...Daniel Aul January 31st, 2014 Ms. Eletta Kershaw University Recruitment Program Manager Dear Ms. Eletta Kershaw, MacGyver is by far my favorite TV character. He is constantly put in stressful situations, and is only able to escape harm and achieve his objective through ingenious solutions. Ingenuity is my core principal, and I have applied it throughout my professional, academic and personal life. Some examples are: 1. Turning a poorly planned project from a potential customer fiasco to a customer benefit through a unique solution 2. Attaining credits after my study abroad university went on strike by creating a customized plan with teachers to learn the coursework individually 3. Leading a group of 25 people to camp in a harsh desert for a week by creating unique shade structures that could withstand up to 60 mph winds and intense dust storms I work best under pressure because my “MacGyverian” attitude comes out. Although I do not have a Computer Science degree, I enjoy and excel at working with engineers who frequently crave for an exciting project to work on. That is why I am applying to Extreme Blue. I want to work on a high performing team that cuts through bureaucracies, focuses on solutions, and excels at innovation. The main skills that I would bring to a team are: 1. An optimistic and can-do attitude 2. Data analytics through Excel and SQL 3. Strong communication skills through MS PowerPoint, Word, presentations, and emails ...
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...First, Use as Needed, or Avoid Technical Reasoning (Write a paragraph of four to five sentences describing the degree to which you use this Pattern.) I love to fix things and the challenge that comes with it when something is not working anymore and I seem to naturally understand how everything works at the basic level and can recognize when a part is not doing what it should do. I really felt comfortable the day I realized that I know it’s already broke so me tinkering with it is not going to change anything if it still doesn’t work. I have now developed enough experience to know what part is delicate and what part is not when trying to repair something and how to repair a lot of things with lessons learned from the past. I feel like MacGyver off of the old TV show in the 80’s at times and work best alone with my thoughts. E. How I Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid Confluence (Write a paragraph of four to five sentences describing the degree to which you use this Pattern.) I use confluence as needed because most things I do are with precision, sequence and technical reasoning. Confluence comes in handy as my “on the fly” when I need to improvise or be creative with something. I do notice when I am idle my mind has a million different thoughts and ideas running through it and I use confluence a lot while I’m on personal time just trying to have fun. I have taken risks in the past from it and feel very intelligent and accomplished when I can improvise and still make something...
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...In Defense of Distraction Twitter, Adderall, lifehacking, mindful jogging, power browsing, Obama’s BlackBerry, and the benefits of overstimulation. Add a Comment 1 Comment | Add Yours 70 Comments | Add Yours * By Sam Anderson * Published May 17, 2009 | Illustration by Glen Cummings/MTWTF (Photo: Anderson Ross/Corbis) | I. The Poverty of Attention I’m going to pause here, right at the beginning of my riveting article about attention, and ask you to please get all of your precious 21st-century distractions out of your system now. Check the score of the Mets game; text your sister that pun you just thought of about her roommate’s new pet lizard (“iguana hold yr hand LOL get it like Beatles”); refresh your work e-mail, your home e-mail, your school e-mail; upload pictures of yourself reading this paragraph to your “me reading magazine articles” Flickr photostream; and alert the fellow citizens of whatever Twittertopia you happen to frequent that you will be suspending your digital presence for the next twenty minutes or so (I know that seems drastic: Tell them you’re having an appendectomy or something and are about to lose consciousness). Good. Now: Count your breaths. Close your eyes. Do whatever it takes to get all of your neurons lined up in one direction. Above all, resist the urge to fixate on the picture, right over there, of that weird scrambled guy typing. Do not speculate on his ethnicity (German-Venezuelan?) or his backstory (Witness Protection Program?)...
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...The People You Meet In College THE 1 HIT WONDER You will never hear this guy/girl ever say anything, whether it be to other students or the professor. Then one day, after looking extremely intense or constipated for an hour straight, they will say something so gloriously insightful that it will bring tears to the eyes of everyone who bears witness to it. Then they will never speak again. THE KID THAT NO-ONE LIKES This kid is a jerk! And for arguments sake let’s call him “DANNY.” You desperately want to punch him in his ear, but he’s disabled. And because he disabled he makes sure to make EVERYONE mad. This kid will sometime attempt to befriend you then manage to say or do something so unspeakably rude or offer some sort of backwards compliment. Parties disassemble whenever this guy manages to find his way to one. Everyone avoids him but secretly watches him to see if he will lose a crutch while walking or roll down the stairs just to get in a good chuckle. THE SUBURBAN RAPPER The Suburban Rapper can be found in any common area, listening to his own music on his IPOD at an unreasonable volume. Generally (but not always) white, he awkwardly uses the words Dog, Crib, Homie, Phat, G, or Ill. If he spots you, he’ll ask you to “peep this new track yo,” or attempt to sell you tickets to his concert. His music is generally unbearable, and if you’re lucky, you can get away with only hearing a few verses. He always seems surprised that his poser antics never land him a girl...
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...Complimentary Sample Summary Made To Stick Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die THE SUMMARY Some stories stick with us forever. Long after we hear them, we could easily re-tell them. A lot of Aesop’s fables are like that: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, etc. We are all familiar with the opposite experience—reading an article that we can’t remember five minutes after we have finished, or listening to a lecture that leaves our brain as quickly as it enters. They are the opposite of “sticky.” Why do some ideas succeed while others fail? How do we nurture our ideas so they’ll succeed in the world? Many of us struggle with how to communicate ideas effectively, how to get our ideas to make a difference. This book is about how to do just that. In researching successful, “sticky” stories, six principles emerged. Sticky ideas shared certain traits that made them more likely to succeed. This doesn’t mean that there is a formula that guarantees success, but it does mean it is possible to greatly improve our odds. The six principles are: About the Authors Chip Heath is a professor of organizational behavior in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. Dan Heath is a consultant to the Policy Programs at the Aspen Institute. A former researcher at Harvard Business School, he is a co-founder of Thinkwell, an innovative newmedia textbook company. Published by Leaders Book Summaries. 872 New Britton Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188 No part of this...
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...人体使用手册 The User's Manual For Human Body (完整版) 吴清忠著 QiYe 重新整理制作 完美的人体系统 —— 一套内建的修复与再生机能 所有的疾病都是我们错用了身体的结果。我们需要的不是灵丹妙药而是一 本正确的《人体使用手册》 正确的观念,比昂贵的药物和危险的手术更能帮助患者消除疾病。很多人 身体力行地奉行本书中的三招一式及健康观念,健康真的就这么得到了。 人体使一个充满智慧的机体,长期以来,我们一直低估了人体的智慧,高 估了我们自己的知识。 现代医学面对众多无法解决的慢性病,一味地寄希望未来某一天能发明新 的药物,一举克服某种疾病,这种研究方向很可能是不切实际的。 长期以来我们用一知半解的医术来对抗疾病,许多治疗的手段对身体产生 了不良的影响,使得人体的吸收能力受到很大的阻碍。这些问题都会造成人体 能量的下降,而使人体逐渐失去各种功能,造成各种各样的疾病。 睡眠时间不对是现代人生病的最主要原因之一, 对于这个原因造成的疾病, 解决之道也只有在正确的时间里将不足的睡眠补回来一途,没有任何药物可以 替代。 肥胖不是能量过剩,身体将过多的能量储存下来,反而是能量不够,使身 体没有足够的能量将垃圾排出体外,并非肥胖使人容易得心脏病,心脏病才是 肥胖的真正原因。 回复正确的生活习惯,并且用正确的方法处理疾病,使人体的血气逐渐上 升,修复及再生系统发挥作用,应该是人类更有机会克服慢性病的途径。 我们相信人体必定比他自己设计出来的个人电脑更完美,保持健康应该就 像使用个人电脑一样简单,只要依照操作说明书,不要随便施以干扰,正确地 使用就行了,这本《人体使用手册》希望帮助大家更早地学会如何正确地使用 身体。 这将是一本令您惊讶的未来书 不要在现在就对它下评语 这本书正确的评论 也许一百年后才可能出现 2 感 谢 这本书的出版,首先要感谢家人的全力支持,母亲、岳父母和兄弟姐 妹的不断亲身体验;妻子的协助校稿;特别是小儿子坤骏的整个成长期为 了支持我的想法,严格地实行早睡的规律生活,养得一张白里透红的苹果 脸。但真正要感谢的是我从来见不到面的上师。我没见过我的上师,祂总 是用各种不同的神奇方法指导我学习医术,以及这本书中的所有知识。 同时要感谢我学习和研究中医的两个老师费伦教授和陈玉琴女士。 费伦教授原来服务于上海复旦大学, 现任上海市经络科学研究中心主 任。 费教授是中国著名的科学家, 从一九九三年开始从事经络物质的研究, 一九九八年三月在中国的科学通报上第一次发表研究成果。这份研究报 告,是人类第一次用物理学的方法,从人体解剖中证实经络确实存在的证 据。 陈玉琴女士是一个自学成功的推拿师。 她从中国古籍中体会出一套独 特的人体逻辑,并且用这套逻辑,加上推拿的治疗手法,先后克服了许多 不同的慢性病。陈女士很多宝贵的临床经验是我学习中医的最早启蒙经 验,也是这本书中身体部份养生法的基本观念来源。 3 目 录 序 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 作者自序...
Words: 18556 - Pages: 75
...This book has been optimized for viewing at a monitor setting of 1024 x 768 pixels. MADE TO STICK random house a new york MADE TO STICK Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die • • • C H I P H E AT H & D A N H E AT H Copyright © 2007 by Chip Heath and Dan Heath All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Random House, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Random House and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Heath, Chip. Made to stick : why some ideas survive and others die / Chip Heath & Dan Heath p. cm. Includes index. eISBN: 978-1-58836-596-5 1. Social psychology. 2. Contagion (Social psychology). 3. Context effects (Psychology). I. Heath, Dan. II. Title. HM1033.H43 2007 302'.13—dc22 2006046467 www.atrandom.com Designed by Stephanie Huntwork v1.0 To Dad, for driving an old tan Chevette while putting us through college. To Mom, for making us breakfast every day for eighteen years. Each. C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION WHAT STICKS? 3 Kidney heist. Movie popcorn. Sticky = understandable, memorable, and effective in changing thought or behavior. Halloween candy. Six principles: SUCCESs. The villain: Curse of Knowledge. It’s hard to be a tapper. Creativity starts with templates. CHAPTER 1 SIMPLE 25 Commander’s Intent. THE low-fare airline. Burying the lead and the inverted pyramid. It’s the...
Words: 91454 - Pages: 366
...THE PLAYER Good game design is player-centric. That means that above all else, the player and her desires are truly considered. Rather than demanding that she do something via the rules, the gameplay itself should inherently motivate the player in the direction the designer wants her to go. Telling players they must travel around the board or advance to the next level is one thing. If they don’t have a reason and a desire to do it, then it becomes torture. In creating a game, designers take a step back and think from the player’s viewpoint: What’s this game about? How do I play? How do I win? Why do I want to play? What things do I need to do? MEANINGFUL DECISIONS Distilled down to its essence, game design is about creating opportunities for players to make meaningful decisions that affect the outcome of the game. Consider a game like a boxing match. So many decisions lead up to the ultimate victory. How long will I train? Will I block or will I swing? What is my opponent going to do? Where is his weakness? Jab left or right? Even those few, brief questions don’t come close to the myriad decisions a fighter must make as he progresses through a match. Games invite players into similar mental spaces. Games like Tetris and Chess keep our minds busy by forcing us to consider which one of several possible moves we want to take next. In taking these paths, we know that we may be prolonging or completely screwing up our entire game. The Sims games and those in...
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