces the tissues to break down. Pressure ulcers are common among individuals who are immobilized and those who sit in the same position for hours at a time. Bedsores can be devastating but with new electronic advances they can be prevented. Traditional practices utilize repositioning of patients every couple hours in order to eliminate bedsores. Now there is an easier way. “Scientists have a developed underwear with built-in electrodes that deliver small electric shocks to combat bed sores in patients who are in a coma or who have injuries that have immobilized them.” (Jha, 2012). These electrodes mimic the effect of moving around and send fresh blood back into the area with every contraction. …show more content…
These people included those with who suffered: hip fractures, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and car accidents. After the study was complete none of the 23 patients exhibited signs for the starting stages or occurrence of bed sores. If these electric pants also known as “Smart e-pants,” made it to the clinical setting, on average, they would cost a few hundred dollars. This would more than save in expenses compared to how much bed sores typically can cost to treat. With pressure ulcers it starts with prevention and now there is a

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