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Personal Narrative: Afte After Football

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Words 700
Pages 3
“HELL WEEK”? What was is? Reminiscing in my mind. Knowing I had little time to figure out what this execrable meaning meant. Before I could speculate, I was already experiencing the words that I tremor to apprehend. The first week of football camp for three consecutive days, five hours long, and nothing but training. Something you never forget going into my freshman year. Lessons come in different shapes and forms you just have to realize what to take from your experiences you go through. Throughout the seasons many friends were made, I’ve became more outgoing, and more disciplined through it all.
Being athletic was always something I loved being as it was a way to make new friends, make memories, and to have more discipline. I found myself playing sports, whether it was in football, wrestling, or baseball. I knew where I belonged, even if it’s not wanting to try and go professionally, sports cleared my mind. A way to escape reality, adventuring into my own realm. To strive on and make the most out of my high school years. …show more content…
In the cold cloudy days another season comes up but fortuitously you normally don’t wrestle outside. Wrestling was a great experience to be a part of as it taught me self respect. Having to be pushed, tossed around, and knowing when and when not to give up. Being in these sports made me realize that when you're disciplined you’re not only disciplined in sports but in your social life and school. Focusing more on school became a big part in my life, it always has been, but coming into high school you figure out that you have to have good grades to be in sports or else you're benched for a whole exhausting week watching your team play without you. The struggle knowing you can’t help your team or anyone for that matter is the worst thing that I can think of. I can’t help but try and help people in need it’s what I try to do to stay a loyal caring human

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