Premium Essay

Genrays Communiation Plan


Submitted By katljohnson
Words 290
Pages 2
Communication Plan Template

GenRay’s HRIS System
Project Communication Plan

1 November 2013

Document|Author or Originator|Required Date or Frequency|Key Internal/ ExternalStakeholders|Action Required(I,C,A)|Comments|
Ongoing Project Status/ Records|Project Team Members|Daily or as Change is made|All Stakeholders|I|Project will be tracked on SharePoint Portal. All task/ milestone updates will be made by team members daily so Management can view overall status at any time. Issues are also tracked here, minor issues will be documented although no approval needed.|
Project Report|PM|Monthly|Select Team Leads, Senior Leaders|A|Team members will be present once per month to discuss project in person and answer any specifics that arose from daily project status. Check is progress is meeting Stakeholder expectations. Major issues are identified, discussed, and approved here|
Resource Meeting|PM|Bi-Weekly|Project Team, mid-level leaders|C|Team will meet bi-weekly to discuss progress and resource status. This will determine if budget or other resources will need to be changed and request will result from this meeting|
Performance Report|Section Leaders|Bi-Weekly|Team Leads|C|Leads will meet immediately following Resource Meeting to discuss performance of employees and the project to identify required changes|
Process Meeting|Section POC|As needed|Related Personnel|A|Prior to a major task/ milestone, previously identified personnel will meet to discuss plan of action to complete the task. Section lead will approve. Updates will be made to portal for management view.|
After Action Review (AAR) |PM|Once, End of Project|All |C|Report after meeting to discuss project overall success: what went right, what went wrong, what can we do better. |
Key: I: Information only; C: For review and comments; A: For review and