...January Composer of the Week George Frideric Handel George Frideric Handel was a baroque composer. Handel lived from 1685–1759. He was born on February 23, in Halle, Germany in 1685. Handel died in London, England, in 1759. Handel went to the University of Halle for his education. ndel went to the University of George Frideric Handel composed operas, oratorios and instrumentals. His most famous work was Messiah in 1741. He started composing oratorios, when Italian Operas were not in fashion anymore. He wrote his first operas with the Royal Academy of England before the New Royal Academy of Music. This happened in 1727. Handel wrote forty-two operas, twenty-nine oratorios, more than one hundred twenty cantatas, trios and duets, numerous arias, chamber music, a large number of ecumenical pieces, odes and serenatas, and sixteen organ concerti throughout his life....
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... |BAROQUE PERIOD |CLASSICAL PERIOD |ROMANTIC PERIOD |EARLY TWENTIETH- CENTURY | | | | | |PERIOD | |LIST 3 COMPOSERS |JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH |Ludwig van Beethoven |Vincenzo Bellini |Samuel Barber | | | | | | | | |George Philipp Telemann |Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin|Jean-Baptiste Duvernoy |Luciano Berio | | | | | | | | |George Frideric Handel |Christoph Willibald Gluck |Eliza Flower |Benjamin Britten | |For each Composer, list 3 |Johann Sebastian Bach- Wie |Ludwig van Beethoven- |Vincenzo Bellini- |Samuel Barber- Dover | |compositions |schön leuchtet der |Symphony No. 2, op. 36 (D |Adelson e Salvini, Bianca |Beach, Summer Music, and | | |Morgenstern, Ach Gott, vom |Major)," Symphony No. 3 |e Gernando, and Il pirata |Hermit Songs | | |Himmel sieh darein, and Ach |Eroica...
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...The Baroque Orchestra By Nunana Akoli Music during the Baroque period is known as the foundation for what is classical music, and one extremely important type of music is the Baroque Orchestra. This type of Orchestra was mainly practised from 1600 to 1750, following the death of one of the most influential composers of the time, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). During this time period, the Baroque Orchestra was created and developed by other very prominent composers of the time including George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713), Claudio Montreverdi (1567-1643), Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643), Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725), Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757), Giovanni Bbattista Pergolesi (1710-1736) and many more. The Baroque period took advantage of the detailed use of polyphony, which is the texture which consists of 2 or more melodic tones that are woven together and played simultaneously, opposed to music that just consists of a single melodic voice or one with a more dominant melodic voice which would then be accompanied by chords. The orchestra itself was carried by a variety of different instruments including: Strings -Violin, The origins of the violin date back to as far as the 9th century and were thought to be first used by the Persian geographer named Ibn Khurradadhibih. JS Bach, Antonio Vivaldi and Arcangelo Corelli were well known for being talented violinists; Violins replaced Viols which were much...
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...composed sacred cantatas for functions like weddings. Typically, his cantatas open with a short orchestral prelude which is followed by an extended chorus, then solo singing interlaced with the chorales, and finally closing with a hymn. Bach composed over 300 cantatas. These intimate works offer a very personal view of his spirituality, of his vision of life and death, and of his lifelong devotion to his Creator. Later vocal music owes much to these cantatas, from the exquisite, delicate miniatures of Romantic period song-cycles to the grandiose choral exaltation of the closing movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. In the 17th and 18th centuries composer wrote the music that their employers demanded of them. Unlike his close contemporary Handel, Bach never worked for an employer who was interested in or who promoted opera. In fact, much of Bach's life was spent in the employment of the church, which is why we have so many church cantatas, motets and the great Passions. Operas were supposed to be light entertainment. Bach wasn't famous for anything light at all; his music was considered too somber and complex by most of his contemporaries. Also, Bach did not like operas too much--...
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...Tutorial 10 Anita Carolina (1001129588) Both Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel were Baroque composers that were born in Germany at the same year of 1685. Bach was born in Eisenach and came with musical family background over 6 generations which was based on the region of Thuringia in the Central Germany. In contrast, Handel was born in Halle and from a non-musical family. Both of them had different educational progress throughout their lives. Bach, in his early years, attended Latin School, learned violin with his short-lived father, and later on, he would study music with his older brother, Johann Christoph Bach whom was an organist himself. And afterwards, Bach took 2 years to study French Repertoire and local orchestra style in Luneberg School; nonetheless, he never completed his study. In the other hand, Handel was supposedly asked by his father to study law, but out of his interest, he played music without the knowledge of his father and later on, his father would later allowed him studied music education in organ, harpsichord, counterpoint, German and Italian idioms with Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow as his organ playing impressed even the Duke. Other than keyboard instruments, he also learned how to play oboe and violin. In 1702, he entered the University of Halle and chosen as cathedral organist. In the entire life of Bach, he had 4 different positions in different German local cities. His first position was as a church organist at Arnstadt in 1703 while...
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...Moldenhauer Archives at the Library of Congress | Table of Contents Music History from Primary Sources An Introductory Essay Alfred Mann A vellum leaf, 22 by 17 cm., from a prayer book. The letter forms of early Gothic script suggest the twelfth century, or a period even earlier. Neumes (marked in red) are placed above the first four lines of the Latin text. The entire page is richly illuminated in black, red, and blue, with a heavy gold layer decorating the initial A for the phrase beginning "Adoro te." The leaf was obtained for the Moldenhauer Archives from the music dealer and publishing firm Schneider, Tutzing. The Art of Musical Notation In its primary sources, music merges with the representational arts. Oral tradition has played a fundamental role in all ages, but in its formal sense, history--and the history of music--begins with the visual record. Musical notation, having emerged on a wide scale in all civilizations, produced in itself a highly individual record of artistic endeavor. The medieval monks who compiled the missals and other liturgical books for the service of worship rose from their function as scribes to artists in their own right; among the greatest documents of Baroque art are the holographs by Bach; and an entirely novel phase in artistic musical score design was initiated in the twentieth century. The primary sources of music reproduced in this volume rely on various aspects of the graphic arts, but foremost among them stands the representation...
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...George Frederic Handel His Life, His Times and His Music Table of Contents Handel’s Life Handel’s Times Handel’s Music What to listen for in Handel’s music Concerto Grosso in B flat major, Op.3, No.2 Organ Concerto in F major, “The Cuckoo and the Nightingale” Water Music Suite Music for the Royal Fireworks “Arrival of the Queen of Sheba” Messiah 2 6 10 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 www.ArtsAlive.ca 1 Handel’s Life Handel was born in Halle, Germany, on February 23, 1685. He showed interest in music, but was not encouraged to develop it. His father hated music, considering it a pastime that showed weakness of character. He wanted his son to have the financially secure career of a lawyer and therefore wouldn’t allow young Handel to play an instrument. Nevertheless, Handel managed to learn to play the organ and clavichord – a small instrument that resembles a piano. One story suggests that Handel’s sympathetic mother smuggled the clavichord to him in the attic. By covering the strings with cloth, Handel was able to practice every night without being heard by his father. Handel might never have been allowed to practice music openly if it hadn’t been for a duke who heard him play the organ. The duke persuaded Handel’s father to allow him to take music lessons. The young boy’s first music teacher was F.W. Zachau, the organist of the Lutheran Church in Halle. Handel, who was about eight years old, made quick progress under Zachau’s direction, learning the organ, harpsichord...
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...Handel's music career for the first time been hampered by his parents, but his talent to make them change their mind. Bach is a musician's family and his voice is nurturing from a very young age. These people are like classical music, they also have a rough patch, became a famous music credibility. Both in different countries to teach music, although it was later stopped teaching. Handel is a violinist in London, and concentrated in opera, oratorio than the end of his career. The other hand, Bach's music director in Leipzig. Bach in his death became known as Handel than Bach's reputation. Handel wrote operas, the last cantata, Bach wrote orchestral 亨德尔的音乐生涯中第一次受到阻碍由他的父母,但他的才华,使他们改变主意。巴赫是一个音乐家的家庭和他的歌声是从小小年纪培育。这些人都喜欢古典音乐,他们也有一个粗略的补丁,才成为著名的音乐,有信誉的。两人都在不同的国家教音乐,虽然后来就停止了教学。韩德尔是一个小提琴手在伦敦工作,并集中在比对他的职业生涯结束的歌剧清唱剧。另一方面巴赫在莱比锡的音乐总监。虽然巴赫在他死后成为著名的亨德尔有超过巴赫的声誉。亨德尔写歌剧,最后清唱剧,巴赫写管弦乐 Unlike Renaissance Baroque music is a slight refinement of the continuity and the taste of it. There are too many instruments. On the other hand, the Baroque Music is designed to evoke emotional responses from the audience. An example is the music of the Renaissance, "Nuper rosarum Flores" Guillaume Dufay, Handel's "Messiah," This is a link to it so many emotions and fewer instrument examples of Baroque Music is very different. What is a clearer distinction between the words, all the instruments in the music, and put to music the emotional needs must be the development of the baroque music of that era. Music, shortly...
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...significant does it really give? Handel's "Messiah" is a great example of how knowledge and the nature of God/the holy can be conveyed through the use of music. The song “Messiah" was written by a German composer, George Friederic Handel and is one of the most well-known pieces of music. "Messiah" is an oratorio (a sacred text set to music without drama) and was first performed on 13th April 1742 in Dublin and received its London premiere nearly a year later. Handel's Messiah is divided into three different parts: part one focuses on the Isaiah prophecies about Jesus and the Messiah. Part two is based around Jesus death and therefore part three focuses on his resurrection. The 'Hallelujah' chorus is the most popular part of the composition and has been adapted into modern versions sung by various artists around the world. Furthermore the actual oratorio libretto was written by Charles Jenners, the song has several biblical scriptures which are from Old Testament and the New Testament. The song is split into 3 parts, the first part of the song is the prophecy of the coming Messiah, the second part of the song shows the life of Jesus, his suffering and how died. The last part is about Jesus' resurrection and judgement. The piece of music conveys insight of God and Handel himself...
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...Most of his pieces will reflect his strong North German Protestant religion, which was very common in his time. But unfortunately, by the age of ten, Bach became orphaned and lived with his older brother, Johann Christoph, who taught Bach to play the organ. In addition, his brother also enrolled him in a local school which helped benefit him further for his future musical career. However, Bach only stayed with his older brother until he was fifteen. Becoming a chorister at St. Michael’s Church in Lüneburg stemmed from Bach having a beautiful soprano voice. He then began to play the violin and harpsichord while at the church. Bach is famously known for being an organist virtuoso as well as a composer, and Bach’s influence for the organ was George Böhm. Because of this he was able to become an organist in Arnstadt in 1703 with his growing musical and technical skills. There, he provided music for religious services and other occasions in addition to giving music lessons. In 1707, he left Arnstadt for an organist position in Mühlhausen. At this church, he ran into some issues with the pastor as Bach started to create complex compositions with different melodic lines (as Bach was a polyphonist). Where, his pastor thought that church music should be simple, so Bach left and got another organist position in Kapelle of the Duke of Saxe‐Weimar in 1708. While being in all these churches, he wrote many of his best church cantatas for the organ. Many of these works became famous and popular...
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...Andrew Ellis MUSI 3510 Goldstein 21 November 2013 Keyboard Suites of Handel and Bach The period from 1600 to 1750 gave western music some of its most well-known and beloved works. During this time, referred to as the Baroque Period, these pieces were written by some of the most prolific composers of all time. These musicians came from across Europe. Frenchmen, Italians, Englishmen, Germans, and others all made great contributions and advancements toward the development of music as we know it. However two of these men were perhaps the most important of all - George Frideric Handel and Johann Sebastian Bach. While both of these men were born in Germany, the details of each of their employment in the musical profession includes vast differences in both the method by which they acquired their influences and the countries in which they held positions. The purpose of this essay is to use the details of each composer's life, prior to composition of the pieces in question, and musical examples from within the composition written from each man to differentiate and highlight specific writing styles and habits. Furthermore, two pieces will be from a genre that both Bach and Handel wrote in fairly extensively, the keyboard suite, will be used as these musical examples. Bach's English Suite No. 4 in F major (BWV 809) and Handel's Keyboard Suite No. 1 in A major (HWV 426) are the works that will be used. From Bach's Birth to His Time in Cothen Johann Sebastian Bach was born...
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...As a child, his father wanted Handel to study law. He soon realized his son was talented in music and allowed him to become a musician instead of going into law. When Handel was only 18 years old he had already composed his first opera. Handel grew up in a religious household but didn't play for the church instead he played for the monarch. When he was asked to compose court music he would but, he didn't usually write these. Handel wrote The Water Music which was composed for the king. As Handel grew older he swapped from opera music to oratorios. When he started writing oratorios he had more room to compose things that were more him and soon lead to Messiah. Handel never married like Bach did but, Handel did play for abandoned and orphaned children at his annual benefit concerts which always included his famous Messiah. Handel's sight came impaired in 1751 and was completely blind by 1753 and started having health problems. Even though Handel had lost all his vision and had failing health in 1759 he refused to miss Messiah being performed at the theatre on April 6. Just three short days later Handel passed away at his home. When Handel passed away he left part of his riches to charity. After his death, his arrangements influenced people for a century. Just like Bach's music his music wasn't played for a period and later...
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...Baroque Music Period “Baroque music expresses order, the fundamental order of the universe. Yet it is always lively and tuneful. Follow the development of music through this brief outline, from the earliest times to the present day, with baroque music set in historical context.” The style of polyphonic music containing elaborate ornamentation and contrasting elements, that is how Baroque music is defined. The Baroque era in music is not a set style in music but many diverse styles which may be broken down into at least three distinct periods. A renewed interest in art and music was experienced throughout the Renaissance which then led to the Baroque era which was more of a transitional stage leading up to the maturity of classical music in the Classical era which began as Baroque ended. Many people believe that the word baroque came from two different places. Some believe that it came from the word barocco, which is Italian and means bizarre or strange. Others believe that it is Portuguese and it came from the word barroco meaning distorted or irregularly shaped pearl. The barroco was considered more beautiful because of its uniqueness. Either way the name stuck. Instrumental music in the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras were called sonatas, concertos, and sinfonias interchangeably. The order and shape of their movements were often very similar. Works that used between five and seven violins with contino were often called sonatas and concertos, though they were more often...
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...Through the years of 1600 to 1820 there were two major musical eras the Baroque and Classical. Each era offered new innovations, impacted by historical events, which made them unique and relevant even in today’s time. During the Baroque era greats such as Bach and Handel emerged using their religious background to define music. During the Classical era Mozart, Beethoven, and others created this simplistic style that is still marveled by modern day musical enthusiasts. The Baroque era lasted from 1600 to 1750; this era can be broken into three different phases the early (1600-1640), middle (1640-1690), and late (1690-1750) (Kaimen 102). Two giants of this era where John Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) and George Frideric Handel (1685- 1759). The...
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...Done by: Alain Camous Professor Payne March 7, 2012 ENC 1102 Outline Baroque era was where the most important turn in music took place with its unique arts and its controversial styles to music in its time. I. Definition of Baroque Era A. Can mean different things 1. Bizarre 2. Flamboyant 3. Elaborately Ornamented. 4. Historians meaning a. Used to indicate the particular style in all different forms of art. B. Known as “the age of absolutism” 1. Royals abuse power 2. Throws Bach into jail for asking to leave the job C. Shaping of the world 1. Newton 2. Galileo II. Baroque era music and phases A. Famous composers of the time 1. Johann Sebastian Bach 2. George Frideric Handel 3. Monteverdi 4. Purcell 5. Corelli 6. Vivaldi B. Phases in the Baroque era 1. Early 2. Middle 3. Late III. Early Phase A. Homophonic over Polyphonic 1. Two different melodies rather than many IV. Middle Phase A. Spread from Italy to every country in Europe 1. Influenced churches B. Scales gave a new outlook to music in the world V. Late Phase A. Music composed still played today in band rooms all over the world B. Instrumental music more important than vocal music VI. Characteristics of Baroque A. Seven different categories 1. Unity of Mood a. One basic mood b. Emotional states represented 2. Rhythm a. Beat has a pattern 1. Can affect...
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