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The Objective of This Project Is to Develop a Research Paper on an Area of Emerging Technology


Submitted By Laynebaril
Words 775
Pages 4
The objective of this project is to develop a research paper on an area of emerging technology Click Link Below To Buy: The objective of this project is to develop a research paper on an area of emerging technology. Approach the project as if you were recommending technology implementation initiatives to your corporation's technology planning committee. The analysis will have two sections.
First, examine the view that suggests that the technology you choose is a good emerging technology. Then, discuss the implications for stakeholders (implications for the corporation, such as cost/benefit analysis); integration considerations; the impact on the company's employees; and operational concerns (i.e., increased productivity/efficiency, short-term challenges versus long-term benefits) for management, technical staff, nontechnical staff, the company's customers and clients, and other business partners of your selected corporation.
Second, contrast and compare the benefits of the emerging technology you chose with past successful or unsuccessful telecommunications technologies you have in place. To what extent should the corporation change its technology foundation? Include current information on how the technology works. If you believe this is the best choice for the corporation, provide your rationale. Please examine and discuss each element of this objective.
The analysis (your final paper) will have at least six sections (or more) and be 10–15 pages in length. It will be double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font. Your paper should include the following sections and topics (where appropriate).
Introduction: Introduce and define the technology you plan on recommending to management.
Summary of Technology/Problem Solution: A brief summary of the technology selected and the problem it solves or process it enhances.
Network Diagram: A network diagram of the existing network or a planned network (where appropriate). (You do not need to add wiring details or specs.)
Application of Telecommunications and Advanced Networking Technology Theory: Apply at least five of the telecommunication technology theories learned this semester to the emerging technology issue in order to determine how each theory would address or is related to the issue or area you are covering. (Required)
Structured Cabling Issues (where appropriate)
LAN Integration Issues (where appropriate)
WAN Integration Issues (where appropriate)
Technical Specifications: Technical specifications on the technology selected
Feasibility Study: Is it feasible? Discuss why the company should make the investment.
Operations Plan: Include an operations plan in your paper (where appropriate).
Other: Any other technology considerations and factors you would like to recommend.
Conclusion: Briefly summarize what your paper discussed and the conclusion(s) you reached in the paper.
Course Project
Introduction: Introduce and define the VoIP issue and explain why the issue is important.
Analysis: The analysis will have two sections.
First, examine the view that suggests that the technology you choose is a good emerging technology, and then discuss the implications for stakeholders (telecommunication and technology companies; the company's employees, management, technical staff, nontechnical staff; the company's customers and clients; and other business partners of your selected corporation). You may incorporate network diagrams, technical specifications, feasibility studies, an operations plan, and any applicable business or technology management issue you deem important to the company in transforming its corporate technology infrastructure.
Second, contrast and compare the benefits of the emerging technology you chose, as compared to past successful or unsuccessful telecommunications technologies you have in place. To what extent should the corporation change its technology foundation? Include current information on how the technology works. If you believe this is the best choice for the corporation, provide your rationale. Please examine and discuss each element of this objective.
Transition paragraph/sentences: Clear connections should be established between the pieces of the paper, including the emerging technology area; the analysis should utilize at least five advanced networking and telecommunications technology theories discussed in the course.
Application of telecommunications and advanced networking technology theory: Apply at least five of the telecommunication technology theories learned this semester to the emerging technology issue in order to determine how each theory would address or is related to the issue or area you are covering.
Conclusion: Briefly summarize what your paper discussed and the conclusion(s) you reached in it.
Style Points
The research paper is 10–15 pages in length (not including the Works Cited page).
Sources cited and documented using APA style. (Please see the Webliography for APA resources and post any questions you may have in the weekly Q & A.)
Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar: Points will be deducted for spelling and grammatical errors.
Paper written in 12-point Times New Roman font
Total Content and Style Points

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