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Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay

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Enter here 1Tommy wakes up every morning to the sound of cheerful children playing in his neighborhood. The children are running around playing games that they all love. Tommy calls for his mother because he needs her assistants in helping him get ready for the day. He needs assistants because tommy is confined to a wheelchair after an awful car accident two years ago that has left him paralyzed. Tommy can no longer play the games that he used to and has had many problems adjusting to being paralyzed. This is an awfully tragic ordeal that tommy must go through, although he may not have to if genetic medication is researched continuous. This research is highly controversial on the basis of whether or not this is an ethical avenue for sociality to continue down. Genetic engineering can be done within biblical and social ethics and morals standings. This research needs to be regulated and watch to not over step boundaries, but it is also extremely important that it is done. It could prolong and save countless lives. Those live will not only be longer, but also the enjoyment will be much greater.
Enter here 2 Stem cells have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, …show more content…
There are more than 120,000 people waiting for critical organs on a waiting list. These organs are critical for them to live. The average waiting time depending on the organ can be from four months to as many as five years or more. There will be thousands of people that will die waiting for an organ that they will never get. They may be too far down the line or they will not be able to find an organ that is a close enough match for them to be able to use. Having a close match is critical because without a close match the person’s body that received the organ might reject the

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