...1 Basic Arithmetic TERMINOLOGY Absolute value: The distance of a number from zero on the number line. Hence it is the magnitude or value of a number without the sign Directed numbers: The set of integers or whole numbers f -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, f Exponent: Power or index of a number. For example 23 has a base number of 2 and an exponent of 3 Index: The power of a base number showing how many times this number is multiplied by itself e.g. 2 3 = 2 # 2 # 2. The index is 3 Indices: More than one index (plural) Recurring decimal: A repeating decimal that does not terminate e.g. 0.777777 … is a recurring decimal that can be written as a fraction. More than one digit can recur e.g. 0.14141414 ... Scientific notation: Sometimes called standard notation. A standard form to write very large or very small numbers as a product of a number between 1 and 10 and a power of 10 e.g. 765 000 000 is 7.65 # 10 8 in scientific notation Chapter 1 Basic Arithmetic 3 INTRODUCTION THIS CHAPTER GIVES A review of basic arithmetic skills, including knowing the correct order of operations, rounding off, and working with fractions, decimals and percentages. Work on significant figures, scientific notation and indices is also included, as are the concepts of absolute values. Basic calculator skills are also covered in this chapter. Real Numbers Types of numbers Unreal or imaginary numbers Real numbers Rational numbers Irrational numbers Integers Integers are whole numbers...
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...United States Students Lag in Math and Science United States high school seniors scored near or at the bottom of a multinational study of student performance in science and mathematics, according to results released on February 24, 1998. Final results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), said to be the most comprehensive ever, also showed that U.S. students' aptitude for mathematics and science declines as they get older. Conducted in 1995, TIMSS tested student abilities in general mathematics, general science, advanced mathematics, and physics. In general mathematics and general science the Netherlands and Sweden took top honors, while the United States ranked 19th and 16th, respectively, in a field of 21 nations. Top-level U.S. students fared even worse, finishing 15th out of 16 countries in advanced mathematics and placing 16th—dead last—in physics. France and Norway, respectively, finished first in those disciplines. Asian nations scored highest in earlier TIMSS studies of fourth and eighth graders, but chose not to participate in the high school study. United States Secretary of Education Richard Riley called the results “entirely unacceptable” and said they “confirm our need to raise our standards of achievement, testing, and teaching.” Students must be encouraged to “understand the importance of math and science,” Riley said. Only 25 percent of U.S. high school students take physics and only 10 percent take calculus, Riley said. Meanwhile...
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...have a system set up to remind the accounting department to check the trial balance for errors on a weekly basis. As stated by Netmba.com (2007), “The more often the trial balance is calculated during the accounting cycle, the easier it is to isolate any errors; more frequent trial balance calculation narrow the time frame in which the error might have occurred, resulting in few transactions through which to search,” (¶ 6). This allows time to check for any missed transactions as well. The accountant in charge could take a look at transactions for the week and then could make any necessary entries, ones that were left out or to correct the erroneous ones. To do this we must first set up perimeters to remind the accountant to check the preliminary trial balance. It could be a simple...
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...highest standards to guarantee students with learning disabilities are receiving the best education. According to Preliminary Credential Competency Checklist (2014), competency 1.2 Historical and Legal Foundation address the importance to enforce special education practice of FAPE, LRE, nondiscriminatory assessments, and the parents right to due process (**p.**). Enforcing the students rights in their education during student teaching is aligned with school district policies. During the time of...
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...is true for most other countries in the world. In countries where P.E is not compulsory, it is often taught as part of the curriculum ‘as a matter of general practice’. (Hardman. K). It is important that these guidelines be adhered to by schools from a young ages i.e. primary schools, as the early years of a child’s life are crucial in the development of fundamental movement skills and the opportunity to develop physical capacities. In some schools however, there are various reasons as to why these necessary requirements are not complied with. These include poor time allocation to P.E as other subjects are seen as more superior and of more importance, lack of assessment procedures, financial reasons e.g. lack of resources such as halls, pitches and courts and also poor equipment available such as nets, balls, rackets etc. Finally one huge factor contributing to the inadequacy of P.E classes or no P.E classes at all may be due to the deficiency in numbers of qualified Physical Education teachers and also negative attitudes from parents and individuals in higher power positions e.g. principals. In 2007 61% of countries identified Physical Education as an examinable subject in comparison to the considerable number of countries which identify Maths as examinable. The junior cycle physical Education syllabus states that ‘the general aim of education is to contribute towards the development of all aspects of the individual’. How then I question, is...
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...Have you ever wondered while waiting to receive or even while taking a standardized exam, whether this method accurately measures one’s abilities? Well, this thought has definitely crossed my mind several times while preparing for major nationalized exams. As a student myself, I wanted to investigate the reasoning, and most importantly, the effectiveness of using standardized tests on students as a whole. My position is not of an expert, but rather of a concerned student who has taken many examinations throughout primary as well as secondary grade education. Standardized tests are examinations administered to all students in a grade level in a predetermined, standard manner. Over the years, the different types of nationalized tests have grown...
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...Marian Malone International Legal and Ethical Issues in Business October 25, 2015 Abstract What kind of statements are companies allowed to make in their advertising campaigns to get noticed by the general public? How much of this advertising is taken seriously by the general public? Will a company be held responsible to follow through for their statements made in an ad campaign? We will examine these questions in this paper. Circumstance In 1999, a Seattle man took a popular soft-drink company seriously when one of its commercials made an offer of a Harrier jet, the famous high-tech jump jet used by the U.S. Marines. In a TV commercial that aired in 1995, the company jokingly included the Harrier as one of the prizes that could be received with a mere 7 million company points. Although that sounds like a lot of points to get from drinking the soft drink company's products (roughly 190 drinks a day for 100 years), the company also allowed customers to purchase points for 10 cents each. The man did the math and discovered that the cost of the 7 million points needed for the jet was $700,000. He then put together a business plan, raised the $700,000 from friends and family, and submitted 15 points, the check, and an official order form along with a demand for the Harrier jet. The company wrote back, stating that the Harrier jet in the commercial was simply used to created humorous and entertaining advertisement...
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...Police Training College Royal Bahamas Police Force PRELIMINARY RECRUITMENT FORM Name of Applicant (BLOCK CAPITALS) (LAST) Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year) Sex (FIRST) Age Last Birthday Height House/Apartment # Home Telephone No. Cell Phone No. Island Work Telephone No. E-Mail: Passport No. Place of Employment (MIDDLE) Place of Birth Weight Nationality Male □ Street Address P.O. Box National Insurance No. Drivers License No. Female □ Current Profession or Occupation EDUCATION ( ( ( ( ( ( Please indicate (tick box) the highest level of education you have received. ) High School Diploma (or equivalency) ) 2-year College Diploma (Associates Degree) ) 3-Year College Diploma ) Bachelor’s Degree ) Master’s Degree ) Doctoral Degree/Professional Designation. Dates Attended: Highest Grade/level Completed Junior High School Attended: B.J.C’s Obtained @ grade ‘C’ or above Secondary School Attended: Dates Attended: Highest Grade/level Completed B.G.C.S.E’s Obtained @ grade ‘C’ or above University Attended: Business, Trade or Technical School: Dates Attended: Dates Attended: Specific Major Area of Study: Course Name: Degree Awarded : Licence or Certificate Obtained: Other relevant Courses, Workshops, Seminars, Training, Licences, Certificates or Degrees: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Name of Current Employer: Address Your Position Telephone Number Brief description of duties P.O.Box Date Started Supervisor Name and Title Name of Previous Employer...
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...Description Title of Invention : Sample Application This is a sample text. The description must disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art. It must start with the title of the invention as appearing in Box No. I of the request. Rule 5 contains detailed requirements as to the “manner and order” of the sdescription, which, generally, should be in six parts. Those parts should have the following headings: “Technical Field”, “Background Art”, “Disclosure of Invention”, “Brief Description of Drawings”, “Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention” or, where appropriate (see paragraph 115), “Mode(s) for Carrying Out the Invention”, “Industrial Applicability”, and, where applicable, “Sequence Listing” and “Sequence Listing Free Text” This is a sample text. The description must disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art. It must start with the title of the invention as appearing in Box No. I of the request. Rule 5 contains detailed requirements as to the “manner and order” of the sdescription, which, generally, should be in six parts. Those parts should have the following headings: This is a sample text. The description must disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art. It must start with the title of the invention as appearing in Box No. I of the request...
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...BUS 424 Auditing Summary of Key Audit Planning Concepts Dr. Miller I. GAAP versus GAAS/SAS Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) – Consists of Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) created by FASB to guide the preparation of financial statements. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) – 10 general standards representing a framework from which AICPA can provide interpretations. They are organized into 3 groups – General Qualifications, Field Work Performance, and Reporting Results. They are broad guidelines. General Qualifications: 1. Adequate training & proficiency – technically qualified and experienced with the industry 2. Independence in mental attitude – both in fact and in appearance 3. Due professional care – auditors are professionals responsible for fulfilling their duties diligently and carefully. Field Work Performance: 1. Adequate planning & supervision – to ensure adequate audit and proper supervision of assistants. 2. Understanding the client’s internal control system – to determine the adequacy of client’s system to provide reliable data and safeguarding assets and records. 3. Sufficient competent evidence – how much and what types of evidence to accumulate for given set of circumstances. Requires professional judgment. Reporting Results: 1. Determine whether statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP. ...
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...The New Phenomenon of Online Education The era of the Internet created more than supportive environment for massive open online courses (MOOCs). They are earning praise for bringing outstanding college teaching to vast number of students who otherwise wouldn’t have access to it, including those in remote places and those in the middle of their careers. The online classes are also being promoted as a way to bolster the quality and productivity of teaching in general. If we consider this question from perspective of expenses then MOOCs could considerably save costs for education since average prices to get a bachelor’s degree are quite high in different countries. Ukraine is not an exception despite the fact that mostly high education is free here. And many people worry that even as the cost of higher education has risen, its quality has fallen. Dropout rates are not that high, but many graduates don’t show much of evidence that college improved their critical-thinking skills. In Ukrainian IT sector usually it is not enough to graduate from a University with Master Degree in Computer Science to get a job. As usual such specialists need additional education or courses in order to extent their knowledge to meet the minimal requirements for junior software engineer. Internship could also be a case here. Very often MOOC could be a simple solution to get lacking knowledge. Naturally there are people who have different opinions about MOOC phenomenon - proponents of MOOCs say the...
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...Most of the time, group work is a preliminary activity to whole class discussions. Therefore, in order to have success in whole class discussions, success must first occur in group work. The structure of group work needs to be carefully considered because it organizes the conversations that occur in groups, as well as class discussions. Allen (2012) states that “assigning roles fosters full participation in the group” (p. 310). There are several benefits to structuring group work in this way. For instance, it encourages all group members to participate in some way, which further increases student involvement and understanding. The roles also help manage the group by maintaining focus and organization. Moreover, when it is time to share with the whole class, the groups will have more...
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...Perception of STPM students towards learning English as second language. Contents Background 2 Statement of the Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 5 Literature Review 5 Theoretical Framework : Strategy learning of Language 5 Motivation control 7 Cognition 8 The Research Questions 9 Motivation for the Research 10 Methodology 10 Research Design 10 Population and Sample 11 Instrumentation 12 Data Collection and Procedure 13 References 14 Background English is one legacy of more than a century worth of British colonial rule in Malaysia. It stands as most important foreign language in Malaysia and used extensively for all aspects of daily life, from handling business transactions until producing written advertisement jingles. English language plays a vital role in binding together a multicultural nation made up three unambiguous races which is Malays, Chinese and Indians. These groups differ in appearance and mother tongue that relies on shared language to communicate outside of their ethnic group. Despite its history, Malaysia has recently seen a sharp decline in English language proficiency (Murugesan, 2003), which has triggered implementation of certain measures calculated to prevent this recurrence. Where, the ministry of education has implemented Science and Mathematics teaching in English Language since year 2003 (ministry of education, 2014). There was a lot of attempt especially from Malay...
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...business context. We developed an approach based on Levinson’s (1950) ethnocentrist model to explore the underlying values of the two cultures, specifically in relation to perceptions of work. Preliminary results indicate a potential misalignment of motivating values. This study may have further implications for the selection of strategic business partners and other important crosscultural transactions. Keywords: India, Ethnocentrist, Levinson Introduction The genesis for this study was a question posed by an Indian graduate student on her first visit to the U.S. who simply wanted to know what Americans thought of Indians and her home country. India’s economic liberalization in 1991 opened the gateway for new multilateral business opportunities, and in a broader sense, the world gained access to a vast wealth of untapped resources in India, including a highly educated workforce to satisfy the global desire for outsourced services. Although the U.S. has quickly become India’s largest trading partner, surprisingly little research has been devoted to cross-cultural perceptions in this business context. In response to our student’s question, anecdotal evidence suggested that the stereotypical view was quite favorable in that Indians in America were assumed to have strong abilities in math and science that resulted in professional positions with above average...
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...systems. In order to gain an appreciation of these and related issues, it is essential for me to have a strong grounding in Economics, Supply Chain Management, and issues connected with Information Technology, as well as gain a General Management perspective. Review para1 I believe that the Ph.D. program in Business Administration (with concentration in Management) would be invaluable in helping me achieve these objectives. It would enable me to channel my quantitative and conceptual skills in analysing business issues and would open up new avenues in research. Subsequent to earning a Ph.D., I would like to apply for a faculty position at a leading university; and investigate issues concerned with technology as it affects organisation strategy, structure and systems. Review para2 I believe that my background in engineering and management has prepared me for such a career. I have found research fascinating since my engineering days, where I received the highest marks in the Department for my final-year undergraduate dissertation; and was judged to have presented the best paper at a Departmental seminar. My four years of engineering education have provided me with a strong grounding in mathematics (I stood first in my Department for each of the four Math papers) and the theoretical aspects of technology. Review para3 I joined ABC Business School in order to broaden my perspective and to improve my career...
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