...Gay Adoption Family is not determined by blood relations, legal documents, or a last name. The traditional definition of family is one man and one woman raising their children together. The key word is traditionally; America is so caught up in traditions. Traditionally, it would be ridiculous to think that a child could be raised in a gay household. But it is becoming more acceptable in our society to embrace different ideas of what a family should be, such as the acceptance of gay adoption. Gay adoption should be allowed because there are far too many children without loving homes, because it is prejudice to deny homosexuals the right to adopt based on sexuality, and because it is narrow-minded to assume that heterosexuals make better parents than homosexuals do. In the United States alone, the number of children forced into the foster care system is unimaginable. According to the most current Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System Report there were about 423,773 children in foster care in the United States on September 30, 2009 ("The afars report," 2010). Each foster child in the system should have a chance at adoption. To deny homosexuals the right to adopt is heartbreaking for both the child and the potential gay parent or couple. Gay parents are already serving as foster parents towards children; adoption is simply confirming the legal rights of the gay couple. The sexual orientation of a potential parent looking to adopt should not matter; the child should...
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...Gay adoption A multiracial family is made by David and ralph gay couple with three adopted children. For four years we were struggling with the systems in Los Angeles County and in Santa Barbara County. From now, if people ask me ask about gay adoption, I will absolutely say “yes” and strongly support gay adoption. Between 1 million to 6 million children in the U.S. are being raised by committed lesbian or gay couples. In those children, research show has not found a single study showing that children of gay families to be disadvantage. Moreover, a lot of gay parents raise children as successful people. Homosexual parents are also offer safe home, good environment to their children. Children are raised in gay families can be just as successful as those with heterosexual parents, in some way they may have advantage. Opponents of gay families often argue that such families produce children that are less successful, because children of gay families are more likely to be gay and believe that children raised by homosexual parents are placed at risk for metal, emotional. Being raised by gay parent means that the family unit has an unbalanced ratio of male and female role models in the home environment, you could reasonably expect that this imbalance would spread into the parents circle of friends and the people that the family socialise with on a regular basis. But I do not think those factors are not necessarily true in the real world. Gay families are often more successful...
Words: 1208 - Pages: 5
...DJ Sociology of Family Gay Adoption: Race, Identity and Family Millions of children in this country are eagerly waiting to be adopted by loving parent/parents who will care and provide for them. Studies have shown that the role of race and identity in transracial adoption with the added pressure of being raised by gay parents affects children who are part of it. Some believe that these children are receiving a home that many dream of and others believe that these children are being deprived of their heritage and identity. Should children’s heritage and identities be taking into consideration when they adopted? Studies have proven that adoptive parents should be accepting of their children’s heritage and should alter their lifestyle to accommodate their children’s lives. Many children in the system are looking for a second chance for a better life. Adoption is a second chance at this better life, but with this second opportunity it can pose some challenges. Child adoption is complicated and complex situation in a whole, especially when it comes to race. When you mix a transracial adoption and a gay adoption into one household, you get a family with many questions and concerns. In the documentary, “Off and Running,” we see a coming-of-age story about a young teen named Avery Klein-Cloud who is an African-American girl adopted by white Jewish lesbians. She is one third of an adoptive set of children. Her older brother is a black and Puerto Rican boy and her younger brother...
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...that people should take care of the poor. Allowing homosexuals to adopt would save the U.S. government money. Half of the federal budget for child welfare is spent on foster care. “In 2004, of the 11.7 billion federal dollars spent for child welfare, fifty percent was spent on Title IV-E foster care” (HSS.GOV). If the U.S. can increase the amount of adoptions, the country would save billions of dollars spent for child welfare. As time goes on, the budget for child welfare continues to go up which means that even more money will be spent on foster care. “In 2006 the U.S. spent 23.3 billion dollars for child welfare” (CWLA.ORG). Almost half of the children living in out of home care in the U.S. are receiving federal foster care assistance. “Out of the 509,662 children in out of home care in the United States, 234,462 of those children received federal foster care assistance” (CWLA.ORG). The U.S. government would save money by cutting the number of children in foster care; the number of kids receiving foster care assistance would also be reduced. The government pays an adoption subsidy to adopting parents that is far less expensive than the benefits paid to foster parents. “eighty nine percent of children adopted from foster care receive a subsidy that defrays the cost of rearing...
Words: 353 - Pages: 2
...the right to adopt these children and give them better lives and help their development, no matter of the adopter’s sexuality. Everybody should be for gay adoption because it gets kids out of orphanages, gives them good homes, and gives the child a family. These children need a good home to grow up in where a whole bunch of other...
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...Department of Human Service found that 517 children are awaiting adoption but only 228 adoptive homes were available (New York Times). Arkansas is one state, out of many, that does not allow gay couples to adopt children. This law prevents numerous children from loving, supporting homes. This does not just consist in the United States, children around the world are constantly being disappointed because of laws that prevent them from having homes and loving families. The laws restrain same sex couples from offering their love and support for a child who does not have that in the first place. Same-sex couples have been just recently they have been given the right to marry in over 20 states and continue to push for equal...
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...documents, or a last name does not determine family. Traditionally, it would be shocking to think that a child could be raised in a gay household. But it is becoming more acceptable in our society to embrace different ideas of what a family should be, such as the acceptance of gay adoption. In the United States alone, the number of children forced into the foster care system is incredible. According to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System Report there were about 423,773 children in foster care in the United States only a couple of years ago. (The Afcars Report, 2010). Gay parents are already serving as foster parents towards children; adoption is simply confirming the legal rights of the gay couple. The sexual orientation of a potential parent looking to adopt should not matter; the child should be placed into a home as long as it is in the best interest of the child. The number of children in foster care is high, but it can be significantly decreased if we allow children to be adopted by homosexuals. However, there are still negative attitudes towards gay and lesbian adoption, making the process of adoption harder for homosexuals. A study interviewing 776 adoptive parents showed the differences in attitudes between married fathers, married mothers, and single mothers “The factors determining negative judgment of gay adoption varied depending on each group but the common views were affected by religious background, conservative political ideology, and a...
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...own, or they simply do not want children at this point in life. The final result remains, an alarming number of unwanted children in need of stability and unconditional love. There is a solution to this devastating issue. There is a rising amount of openly gay couples and some of them would love nothing more than to have a family of their own, but it is still illegal for homosexual couples to adopt children in some states and these state governments continue to make this process difficult for all involved. Throughout the United States, and in other countries as well, there are kids awaiting a forever family and eager...
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...recently passed laws allowing these types of adoption to take place, many people still oppose and protest against it. As this controversial topic grows even more evident, it's important for people to realize the facts and statistics of homosexual couples adopting in order for them to consciously pick a side to agree with. This paper will present you with three valid reasons on why these parents should be treated equally, along with details to support them. Keywords: adoption, homosexual couples, human rights Adoption Rights for Same-Sex Couples To quote Anne Hathaway, “Love is a human experience, not a political statement.” Why then, is love often restricted by the laws of a state or...
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...Gay adoption is the adoption of children by same sex couples. Based on this topic, I’d like to look into the question “Are children adopted by gay parents more likely to have the psychological problem?” And the thesis I stated is that gay couples are able to provide a warm and normal environment for adopted children to grow up. I want to focus on this topic from the current situation of gay adoption, gay couples are capable of raising children and children adopted by gay parents are the same as those who born in heterosexual families. Nowadays, the homosexual people are coming into public view and are accepted by more and more people. It has attracted much concern to improve and protect their rights, such as the Gay-Right Movement which refers...
Words: 1830 - Pages: 8
...In today’s society gay marriage is very prevalent. Everyday more and more people are accepting gays and are starting to allow gay marriage. What about gay marriage and adoption? This is a topic that is becoming more prevalent than ever. I didn’t want to speak solely on gay marriage but gay marriage and adoption. I intend to inform you on the benefits and concerns that arrive from two people of the same sex who chose to adopt. In our text we discussed individual rights and responsibility. Is this a right, that two people can raise a child together or is this wrong? What would ethical theories suggest? These are the questions that I would like to answer for you as I intend on informing you the pros and cons of a gay marriage when adopting. Many gay and lesbian people are choosing to become parents through adoption; here are some reasons why they shouldn’t. One argument against gay or lesbian adoption is they cannot provide a good life for the child because of the discrimination the child might face. Some argue that children of gay and lesbian parents will be subject to harassment and ridicule. Parents are the most influential role model in his or her child’s life. Being raised by gay or lesbian parents will no doubt make it more likely for the child to choose to be gay. Parents are the ones who shape the child’s beliefs on what is right and wrong. Some might argue that same sex couples cannot reproduce naturally so therefore, it is wrong for them to even be together, much...
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...denied to heterosexuals. However, there are tens of thousands of children in the United States that go unadopted each year, along with even more same-sex couples. Therefore, in order to provide these children with a loving home, something that homosexuals are completely capable of providing, gay couples should be allowed to adopt in all fifty states. Today, in America, there are thousands of children reported to be living in homes with at least one gay parent. In most cases, the partner of that gay parent is given no legal parental rights. Should homosexual partners be allowed to adopt? Evidence on the effects of gay and straight parenting is very incomplete. With this lack of evidence proving that homosexual couples would be unfit parents for a child and that heterosexual couples could provide a superior home, there is no reason that gay marriage should be banned in any state. This is especially true considering that adoptive parents are subjected to various background checks including mental and financial stability. Sexual orientation does not affect the mental and financial situations of a couple and should therefore not affect their ability to adopt. Only nine states allow openly gay couples to adopt in the same manor that of heterosexual couples....
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...Bringing Families Together Adoption isn’t about finding children for families; it’s about finding families for children. There are millions of orphans and making same-sex adoption legal will allow them to find these children loving families. Adoption is an excellent solution to significantly decreasing the number of orphans there are in the world. Same-sex couples are a perfect opportunity for this because there isn’t a chance they will be able to naturally reproduce on their own. There is no real evidence that children are negatively affected by being raised by same-sex parents. However, many people disagree with same-sex couples being parents due for numerous reasons. It is not as easy for same-sex couples to adopt as it is for traditional couples. Same-sex couples are just like regular couples when it comes to the important characteristics of a strong and healthy relationship. Yet, they endure so much more stress and problems due to their sexual preferences. Even after all the stress, the love for the child is still the same at the end of the day. Others may disagree and say that gay adoption creates a major change in the family structure, claiming that it is important for a child to have both a mother and a father. However, many single parents who struggle finically are allowed to have kids or adopt if they chose to do so, so why prevent same-sex couples, who could provide and excellent home, from having children to call their own and to raise. A parent’s sexuality...
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...individuals; being gay is not a mental disorder. As such, they are considered fully functioning members of society. They go to school, go to work, pay taxes, etc. There are no distinct qualifications for becoming a parent; however, most would suggest that a good parent possess the following characteristics: Responsible; Capable; Loving; Trustworthy; etc -- none of which are exclusive to heterosexuals. So, if we can accept that homosexuals are for all intensive purposes equal to heterosexuals in their personalities and behavior (outside of sexual endeavors), then there is no good reason to deny them the right to have or adopt children. It would seem that whom one sleeps with is a personal choice that should have no bearing on their qualification for parenting. As such, it would be wrong to deny gay couples the same parenting rights as other people in society. To do so would be to exhibit blatant homophobia, or the idea that gay people would somehow make inferior parents. The only way to eradicate this absurd ideal would be exposure; people need to see that gay people are just as competent as straight people in being good parents. Moreover, exposure to the homosexual lifestyle would decrease homophobia and other bigotry in general. 2. Parenting is in no way limited to be between a child's biological mother and father. In fact, 1/3 of children in America are not raised in two-parent households [1]. Plus, the 2000 U. S. Census reports that 33% of lesbian couples, and 22% of gay male couples...
Words: 1081 - Pages: 5
...In today’s society gay marriage is very prevalent. Everyday more and more people are accepting gays and are starting to allow gay marriage. What about gay marriage and adoption? This is a topic that is becoming more prevalent than ever. I didn’t want to speak solely on gay marriage but gay marriage and adoption. I intend to inform you on the benefits and concerns that arrive from two people of the same sex who chose to adopt. In our text we discussed individual rights and responsibility. Is this a right, that two people can raise a child together or is this wrong? What would ethical theories suggest? These are the questions that I would like to answer for you as I intend on informing you the pros and cons of a gay marriage when adopting. Many gay and lesbian people are choosing to become parents through adoption; here are some reasons why they shouldn’t. One argument against gay or lesbian adoption is they cannot provide a good life for the child because of the discrimination the child might face. Some argue that children of gay and lesbian parents will be subject to harassment and ridicule. Parents are the most influential role model in his or her child’s life. Being raised by gay or lesbian parents will no doubt make it more likely for the child to choose to be gay. Parents are the ones who shape the child’s beliefs on what is right and wrong. Some might argue that same sex couples cannot reproduce naturally so therefore, it is wrong for them to even be together, much...
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