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Gatekeeper Suicide Training Report

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This section serves as a brief summary of the three most commonly used suicide prevention gatekeeper training programs: Living Works, LLC programs (ASIST, safeTALK, & suicide to Hope), Question Persuade Refer (QPR), and the Army’s Ask Care Escort (ACE).

Gatekeeper suicide prevention training programs are commonly used in the U.S. Department of Defense, but remain largely untested (Burnette et al., 2015). No existing Gatekeeper suicide prevention programs have been evaluated for their impact on suicide attempts or death. Evaluations have primarily focused on outcomes related to suicide knowledge or ability to identify (not assess) suicide risk; intervention skills competency; and self-appraisals of competency, knowledge, and training effectiveness. …show more content…
Originally developed for civilians, this program aims to raise awareness of personal and societal attitudes about suicide, teach suicide first aid and basic intervention skills, and increase knowledge of resources for people at risk of suicide. Trainees learn how to ask if someone is thinking about or preparing for suicide, administer a basic safety plan, and recommendations for how to connect the person with resources and additional care.

Suicide Alertness for Everyone - safeTALK – is a half day (3-4 hour), audio-visual suicide alertness training that teaches participants how to connect people with thoughts of suicide with resources and caregivers who have more advanced training. safeTALK uses videos of clinical vignettes to facilitate discussions about intervention strategies and how to best connect the portrayed individuals with resources and care. The steps outlined by the training are as follows: Tell, Ask, Listen, KeepSafe, and Know. The curriculum is meant to be a prequel to or bridge for the ASIST …show more content…
Persuade. Refer. (QPR) – is a 1-2 hour online or in person training for lay and professional gatekeepers delivered in a multi-media format. The intervention steps emphasized by the training are: (1) appropriately identify and respond to suicide warning signs, (2) persuade them to agree to seek help, and (3) refer a person to resources and people that can help. The training covers suicide prevalence, risk factors and warning signs, and the three target gatekeeper skills (Question, Persuade, Refer), and can be customized for different populations. Any adult, age 18 or older, can become a certified QPR trainer after 8 hours of instruction. The certification lasts for three years, but annual refresher courses are

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