Season 3 Biography
In "General Breast Theme with Cobras", after Pat Brown, Lewis, and Darrell storm the mansion, he befriends Pat, while distrusting Lewis. They bond over Pat's designer jean art, but when Pat discovers his affiliation with Mike, he threatens to shoot him, but the group is luckily able to escape. With a fear of Pat returning, even after being fully ran over and his boat disappearing, the group abandons the Malibu mansion and moves to a self-sustaining office building in "The Power of Power". When the power in the building goes off, Phil ultimately believes that Lewis has done-so, but it turns out to be Carol who only did it because she wanted to raise her child with Phil in an actual house. He gets her a makeshift wooden house and places it on their building floor.
In "The Open-Ended Nature of Unwitnessed Deaths", Phil discovers that Lewis is in a bad mood because it would have been his anniversary with his lover Mark. He kidnaps him after he is reluctant to go and they travel to Lewis' house, where…show more content… Lewis", after successfully landing a plane in a simulation. He also convinces him to as he is the only one there for them as the group is becoming frightened and scared over medical conditions. At the airfield, Carol introduces a post-virus newspaper and Phil gives Lewis some flight gear. Phil says his goodbyes and wishes him luck. As the group cheers with his immediate success, everything takes a turn fast as Lewis' plane crashes to result in his demise. Back at the building, Phil delivers a eulogy to Lewis. He goes to a church and receives a message from God and returns to the building with a truck and sets up a big field of lights to display on the building in an effort to lift the groups' spirits. Phil calls the group out, but they pretty much blow it off. But due to Phil's installation of the power cords, it flickers on the power in the elevator that Gail was last seen