...Mani Obhrai was born and lives in London, which is somewhere in the United Kingdom. He enjoys tea, chips, beer, cricket, Morris dancing, bulldogs and double-decker buses. He is regularly spotted wearing a pin-striped suit, carrying a newspaper under his arm, shouting, “Cheerio!” False Memory 15 stories that I think are actually true First published 2007 This paperback edition published 2007 Copyright © 2007 by Mani Obhrai A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-84799-022-8 1 This book is dedicated to those who have strived to make my life easier. For the most part, these people probably know who they are, but in case there is any doubt, they are listed below. If you did not make my life easier in any way, but would still like, for some reason, to have this book dedicated to you, please write your name in the space provided below and feel free to show it to your friends and loved ones, or simply to people you might wish to impress. Thanks to: Paige Baird, _____________, Serena Obhrai, Greer Baird, Indy Lalli and Amy Laurence for all their help with editing and moral support. Introduction by the author The triangular white stain The great pencil heist of ‘85 Willie’s accident Rental van Carly Afflicted ICE NO ICE Bursting Plastic and clicks Whisky Squiggle Country and western Double-bill The unexpected shadow The chocolate binge 1 2 4 7 10 13 16 20 22 27 31 36 41 49 55 60 Introduction by the author happened...
Words: 21233 - Pages: 85