...In selecting a topic for the final project, I was seeking to research a topic that I am extraordinarily passionate about. As I am pursuing a career as a profession of occupational therapy, my project will be centered around terms related to the field. This will not only allow me to discover more about the background of the profession, but will enable me to discover some of the specific terminology used by professionals in the field. After telling others that I want to be in the field of occupational therapy, I have found that many are familiar with the term, but are unclear of the exact definition. Looking at the different components of the word, it means OCCUPAT- a particular action, ION- the act of, AL- pertianing to, THERAP- treat medically,...
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...Generally, everyone has their own way of doing homework and projects. Some like to work independently and others like to work alongside people in a group. Working as a group is definitely a challenge, but it is something that will be encountered all throughout our professional lives. Throughout the semester, group projects have taught us the skills necessary for collaborating with others efficiently and effectively. For example, coming into the Radiation Therapy Program, my classmates and I did not know each other very well. We were assigned a semester long group project and were forced to work together to complete the project. After getting over the initial shyness, we were able to effectively work together and create a great final product....
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... |fact music is more my passion. | | | | |What questions do you have about the topic that you would like to|How many types of music is there? | |investigate? List them. |Are there any genres of music that today’s music resembles? | | |Why is music used in therapy? | | |Where is music most often played? | |Would any of the questions you listed make a good subject for a |Why is music used in therapy? | |research paper? Pick or adapt one question and make it into a | | |research question. | |...
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...FINAL ORAL/PRACTICAL PRESENTATION OF A PATIENT CASE & COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT SESSION Students will work in groups of two to three to prepare and present a comprehensive one hour presentation of a patient case, treatment program, and sample treatment session. The case will be assigned by the instructor. The following patient information will be provided: ** This profile must accompany the informative packet.** 1. medical diagnosis & history 2. social history 3. PT evaluation findings 4. long term PT goals & treatment plan 5. insurance coverage It will be the group's responsibility to identify and present to the class the following (approx. 15 minutes): 1. summary of patient case, including relevant information about the disease/diagnosis, Physical Therapist plan of care & long term goals (the profile as noted above) 2. short term goals 3. specific treatment options & rationale 4. supportive documentation from the Guide to Physical Therapy Practice utilizing at least one preferred practice pattern. 5. expected progression of therapy program for a one month time span 6. insurance issues 7. comprehensive Home Exercise Program 8. SOAP Note for the treatment session 9. list of references The student must use the Guide to Physical Therapy Practice as one reference for the research for this paper. Some of the above information will be presented via the informative packet the students will provide to their fellow classmates and instructors. The...
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...Section 1: Project Background 1.1 Organization Background The Autistic Society of Trinidad and Tobago (ASTT) is a non-governmental organization founded on the 31st of May 1990. It is primarily a parent support group for families of persons diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. ASTT was incorporated under the Companies Ordinance Chapter 31 Number 1 as a Company Limited by Guarantee on June 10th, 1991. It is a registered charitable organization and a member of the Foundation for the Enhancement and Enrichment of Life (FEEL). ASTT is also registered with the Ministry of the People and Social Development, Ministry of Community Development and the Civil Society Board. This organization meets its target market needs by offering the requested training and services to children and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. ASTT headquarters is located at LP#5 Ragoo Road, D’Abadie. They are affiliated with Therapeutic and Life Skills Centre, Point Fortin, Autism Tobago - the L.I.F.E. Centre and Petit Valley where they consider to cover a wide cross section within Trinidad and Tobago. VISION: The Autistic Society of Trinidad and Tobago will be the premier advocate and support organization to families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. SOCIAL MISSION: To work together with families to help all individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders to achieve their fullest potential through education, training and advocacy for affordable and appropriate services. PROGRAMS/ SERVICES...
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...Art has been a form of therapy for people throughout history. More recently, studies have shown that creating art has had positive results for groups and individuals. The effects can be found in the individual with a mental illness as well as helping to build relationships between them and the surrounding community. These benefits can also be found at the Vision Quest Studio in Bradford, Vermont, where the director, Bob Claflin, LCMHC, provides an environment to create art with three men with mental illnesses. Art therapy is the combination of visual expression and therapeutic healing. Historically, it has been known that art is beneficial, as it is one of the oldest forms of healing: art has been recognized for its positive effects physically,...
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...Journal of Business Case Studies – Second Quarter 2006 Volume 2, Number 2 Case Studies In Marketing Research Donald K. Hsu, (Email: yanyou@hotmail.com), Dominican College ABSTRACT The use of case studies for Marketing Research has been examined. Starting with a topic selection, students collected the background information from various sources. A focus group was conducted to gather detailed information. A questionnaire was designed for an in-depth survey of the general public. Using mall intercept, 100 or more convenient samples were collected from the questionnaire. SPSS software was used to analyze this data. Then a final report with possible recommendations was written. During the course of this research, students made face-to-face interview with senior managers or CEO, selected appropriate Harvard Business School cases, did research using Internet or library resources, and added much real-life learning to the theoretical in-class knowledge. INTRODUCTION V ase studies in Marketing Research have attracted much interest for global researchers. During the last two years, participants at the European Applied Business Research Conference presented findings in marketing related topics: 56 papers in 2003 and 25 papers in 2004. Out of the 81 papers, 24 reported work on marketing research. Cho and Ha (2004) measured consumer behavior by surveying 300 people on two brand names, Chow et al (2003) studied the environment friendly (eco-label) issues on the...
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...participants, the problem statement, data collection and analysis methods, and what the implications to nursing practice and future research are. The research study was limited in the number of participants, but reported persuasive results proving that topical heat therapy makes a significant improvement in decreasing chest pain in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Protection of Human Participants Participants in this study were patients in a coronary care unit at a hospital affiliated with Gonabad University of Medical Sciences in Gonabad, Iran. Information about the goal of the research project was provided to each of them and whether or not they wanted to participate was completely voluntary. If they wished to withdraw from the study they could do so at any point. Additionally, a written informed consent form was signed by each participant. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences. Benefits and risks of participation in this study were not identified by the authors. However, patients who were in the experimental group received the additional therapeutic treatment of topical heat in attempt to relieve or minimize their chest pain. Whereas participants in the placebo group did not receive this treatment option and relied exclusively on pain medication. It is unclear whether or not hospitalized patients who were not in the study received topical heat as a treatment for chest pain. There...
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...(NIH) (Am J Pharm Educ.2006). Unproven medications include dietary supplements, herbal medicines, and homeopathic medications. Unproven therapies encompass medical therapies outside of evidence based medicines such as pseudo medical devices, therapeutic touch, reflexology, naturopathy and traditional Chinese medicines (Am J. Pharm Educ. 2006). Alternative medicines are often times originated in cultures and referred to as culturally base alternative medicines. One of the problems associated with alternative medicines is the insufficient studies which have led to reduced acceptance and educational opportunities to learn more about the benefits of alternative medications (Glob Health Promot., 2009). Over the years there have been an increased use and acceptance of alternative medicine practices and practitioners by patients and healthcare providers. In a survey one conducted by a community based research group in San Diego, California, out of 542 patients at 16 different family practice clinics, it was reported that 21% of the patients have used one or more forms of alternative therapies d medicines in conjunction with the most important health problem underlying their visit to the physician (J Fam Prac, 2000). The most common forms of alternative therapies were visiting chiropractors, usage of herbal remedies and supplements and massage therapy. The most citied reasons for the use of the alternative treatments are: recommendations from friends or family, wanting to...
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...Its that Time of Year again…. Finals Week Xanax and aderall pills are being swallowed down with venti Starbucks espresso among college students to suppress final stress at Fairfield University. Finals week at Fairfield officially begins on December 7, but students have already begun to feel the stress. Sophomore Psychology major and Women gender study minor said Brenna Mulhall, “I am already extremely stressed because I still have tests and assignments for classes on top of studying for finals and writing final papers. Its really frustrating!” Sophomore student Jessica Kubeck agrees, “Finals week is so pointless. They cram five exams into one week, which just causes stress and failure.” Many students during final week spend their days and nights in the DiMenna Nyselius library, which is open 24-hours, “I literately...
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...1 Inventory Management 4. Project..............................................................…………………………………. 5 4.1 Definition 4.2 Measurement 4.3 Analysis 4.4 Improvement 4.5 Control 5. Logistics..............……………………………………………………………….. 8 6. Conclusion............................................................................................................ 10 7. Group evaluation………………………………………………………………. 11 References…………………………………………………………………………. 13 1. Introduction According to the textbook “Operations and supply chain management“ by Cecil C. Bozarth and Robert B. Handfield (2008) there are three simple reasons why one should be interested in operations and supply chain management: First, every organisation must make a product or provide a service that someone values. Second, most of these organisations function as part of larger supply chains. Third, they must carefully manage their operations and supply chains in order to prosper and survive. At first these arguments seem to be reasonable and clear but to fully understand them it is important to gain further insight into different concepts of supply chain management and to refer them to a company‘s every day work procedure. As part of the first-year Supply Chain Management course, we are supposed to conduct a project to improve our understanding of the different concepts thought in the course, referring them to a real-life context. Our group has contacted several companies...
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...Group 3: Group Consensus Report • Frontus, Lisa • Gibson, Michael • Harris, Diedre • Kageni, Angela • Lindeman, Candice • Scott, Rhonda • Turner, Shad Liberty University [pic]201220 Spring 2012 BUSI 520-B03 LUO January 22, 2012 Group Consensus Report Group Description: The group has seven members with varying degrees of professional expertise in strategic marketing. That expertise ranges from backgrounds in the non-profit sector to occupational therapy, financial analysis, logistics, international consultancy, and corporate management. The specific work expertise related to marketing that is relevant to this class is also varied with some members having strong expertise in marketing, sales and business and financial relations, while others have had no experience at all in marketing. This sets up the members for an interesting working relationship. All have had ample experience doing group work in past classes at Liberty University. The group is dynamic in nature. All in all, the individuals are go-getters who work well both as managers and as team members or followers. There seems to be a common work ethic where all members have a strong sense of initiative and are autonomous and self-motivated. While clearly...
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...Clinical Psychology Final Project Virginia Berry June 15, 2011 PS380 Professor Husk Kaplan University Aspergers Syndrome is one of the most common autism spectrum disorders, (Hunt & Marshall, 2006). There are many symptoms that are common with children with Aspergers syndrome. One symptom may be showing intense obsession with specific subject like cars, bugs or the weather. Speaking in a monotone voice or speaking fast is another symptom of Asperger’s (MayoClinic, 2011). There are approximately 26 to 36 out of 10,000 school-age children that are diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome (Ehlers & Gillberg, 1993). Like classic autism, there is no known factor that causes Asperger’s Syndrome. Though many parents believe there is link autism by childhood vaccinations, there is no documented proof that the two are related (Downs, 2011). Treatment for Asperger’s Syndrome can be reviewed with the four major schools of psychotherapy; structuralism, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis. Structuralism is to analyze the mind in simple components and find how the components fit into a complex form, (Britannica, 2011). Behaviorism is a theory that all behaviors are learned through conditioning. Gestalt psychology theory is based off perception, (Britannica, 2011). Psychoanalysis is based on observation of individuals that are unaware of their behavior and emotions, (APSAA, 2011). Individuals living with Asperger’s Syndrome may not benefit from all four major schools...
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...Critique Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Anger, Mood, and Vulnerability to Substance Abuse Among Inpatient Substance-Dependent Clients Liberty University March 31, 2013 LIN ARTICLE CRITIQUE 2 Introduction In the article Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Anger, Mood and Vulnerability to Substance Use Among Inpatient Substance-Dependent Clients (Lin 2004) the researchers wanted to test Forgiveness Therapy (FT) as a tool for treating clients dealing with substance abuse related to negative emotional overload. They focused on anxiety, depression and anger which, according to Lin, are triggers for substance abuse (2004, pg. 1114). They set out to talk and interview forty three potential participants who were recommended by their counselors from a residential drug rehabilitation center. This population was chosen due to the rigid course of treatment they were already receiving from the treatment facility in response to the personal calamity being experiences by the client. These were the most severe cases since they usually experienced repeated relapses, petty crimes and a lower motivation for change. While conducting the research what they found was not really surprising but rather normal for this group of clients. The participation started to fall off and by the end of the research they had fallen to less than half of the original commitment. Seven men and seven women finished the project with seven random clients...
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...Tyler Durden, played by Brad Pitt, is the opposite of the Narrator/Jack, in personality, demeanor, charm, and attraction. We find out that they are two personalities, within the same body. I had never seen Fight Club before, assuming it was just another movie about an underground fight club. Despite being such a huge fan of both Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, I avoided the movie. I was way off the mark! Per the advice of his doctor, the narrator/Jack goes to a cancer support group for men with testicular cancer, where he meets Bob. Bob, aka Robert Pulson, once a body builder, but since developing cancer, has become bankrupt, divorced, and now has female looking breast; double D’s by the size of them. He and Jack find comfort with each other, and Jack cuddles into Bob’s breast. Jack considers the therapy sessions as vacation. Jack also finds relief of his insomnia; or so we think. While at one of these sessions, Jack meets Marla Singer, who is like him, for she too attends various group therapies for comfort and they agree to alternate between sessions as neither of them are cancer victims. When asked why she does it, she says “when people think you are dying, they really listen to you”. (Fight Club, 1999) That statement speaks volumes for both of their characters and helps to explain why Tyler (Jack’s other personality) was so verbose. Jack needs to be heard. Someone needs to pay attention to him. He is socially isolated. We are introduced to Tyler when Jack is...
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