...The concept of mate-ship has evolved since world war one through the creation and continuation of strong themes of mate-ship as seen in Peter Weir’s film ‘Galipoli’ and the image ‘Carrying Soldier’ that continue to evolve and strengthen overtime as explored in Nick Enright’s playwright ‘Property Of The Clan’. Both texts recognise that the motif’s of courage, empathy, and parlance are the themes of mate-ship that withstand the test of time. The concept of mate-ship has evolved since world war one through the creation and continuation of unity. The film ‘Galipoli’ directed by Peter Weir displays mate-ship in many different styles. The market scene in the film articulates the meaning of mate-ship to great extent. The way the group of men cohesively negotiate things with a store-keeper after he has been caught out selling a fake artefact to one of the men in the...
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