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Gender Achievement Gap


Submitted By godfreyrena
Words 3760
Pages 16
The Gender Achievement Gap
Rena Godfrey
Capella University
ED5540 Strategies for Eliminating the Achievement Gap

Quarter & Year: Fall 2013
Instructor: Marge Zuba, Ed.D.

Gender Achievement Gap

One of the most interesting and actively debated areas in educational research concerns the gender-based achievement gaps in math and science. Despite research efforts and statistical data backing up the notion that girls are falling behind in math and science, there still continues to be significant gender-based achievement gaps that are perpetuated by “insidious gender lessons, micro-inequities…that chip away at girls’ achievement and self-esteem” (Sadker & Sadker, 1994). Research studies shed light on significant decreases in girls’ achievement rates in math and science as early as middle school that continues to decrease into high school. Although the achievement gap in math has declined in recent years (AAUW, 1999), girls consistently score lower on the SAT and ACT than boys do, and the gap does not narrow in college. Researchers struggling to identify the origins of gender differences have examined a range of theories, including biological, environmental, cultural, and cognitive developmental approaches to gender differences.
What is Gender Equity?
Gender equity implies being treated equally fair for both male and female. Gender refers to the social roles of men and women, and boys and girls, as well as the relationships among them, in a given society at a specific time and place. Gender equity is still a major point of discussion in modern-day education circles, although, Title IX, a groundbreaking statute intended to end sex discrimination in education, became the law of the land on June 23, 1972. While most famous for its requirement that schools provide girls with equal athletic opportunities, the law

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