Premium Essay

Comparing Pilate's Jewish Crowd, And Sojourner Truth

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Words 288
Pages 2
Haraway's essay addresses a "crisis" of the “human” in feminist theory. As we have seen, "humanity" as a category has been, discredited by feminists. Due to this Haraway looks to find a place for it in a redesigned feminist theory. This would be done by trying to represent these individuals in an unmodified way as possible to explain the ideologies of humanity. How realistic would this be? Haraway creates a similarity between Pilate’s Jewish crowd and to Sojourner Truth’s. According to Haraway, both these views can be seen as the suffering servant who claims their humanity in a world that will not acknowledge their human status. Sojourner Truth and Jesus are figures of a suffering humanity (87). This is demonstrated by showing a man who still

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