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Advanced Study of Papers


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Pages 8
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus hendrerit nibh vitae maximus. Quisque nec tincidunt sapien, ultricies ornare metus. Mauris sit amet elit hendrerit, ullamcorper ligula nec, gravida arcu. Aenean varius dui at nibh varius, dignissim fringilla dolor vehicula. Curabitur quis lacinia diam. Nam consectetur nec magna ac viverra. Nullam pharetra arcu ac lacus consequat, nec iaculis erat semper. Nunc ut odio neque. Phasellus a ipsum urna. Sed sed ante a urna blandit sodales nec eu lectus. Curabitur ultrices nec massa ut dictum. Nulla eu ipsum ultricies, iaculis nisl quis, congue nulla. Nulla felis ex, vestibulum rhoncus viverra quis, sollicitudin in arcu.

Aliquam sit amet quam eu nisl malesuada auctor vel sed risus. Cras ultrices vitae orci et faucibus. Pellentesque tristique purus quis dolor sollicitudin varius. In eget efficitur diam, at ornare diam. Nam vel ex id metus euismod varius. Etiam tempus consectetur eleifend. Mauris id metus fringilla, vestibulum lacus vel, viverra est.

Aliquam sagittis tortor sed dolor efficitur aliquet. Maecenas mollis elit id erat luctus, sed aliquam diam cursus. Praesent ornare eleifend velit, ut aliquam sem pharetra ac. Curabitur ut arcu congue, venenatis nibh a, pellentesque velit. Aenean et leo ex. Nunc ultricies vel turpis ut faucibus. Praesent pulvinar pulvinar lorem ut ultricies. Mauris convallis dui dolor, ac cursus arcu facilisis nec. Ut aliquam mauris malesuada sem rhoncus, ut elementum dolor condimentum. Sed convallis venenatis nisi, ut fringilla enim pulvinar vel. In quis ultricies est. Integer viverra arcu nec purus ullamcorper, at condimentum augue mattis. Nam rhoncus nunc id leo egestas, id maximus ipsum auctor.

Duis ut orci et ante dictum maximus vitae eget nunc. Nulla lacinia est ut fermentum facilisis. Nam bibendum dolor vel felis convallis pellentesque. Phasellus eu ligula non neque aliquam egestas. Phasellus feugiat, odio ac cursus tincidunt, nibh nibh suscipit sem, vitae blandit justo tortor quis libero. Phasellus blandit auctor mauris, vitae blandit dui interdum id. Sed mollis et ex sit amet porta. In nec ligula ante. Aenean maximus ex et pellentesque tristique. Nunc ligula dolor, pulvinar vel lorem ac, mollis aliquet elit. Nulla dapibus, ex sit amet molestie placerat, neque magna iaculis felis, nec fermentum lectus arcu et elit. Nam accumsan interdum nibh id cursus. Nam libero velit, interdum et massa sit amet, ultricies porta justo.

Donec facilisis neque condimentum libero tincidunt vehicula. Donec venenatis diam ut augue volutpat malesuada. Donec euismod vestibulum diam, a pellentesque lectus ullamcorper ut. Etiam eros velit, eleifend quis aliquam sit amet, molestie sed lorem. Etiam lorem eros, egestas cursus congue vitae, volutpat ut odio. Integer ipsum ex, convallis aliquam elit eget, fermentum lobortis diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vel nisi dignissim, vehicula erat vel, luctus sem. Morbi sed egestas ex. Donec in nulla id leo blandit pretium.

Cras interdum arcu at tortor cursus, sagittis eleifend quam rhoncus. Vivamus a rutrum eros, sed porttitor mauris. Vestibulum facilisis velit eu sagittis tincidunt. Praesent et ornare nulla. Proin tempor, nulla vitae molestie bibendum, nunc enim bibendum urna, ac ultrices diam dui a augue. Nulla nunc dolor, luctus sit amet efficitur pellentesque, pharetra vel elit. Vestibulum vulputate convallis lorem sed interdum. Proin hendrerit feugiat dolor, quis dictum velit ornare varius. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Nam vel orci faucibus lacus varius mollis. Nulla vel odio porta nulla feugiat blandit a nec diam. Vestibulum blandit lorem magna, vel efficitur est pulvinar eget. Nunc maximus sollicitudin est. Pellentesque ut leo sed risus maximus auctor sed eget dolor. Fusce tempor suscipit nibh, ac tempus turpis imperdiet quis. Ut fringilla lacus sit amet risus tincidunt ullamcorper. Integer sollicitudin pulvinar sem sed sollicitudin.

Curabitur quis placerat ante. Donec ac blandit diam. Cras eleifend ut libero ac dictum. Duis quis libero erat. Cras eu tristique ante, ut blandit purus. Aenean nec semper magna, vitae tempor enim. Proin vitae tincidunt orci, vel pellentesque sem. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus leo eros, laoreet vel luctus in, fermentum eu massa. Etiam ac mattis est. Ut pellentesque, eros vel porttitor facilisis, sem velit viverra odio, a pretium diam ante non eros. Phasellus quis ante at nisl vestibulum porta eget elementum arcu. Quisque eget consectetur augue, sit amet tincidunt felis.

In elementum varius enim, vitae ullamcorper metus tempus eu. Sed libero tellus, vestibulum ac pulvinar sed, sodales sed nisl. Nam laoreet tellus et libero dictum euismod. Aenean commodo neque sit amet augue consequat, sed efficitur ante efficitur. Curabitur tincidunt, nisl eget lacinia imperdiet, justo lectus egestas mauris, non dignissim nibh sapien sed nisi. Mauris rhoncus nisl efficitur sem efficitur, ac cursus enim euismod. Curabitur accumsan imperdiet massa, in consequat urna cursus a. Fusce et tellus in lacus dignissim elementum eget non leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent a suscipit quam. Aenean sagittis nec nisi sit amet lacinia.

Suspendisse mattis vestibulum consequat. Quisque diam nulla, consequat in imperdiet eu, laoreet vitae nunc. Vivamus ut erat orci. Suspendisse tristique nunc ex, ut volutpat purus faucibus vel. Praesent nec faucibus magna. Donec finibus et est a tincidunt. Suspendisse a pulvinar nisl. Curabitur tellus turpis, euismod sit amet diam id, condimentum vestibulum magna. Maecenas quis aliquam magna. Morbi sodales ac nisi id pharetra. Maecenas gravida aliquet sem, ut iaculis purus vestibulum vel. Praesent id arcu et turpis vehicula cursus sed vel mi. Etiam suscipit quam sapien, sagittis pellentesque quam hendrerit sed.

Aliquam sagittis finibus varius. Cras purus est, blandit scelerisque ex eget, sagittis hendrerit tellus. Sed diam augue, porttitor id velit rhoncus, gravida suscipit purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut vehicula mi nec arcu facilisis luctus. Vivamus accumsan nisl tortor. Sed sit amet massa accumsan, elementum augue ut, scelerisque nibh. Curabitur eget elit eget massa ultrices volutpat sit amet eu ipsum. Pellentesque tortor ex, sagittis in dolor id, feugiat rhoncus diam.

Fusce consectetur egestas lectus, vel rutrum justo efficitur dapibus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce massa nisl, suscipit nec consectetur ultricies, molestie at velit. Aenean euismod non purus at interdum. Vivamus est urna, iaculis vel nibh sed, consequat scelerisque purus. Duis eget lorem nunc. Vestibulum vel placerat nibh. Sed tincidunt ullamcorper lacinia. Praesent vitae interdum sem, tristique elementum nunc. Cras rutrum et magna quis egestas. Morbi diam odio, pharetra vel ipsum quis, tempor congue ligula. Nulla ut sapien interdum, ultrices massa consectetur, viverra lorem.

Vestibulum at vestibulum est. Proin bibendum, augue non finibus fringilla, nibh tortor lobortis nunc, nec bibendum metus ipsum sed nisl. Sed volutpat rutrum eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla nec nisl sed eros ultrices bibendum nec non neque. Maecenas sit amet dui pellentesque sapien rhoncus scelerisque. Proin vehicula eleifend magna. Nam quis neque at elit ultrices mattis et sed nunc. Integer hendrerit auctor metus, sed efficitur urna dignissim ut. Nullam quam libero, feugiat in hendrerit sed, mattis ac ex. Phasellus faucibus consequat eros lobortis tincidunt. Cras vestibulum lorem eget bibendum pharetra. Sed et consectetur elit, a congue ex. Phasellus fermentum egestas dolor, vitae vestibulum ex posuere a. In luctus pretium ex in feugiat. Praesent ultricies varius congue.

Aenean tristique ipsum nec massa aliquet interdum sed nec urna. Proin ut orci ex. Donec leo mi, euismod in auctor sed, luctus non augue. Curabitur volutpat nulla at lectus fermentum, id placerat arcu mattis. Sed sem diam, laoreet nec erat id, hendrerit maximus ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque a posuere erat, vitae vehicula lorem. Etiam accumsan nunc eros, ac commodo tortor volutpat sit amet. Nulla eget semper arcu. Nam lacinia elementum urna et facilisis. Etiam nisi sapien, dapibus sed interdum in, sollicitudin viverra felis. Aenean vitae mi molestie, fermentum lectus id, fringilla elit.

Nunc justo lacus, hendrerit vel mattis non, auctor ac dui. Cras finibus venenatis purus ac convallis. Etiam interdum elit eget lacus dictum efficitur. Suspendisse ligula sem, placerat vitae feugiat eget, hendrerit ac ante. Donec congue diam nisl, at gravida purus ultrices vel. Pellentesque ac orci nulla. Vestibulum et aliquet sapien. Ut ut pretium massa. In id diam tellus. Proin pellentesque nulla nec suscipit elementum. Cras eleifend, nisi et accumsan placerat, augue dolor sagittis erat, sed egestas dolor turpis ac augue. Integer vitae dui vel metus hendrerit tristique nec sit amet mauris.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin vel varius ante. Nulla facilisi. Sed nisl dolor, pretium consectetur orci ac, pulvinar pellentesque urna. Vivamus nunc magna, posuere in hendrerit eget, laoreet sit amet orci. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque porttitor mi vitae tristique fermentum. Donec vel mauris a leo finibus aliquet id porttitor erat. Donec non ullamcorper ipsum, nec sollicitudin metus. Nunc commodo cursus sollicitudin. Nulla faucibus ullamcorper elementum.

Morbi pretium sit amet ligula et placerat. Duis eget molestie elit. Maecenas consequat at lorem non interdum. In aliquet tempus eros id convallis. Maecenas accumsan, lectus a mattis scelerisque, leo risus varius lorem, eu tempor quam est sit amet metus. Etiam eu fringilla neque. Duis sem sapien, ullamcorper eu consectetur in, congue vel nunc. Nulla placerat eros quis arcu eleifend, ac facilisis sapien iaculis. Sed vel blandit sem. Nam sagittis, libero sit amet scelerisque facilisis, dolor urna rhoncus urna, sit amet convallis libero purus eget turpis. Proin rutrum, tellus eu aliquet facilisis, turpis dui tempor lacus, eu consectetur nulla felis ut urna. Maecenas volutpat ante sit amet scelerisque feugiat. Suspendisse ac purus aliquet, efficitur enim vel, eleifend dolor. Praesent venenatis, odio eget consectetur rhoncus, nibh elit ullamcorper sem, et cursus leo magna sed metus. Morbi semper sapien a diam commodo, ac pellentesque urna porta.

Integer ut ipsum ante. Nullam id nisl vel felis dignissim malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pretium convallis nibh et iaculis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent velit mi, blandit non leo luctus, congue euismod dolor. Suspendisse a lacus vulputate, porttitor mi in, vestibulum enim. Cras non metus felis. Aliquam feugiat elit ante, vel tempus nulla semper suscipit. Vivamus sapien nulla, ullamcorper et luctus vel, eleifend vel ligula. Praesent mauris lacus, accumsan ac purus ut, vulputate tempor sem. Donec vel dapibus arcu. Ut rutrum nisl id velit pulvinar, non varius arcu placerat.

Donec est ante, luctus vel pretium id, volutpat eget nunc. Fusce fermentum fringilla finibus. Phasellus ultrices rutrum sapien. Vivamus tellus neque, eleifend ac lectus in, semper maximus neque. Proin at quam porta elit sodales convallis sed a lectus. Aenean nibh ligula, pellentesque mollis sodales a, vestibulum ac dui. Etiam mi felis, fringilla ut lectus ut, interdum placerat felis. Nullam rutrum nec tellus in elementum. Phasellus ut lectus at ipsum imperdiet varius. Vivamus quis sem vel ipsum dignissim venenatis. Cras a risus a sem aliquet tincidunt id vel ex. Etiam magna arcu, venenatis ac mauris quis, interdum egestas ante. Fusce mattis elit nec luctus maximus.

Cras quis ipsum eget dolor vestibulum consequat. Nam pulvinar non dui sit amet consectetur. Phasellus ac ultrices augue, quis porta est. Nullam quis hendrerit neque, ut consectetur erat. Duis in velit quam. Vestibulum aliquet ante eu tristique accumsan. Integer non feugiat ipsum. Vivamus non ex vel augue consectetur imperdiet. Nunc vel orci ac risus aliquet vestibulum. Aenean laoreet faucibus nulla nec laoreet. Quisque vestibulum pellentesque est, eget venenatis erat sodales eget. Suspendisse ac magna at augue dignissim tincidunt. Integer at sem lobortis, viverra arcu id, posuere sapien. Donec nisl risus, hendrerit non turpis a, hendrerit auctor tellus. Nulla facilisi.

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Ups Competes Globally with Information Technology

...From this case study, we learn that UPS as an enterprise has its own cutting-edge networked systems that empower it to retain costs low and streamline its overall operations. The inputs of UPS’s package system are customers’ information such as names, address, dates, phone numbers, and weights. Kenneth Laudon and Jane Laudon claim “it all starts with the scannable-bar coded label which is attached to a package, which contains detailed information about the sender, the destination of the package, the recipient, and when the package should arrive. Customers can download and print their own labels using special software provided by UPS or by accessing the UPS website” (Laudon & Laudon, 2011). This case study also shows that before the package is picked up, the data from the scannable bar coded label is transmitted to one of UPS’s computer centers in Mahwah, New Jersey, or Alpharetta, Georgia and sent to the distribution center nearest its final destination. This information is processed using special software to create the outputs such as efficient delivery route for each driver that considers traffic, weather condition, and the location of each stop. The UPS has spent a great deal of money investing heavily in advanced information technology. According to the UPS website “UPS has implemented several tools and procedures, called Package Flow Technologies, to optimize delivery routes. PFT includes a suite of hardware and software designed, in part, to help drivers plan the most...

Words: 947 - Pages: 4

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A Study on Pre & Post Performance Evaluation of Merger and Acquisition of Selected Indian Banks.

...International ISSN: 2278-6236 Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences Impact Factor: 4.400 MERGERS A N D ACQUISITIONS IN THE INDIAN BANKING SECTOR: A STUDY OF SELECTED BANKS Komal Gupta* Abstract: In the present era of global economy, Mergers most widely used business strategy restructuring greater market economies share, long term of corporate profitability, entering of scale etc. The present paper evaluates on the financial is conducted performance and Acquisitions have become the and strengthening new markets, capitalising the effects of merger and acquisitions to analyse the effectiveness on the banks. Two cases of merger and acquisitions of mergers and acquisitions have been taken randomly the study, first the merger of ICICI bank and The Bank of Rajasthan, Bank of Punjab. The results of the study indicate positive and acquisitions on the financial as sample for and second the merger of HDFC bank and Centurion of mergers on of the selected banks in India. Pre and post merger comparison on selected variables impact to achieve performance that there is a of the selected banks. Key Words: Mergers and acquisition, Banking, Financial Performance, Financial Ratios, Synergy. *Assistant Professor, Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi University Vol. 4 | No. 3 | March 2015

Words: 5897 - Pages: 24

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Math and Everday Life

...Math is as big a part of life as life is a part of math. From the time most of us start learning numbers and simple math, we usually ask two questions. First, “why do I have to learn this? “, and second,” when will I ever need to use math in real life? “. The truth of the matter is, we use math everyday whether we realize it or not. Math is used in one form or another hundreds of times a day in everything from the simplest chore we perform to the most difficult tasks we can think of. Mastering the skill of math, even simple math, can enable one to progress throughout life with much less stress and confusion. Once we learn numbers and simple math, it becomes like second nature to incorporate mathematics into our day. Consider the first thing most people do in the morning upon waking. For most of us, that involves looking at the clock to see what time it is. Therefore, numbers are one of the first things seen and automatically, without thinking about math, we calculate how much time we have before we have to be somewhere. Perhaps one only thinks of how long they slept? Regardless, math has usually been applied momentarily following waking from being asleep. Once awake, think of the math equations most of us perform throughout the day. The amount of addition and subtraction as well as multiplying and dividing ones time allotment for the day is substantial. (Math in Everyday Use, 2012) The math calculations performed by most in relation to time in the course of a day is just...

Words: 1120 - Pages: 5