...LITERATURE REVIEW ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING FOR COMPUTER GAMES Name: Course: Date Page 1 Abstract Games have often been very common in the past period of time, but with the discovery of computer games, they have penetrated. In spite of the third vista to computer games which is verifiable, it pertains to investigating what characteristics those who play such games anticipate from the gaming using the computer. Permit us state the meaning of a computer game as a play which is undertaken with an aid of a computer program. This meaning still leaves behind some flexibility because it does not imply that the whole game happens in the computer. For instance, Chess may be played on the computer screen and on a true-globe board, heedless to whether the one who objects to the play is a computer application. Huizinga in his classic work defined play as ``an activity which proceeds within certain limits of time and space, in a visible order, according to rules freely accepted, and outside the sphere of necessity or material utility. The play mood is one of rapture and enthusiasm, and is sacred or festive in accordance with the occasion. A feeling of exaltation and tension accompanies the action, mirth and relaxation follow``. A lexicon likewise states the meaning of game as `‘a universal form of recreation generally including any activity engaged in for diversion or amusement and often establishing a situation that involves a contest or rivalry’`. Besides, Elliot...
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...Concept Paper Submitted to Northcentral University Graduate Faculty of the School of XXXXXXXXXXX In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF XXXXXXXXX by NAME Prescott Valley, Arizona Month Year Table of Contents Concept Paper 1 Introduction 3 Statement of the Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 4 Research Questions 4 .Hypotheses 5 Brief Review of the Literature 5 Research Method 6 Data collection 7 The Sponsor Pay Case Study. 9 Measurements and Results 11 Web 2.0 tools in the SponsorPay 11 The impact of Business Capabilities on Performance 12 Conclusions and Further Research 12 Introduction The social media has gained popularity in the recent past and has been used in many companies in their daily activities, ranging from small start-ups to large and medium enterprises (Bell & Loane 2010). Despite the use of this trend on the social media, little has been known on the specific impact on the companies and the business processes performance (Bell & Loane 2010). The purpose of this paper is to list the benefits of social media and its negative impact on the business performance (Bradbury, 2010). The business impact of the social media on management (Bradbury, 2010) on the knowledge management (Barney, 1991) on governance (Brocke & Rosemann, 2010) and on the strategic competitiveness of the companies (Bughin, 2011). This paper concentrates on exploring the social media’s impact and how the organization...
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...most popular subcategory among 3D applications is considered to be computer games. In 2007, the video game industry revenue was approximately $60 billion; that almost equals the size of the US Department of Defense expenditures on research [17]. Furthermore, the game industry is so innovative that in many cases, the hardware and software technological advancement, are applied to games before being adopted by other scientific domains [12,14]. Additionally, among the young game playing hours surpass television watching and listening to music. Finally, concerning open-source communities, games appear to be thriving [15]. Creating computer games is a very complicated task that requires the involvement of extremely skilled professionals from a wide spectrum of computer science [4]. Typically, computer games demand real time high quality performance. The main performance aspects are related to display frame rate, real time audio playback and processor response. Programming a game in low level is so complex that hundreds of thousands of code lines are required in order to implement a commercially viable game. The size of such programs, in combination with the evolving nature of the software, demands flexible design, maintainable implementation and straightforward documentation, in order to improve understanding among the development group and facilitate future developments. Consequently, game developers must employ specific software engineering techniques in order...
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...Simulations and Games: A Survey and Future Directions Fazleena Badurdeen1, Philip Marksberry1, Arlie Hall1, and Bob Gregory1 Simulation & Gaming 41(4) 465–486 © 2010 SAGE Publications Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1046878109334331 http://sg.sagepub.com Abstract Problem-based learning focuses on small groups using authentic problems as a means to help participants obtain knowledge and problem-solving skills. This approach makes problem-based learning ideal for teaching lean manufacturing, which is driven by a culture of problem solving that values learning as one key output of manufacturing production. Thus, simulations that organize participants in teams for realistic manufacturing production problem solving are widespread as a way to use problembased learning to teach lean manufacturing. But a critical assessment of existing simulations for lean manufacturing instruction has been lacking. Accordingly, a literature survey is conducted and existing simulations are classified according to their emphasis on lean tools or the overall lean system; the degree of their focus on soft skills, if any; and their area of application, whether academic or industry. Four gaps are found in existing simulation designs: lack of stress on soft skills, a mistaken focus on “linear lean,” misunderstanding of the key role of the facilitator, and lack of realism. Future directions for study and improvement in lean simulation design are suggested...
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...software, shareware, freeware, and rental ware. Commercial software is copyrighted and if you don’t pay for it, you can be prosecuted. Shareware is also copyrighted but available for free download with a requirement t pay as you use it. Freeware is copyrighted and available free with no further requirements. Rental ware is copyrighted and can be leased for a fee. Application software itself is divided into five categories. Entertainment software Entertainment software is usually known as video games or PC game and even mobile gaming on smart phones. Personal computer games are an electronic game that involves personal interaction with an interface to generate visual feedback on a monitor or other screen. The personal serves as the platform rather than a gaming only console. The games were originally distributed on media such as DVDs and CDs, but have become far more readily available as Internet-downloadable versions. With each passing generation of technology PC games require more and more specialized hardware in the user's computer in order to play. Graphics cards, upgraded motherboards, and audio processors are just a few of the requirements to...
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...This article was downloaded by: [Management and Science University] On: 15 August 2014, At: 14:09 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Interactive Learning Environments Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/nile20 Interactive learning environments and games Joe Psotka a a Co-Editor Published online: 12 Jul 2012. To cite this article: Joe Psotka (2012) Interactive learning environments and games, Interactive Learning Environments, 20:4, 309-310, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2012.689685 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2012.689685 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims,...
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...Definition of marketing One could pose a simple request like “Define Marketing” and you would have a barrage of answers as unique as the individual defining the word. For this paper I will present two definitions, as well as present my personal definition or understanding of the marketing. To begin, Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines marketing as “the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service” (Merriam-Webster, 2012). This definition is clear and pretty simple to comprehend. Next, the class textbook, Marketing Management, defines marketing as “the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals” (Kotler, 2012). This definition lends a more academic view, but still is comprehendible and simply stated. After reading and reviewing the above definitions, I have come to my own personal definition. Marketing, as defined by Carla Posey, is the process which encompasses everything involved with the purchasing and selling of services and goods. This includes all work and research to effectively satisfy the needs and wants of the consumer. Importance of Marketing Marketing is important because it is the little voice to the consumer that says “hello, I know you need me and I want to give it to you”. A successful company has caught your attention and you have shown appreciation by buying into that brand. This is...
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...Design User Awareness on Garbage Sorting at Home (3) ICT703 HUMAN CENTERED INFORMATICS Project Name: Design User Awareness on Garbage Sorting at Home PREPARED FOR: DR AFDALLYNA F. HARUN PREPARED BY: ANIS SAHIRA BINTI RODZMAN (2015476402) C770P1T Anis Sahira (2015476402) 1 10/10/2015 Design User Awareness on Garbage Sorting at Home (3) DESIGN USER AWARENESS ON GARBAGE SORTING AT HOME ABSTRACT Sorting garbage is a hot topic in our country as it become compulsory to people to sort their garbage at home started from 1 September 2015. Garbage sorting is the way to reduce the amount of solid waste to be compose at land fill and take so many year to decompose; because it contributes to environmental protection. Therefore, it is important for us to support our government and give new ideas in order to help Malaysia clean country. This work is about to study about what is garbage sorting and study about previous and current method use by Malaysia to sort garbage Based on this, we introduce the new idea to design user awareness on garbage sorting such as games, introduce garbage sorting through media social, garbage sorting notice or instruction at product packaging and compose song about garbage sorting. This new idea can be a platform to enhance the current system in Malaysia INTRODUCTION Heading towards a developed nation by 2020, Malaysia needs to implement strategies and effective initiatives to...
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...Research on Educational Impact of Games A Literature Review Institute for Games for Learning NYU Education/Assessment Group CUNY Education/Assessment Group White Paper # 02/2009 Version 0.1 June 25, 2009 Florrie Ng Helen Zeng Jan L. Plass Gaming Literature Coding In response to researchers’ calls for more systematic investigations of the use of games for learning, we conducted an extensive literature review on this topic. By surveying prior research, we examined the themes that emerged, the methodology employed, and the findings yielded, the ultimate goal being to identify knowledge gaps in the literature. To this end, we reviewed the relevant research conducted in the last 15 years by following the procedures outlined below. (a) Using the widely used social science database PsycINFO, we searched for articles which focused on both games and learning. The keywords chosen were “gam*” and either “learn*”, “teach*”, or “educat*” (the wildcard * can stand for any of a defined subset of all possible characters; for example “gam*” includes “game,” “games,” “gaming,” etc.). This generated about 4000 peer-reviewed articles from the earliest date (i.e., before 1960) to the end of 2008. (b) Given that studies conducted a decade ago tended to be less rigorous methodologically or yield obsolete results, we decided to focus our attention on more recent research. Once we narrowed down the time period to the years of 1995 to 2008, about 2400 peer-reviewed articles were left in the...
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...Conference (I/ITSEC) 2008 Five Forces Driving Game Technology Adoption Roger D. Smith U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Orlando, FL roger.smith14@us.army.mil ABSTRACT The computer gaming industry has begun to export powerful products and technologies from its initial entertainment roots to a number of “serious” industries. Games are being adopted for defense, medicine, architecture, education, city planning, and government applications. Each of these industries is already served by an established family of companies that typically do not use games or the technologies that support them. The rapid growth in the power of game technologies and the growing social acceptance of these technologies has created an environment in which these are displacing other industry-specific computer hardware and software suites. This paper introduces five specific forces that compel industries to adopt game technologies for their core products and services. These five forces are computer hardware costs, game software power, social acceptance, other industry successes, and native industry experimentation. Together these influence the degree and rapidity at which game technologies are adopted in a number of industries. The military simulation industry is just one of the many industries that are being impacted by these technologies and the five forces are affecting it just as they are many other industries. The paper extends the concepts of simulation industry...
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...In-class activity 1: Identifying control problems and MCS Source case / paper: Wong’s Pharmacy (textbook p. 20) AND Leo’s Four-Plex Theater (textbook p. 19) In-class activity questions / objectives: Wong’s Pharmacy: 1. What is the main problem facing Wong’s pharmacy? 2. What options are available to Thomas Wong? Leo’s Four-Plex Theater: 3. What are the key controls problems at Leo’s Four-Plex Theater? 4. State the control measures implemented in the theatre and the purpose and limitations of each 5. Are the problems caused primarily by inadequate existing controls and what improvements would you suggest? In-class activity 2: The role of management accounting information in controlling an organisation Source case / paper: Kaplan, R. S., 1984, The Evolution of Management Accounting, The Accounting Review, Vol. LIX, No. 3, pp. 390-418 (SO page 92 to 120). In-class activity questions / objectives: 1. What is the role of accounting information in controlling an organisation? 2. Outline the historical development of the use of management accounting information to control organisations. 3. Why may profit not be a good criterion to “motivate and evaluate short-term performance” in all cases? In-class activity 3: Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort Source case / paper: Case Study: Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort (textbook p. 134) In-class activity questions / objectives: Focus on the three key roles at three levels of authority in the...
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...Education Research Report Katie Larsen McClarty Aline Orr Peter M. Frey Robert P. Dolan Victoria Vassileva Aaron McVay June 2012 GAMING IN EDUCATION 1 About Pearson Pearson, the global leader in education and education technology, provides innovative print and digital education materials for preK through college, student information systems and learning management systems, teacher licensure testing, teacher professional development, career certification programs, and testing and assessment products that set the standard for the industry. Pearson’s other primary businesses include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group. For more information about the Assessment & Information group of Pearson, visit http://www.pearsonassessments.com/. About Pearson’s Research Reports Pearson’s research report series provides preliminary dissemination of reports and articles prepared by TMRS staff, usually prior to formal publication. Pearson’s publications in .pdf format may be obtained at: http://www.pearsonassessments.com/research. GAMING IN EDUCATION Abstract 2 The use of simulations and digital games in learning and assessment is expected to increase over the next several years. Although there is much theoretical support for the benefits of digital games in learning and education, there is mixed empirical support. This research report provides an overview of the theoretical and empirical evidence behind five key claims about the use of digital games in education...
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...information, open innovation, better access, collaboration in a generation of information and technological convergence, have all contributed to the design of a new scientific paradigm. Thanks to our passion for research and to the continuous advancements in the technological ecosystem as well as the possibility of better understanding human activity and behavior we are on the threshold of a new era of the social science of tourism. This new social and technological paradigm affects tourism and human mobility in a way that gives the research process unheard-of possibilities. The current level of technological development allows for the construction of objects that are smaller, more intelligent and embedded in the environment and even wearable. These objects, which record and learn our habits are connected to the Internet and they have computing capabilities. They can also be interconnected and generate large quantities of information to benefit the environment in which they are located as well as the travellers that possess them. This gives rise to a new world of interconnected personal machines. This new world involves a convergence among what is physical, what is social and what is digital. Within this context, research assumes the principal role to guide evolution, transferring knowledge to the industry. Relevant academic research is more necessary than ever before in order to explore how ICT in tourism can...
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...Analysis on Electronic Arts Sports [] [Name of Instructor] [Course Title] [Date] Background of the Company Electronic Arts (EA) are an international organization that deals with the development, marketing, publishing and distribution of video games all over the world. US census bureau identified electronic arts as software publishers industry. EA is well-established and independent producers of video games and according to the study by Thompson (2007), EA made global market up to $35 billion. In 2005, it was observed that the US made sales up to $7 billion along with the video games made by EA, and this amount was predicted to grow more in order, to set a record. The prediction was made on the analysis that retailers would be purchasing an Xbox 360, Sony’s new play station and Nintendo Wii in bulk. But, unfortunately, the originality of new consoles tapered off and a decline in sale was observed by 2010. There are various factors that contribute to progress the popularity and demands of video games among masses. Likewise, these video games were made, themed and styled to satisfy needs of all age groups specifically youth. Secondly, graphics play an important part in expanding the fame and demand of video games. EA showed a tremendous growth in the global market by meeting the needs of customers and by marketed the items properly, exactly according to the increasing budgets, sale promotions and advertisement levels. The growth of the company is evidenced that from...
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...Kevin Dunn MGT 364- Section 01 Research Paper: Product Development Dr. Denton November 21, 2013 Table of Contents: I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………3 II. Developing Products………………………………………………………….4 III. Product Differentiation……………………………………………………..10 IV. Conclusion and Recommendations ………………………………………..13 V. Works Cited…………………………………………………………………..15 Introduction Product development is one of the most important aspects to any business. New and innovative products have placed companies like Apple, Google and Samsung on the map. Companies like General Motors have been able to rebound from bankruptcy thanks to product development. On the other hand, companies like Eastman Kodak have fallen by the wayside due to their inability to keep up with new products. According to an article in the European Journal of Engineering Education, “Product development is the set of activities starting with the perception of a market need and ending in the production and sale of a new product satisfying that need” (Silva, Arlindo, Elsa Henriques, Aldina Carvalho). By successfully developing a product firms can see increased profits as well as an increased market share. To the helicopter game players, proper product development can set one team apart and earn them more profits. The purpose of this research paper is to explain how to successfully build a product through the phases of product development and product differentiation. As well as to give recommendations...
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