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Geocaching: A Short Story

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I know from asking my friends and family that there are lots of people out there that really have no idea what geocaching is. But I also know that once they hear about it they all want to give it a try. I didn't come by my interest personally, I happen to be married to a man bitten by the geocaching bug. He was much more into it than I planned to be, but he convinced me to give it a try and tag along with him on a trek into the mountains to find this elusive "cache". Okay, I didn't totally understand yet, but I was willing to give it a try.

We had the basic equipment, GPS, coordinates to where the cache was hidden and helpful clues. The weather was great and the mountains were beautiful, so why not give geocaching a try? We loaded the coordinates …show more content…
We found that we could find our route via "roads" or "direct". We had it set on "roads" and that's what it had done, it got us as close to the cache as it could following roads only. So we knew we were close, we drove up the road a bit further and started the GPS again, but this time as "direct". Now we had a clearer direction to follow. We got out of the Jeep and headed into the woods (remember to keep track of where you came from or use the breadcrumbs feature on your GPS). We entered a beautiful grove of Aspen trees, it was amazing. It was also obvious that a few cows loved that area, too. So, walking carefully we continued. We entered what had once been a lovely stand of trees, but now only stumps remained, perhaps the result of a fire years before. Now the "don't get stumped" clue made much more sense.

Even with our clue it took us a while to find the stump that held the cache. I have to admit it was fun to actually find it. To read the log and wonder about everyone that had been there before us. What they were like, where they were from. But that's me, I can give an entire history to a name in a log of someone that I will never even meet. We signed the log and put the cache back for the next

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